Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Old Stuff

Working with the Metal Lords gave Ra a bit more freedom to come and go when and as she wanted. While having her duties with them, she was a merchant at the same time. New opportunities to buy, trade and sell were meant to be explored. Within her now established Merchant Fleet, she had a second in command and could leave him to run things day to day if she needed to leave for a little while. When an ad appeared for a sale that was going to take place on Bespin, she knew she needed to go.

Making arrangements, she did not expect to be gone for more than three days and she left her fleet behind for a while.

The sale was going to be held on Bespin so she arranged clearance to go through First Order territory unmolested and relatively unquestioned. If she was stopped and asked, she would show them the ad for the sale and her registration to be there along with the clearance she had been given.

Arriving, Ra set her ship down at the spaceport and got one of the taxis there to take her to the designated location for the sale. By the time she arrived many of the older models were the only ones left. One newer did catch her eye though and she almost wondered why it hadn't been purchased yet.

Getting the attention of the owner after he had completed a transaction with one of the others, he approached her. Pointing at the inactive droid, Ra looked back at him.

"What is the price of that one and is there anything wrong with it?"

The programmed gender was unknown to Ra so she kept it simple when she asked.

"Well, the Price is not going to be cheap...this is a one of a kind droid. So I'm going to ask for 4.5 million Credits."

The Owner was serious about the price, as he wanted to get top dollar for giving up this droid to @Ra'a'mah. If she was going to buy this droid off of him, he wanted to make sure he was gonna take a good amount of money. Charl13 was sitting on a chair right next to them, currently deactivated as the reprogramming had been completed not only 2 days before the woman arrived to buy him off the bar owner.
"Yeah it's one of a kind just like all the others that were made like it. Look, you're trying to swindle me and pull a fast one."

It would be obvious to the owner, she knew what she was talking about. Picking at the various other droids he had for sale, she could tell him what models they were, approximate age and who had manufactured them. Looking at Charl, even deactivated, Ra could pick out certain details of manufacture and turned her attention to the man.

Not quite but almost entering his personal space, Ra would not be intimidated by his height.

"It isn't worth that much. You'll be lucky to get half that for him. So I tell you what, I'll offer one million."

Now the bartering began.

"One Million? Nah...3 Million."
It was obvious the owner was not gonna give uo Charl13 so easily for just one million. He needed more than one mil to upgrade the way the club looked, and he wanted to get as much for him from [member='Ra'a'mah']as he possibly could.
Ra had yet to employ using the Force to persuade the owner, but it didn't look like she was going to need to with him. He lowered the price closer to what the droid was worth, but still a little too high.

"You never told me why you want to sell it. What's wrong with it? The others here it is obvious, missing parts of the body or a glitch in the programming."

Tapping her chin, she looked up at him and waited for an answer. Not offering a price as yet...testing his patience on making the sale.

"Oh, I tried turning him on, give the ladies a male dancer for once...but when I came back an hour later, he changed his appearance to a Twi'lek girl. Every time I tell him to stay as the way he is, he changes to something else. The price is so high because the parts are rare...whoever built this droid meant for him to be perfect in his job...Which could of been with the Hutt Cartel. Who Knows?"

He explained to [member='Ra'a'mah'] why he was selling the droid, as this became a common theme with him. The owner was under the assumption that the droid was changing form every time due to a defect, or just straight up disobedience, something he would not stand for.
"It might be a simple case of a malfunctioning hologram implant. As for the parts, trust me, I know how to get more."

Working with the Metal ​Lords had its advantages and getting parts was one of them. However, if she bought this one, it would be for herself.

"So how did you come by him then?"

The programmed gender established, Ra had no issue now calling the droid male.

"Since the price of the malfunctioning part would be about 25,000 for his model, I'll offer 2.5 to include the price of manual labor required to replace the part."

"Deal. I got it from some Cartel thugs...they just left it behind in Cloud City."

He reached out to shake her hand to seal the deal, thus giving Charl13 to her. He knew that if he sold it off before the Hutt Cartel came back for the droid, He could simply say that he had no idea where it went. It was a fool proof plan.


(Sorry for the super short post.)
Shaking his hand, Ra then signed off the credits over to him and waited for him to activate the droid. She wanted to see what form he took and if he changed like a malfunctioning part would.

However he had acquired it seemed rather fishy, but if the droid had a faulty part it might explain things.

"Alright. Let's get this over with."

He activated Charl13, and once he booted up, he stood up and looked around. Once he finished looking around, he looked down at the owner of the club, a smile growing on his face.

"Oh, Greetings Sir. May I be of any assistance?"

Charl13 spoke out imediatlly once he was powered up, asking the owner what he wanted, before being told that he was being sold off to @Ra'a'mah. Charl13 accepted that without a second thought. The accent was that of a Corellian Male, which was following the base programming of his standard appearance. Charl13 had blue eyes and brown hair, along with wearing the standard outfit of a Smuggler, but sounding like a proper butler, if this butler was also hired to sound arousing and teasing while doing his job. It was the voice he was reprogrammed to have, as to tease customers while he spoke, no matter what he said. He looked over to Ra with the same smile on his face.

"Greetings Mistress. I am Charl13, and I have been told you have bought me into your service. May I ask what my primary job shall be under your employ, Miss?"
Her appraising eye and ear picked out the details of him once he was powered up and she nodded. His tone meant to be pleasing also held a touch of allure to it. It was professional though, whoever made the voice modulator had done good work. The smile was a touch creepy to Ra, but figured it was just part of the programming and would get used to it.

He asked what his primary job function was going to be, but she waited to answer.

"Let's get out of here and I'll tell you on the way to my ship."

Turning away, she expected the droid to fall into step with her.

"My name is Ra. Nice to meet you Charl13. I'll figure out something to call you unless you prefer your full name."

Charl13 followed her over to her ship, as she was his new owner now.

"Greetings, Ra. I don't mind you using my first name, Mistress, but for you to pronounce it just simply as Charlie. Do you wish for me to do anything to assist you, please let me know."

He was immediately ready to accept any assignment @Ra'a'mah gave to him once they got on board, as he knew his main purpose was to serve and, if need be, please her as she needed. He managed to get to the ship first, but waited for her to get on first, as she was the person in charge here.
Giving a simple nod as she led him to her ship, Ra kept an eye on him to see if he changed his appearance at all in the journey. He didn't so that led her feel when he did it before was more out of spite than some sort of malfunction.

"Charlie, very well. Just call me Ra unless the situation requires more. What were you programmed for?"

Lowering the ramp of the ship, Ra went in and waited on an answer from him. She intended to have him work with her within the merchant fleet for the Metal Lords and keep him on her flagship with them.

"I was originally programmed to be an assassination unit for the Hutt Cartel on Nar Shaddaa, before my previous 'owner' stole me from their transport when they landed in cloud city for a pit stop. He then added more programs that were basically for dancing and 'servicing' other patrons of his Club. I was not a fan of the fact he wanted me to stay in this form, so I decided to please the majority of the patrons rather than the minority."

He didn't like to agknowledge his owner with their name unless it had some form of a title behind it, mainly Miss in this instance. He followed behind her onto the ramp, and entered her ship as a new protocol droid her his new mistress and owner, @Ra'a'mah.
"Assassination? Really? Now that does interest me."

When he had said that, she​ stopped and turned around to look at him with her hand on her chin and her fingers coming up slightly on her face in thought.

"Which would you rather be?"

Ra had so far kept from most people that fact she was sith, but not only that, she was a trained assassin. Perhaps he wanted to continue down that line of work. If he wanted to, then she could certainly use him on the field.

"To be honest, Miss Ra...I've rather enjoyed entertaining people by dancing. I would like to be more of a butler and personal...'entertainer' for you. I did not like the idea of being an assassin, as I don't feel like I was built in the style of a combat model."

He didn't say this just because of him being put on the job of dancing, but because he did like the idea of entertaining organics by just dancing on a stage with a pole in the middle of it. The fact that he could change his appearance for a few extra credits on the request of the patron was a rather attractive ability...even for him, the one who was using this ability. He didn't know what @Ra'a'mah had for her tastes, but if she wanted him to remain as a butler and personal dancer for her, He'd be happy to dive into those tastes for her enjoyment.
"Very well. In my own home, I already have a human butler, so will have you on my flagship in that capacity. Would you like to go there now?"

The thought of having him 'entertain' her actually sent chills through her, Ra had a fear of droids and had no desire to have one do anything of that idea for her personally. She almost wished he wanted to be an assassin, but she was already one and could perform that duty better than a droid anyway.

Walking to the cockpit of her ship, she set course to return to the Metal Lords area of control. Once that was set, she returned to Charl13.

"I'm not sure what you need for personal comfort as you're actually the first droid I've ever owned."

"I am capable of maintaining my own functionality, Miss. If you want me to be posted on your flagship, then so be it, Miss."

He sat down in the cock pit, but not in the co-pilot seat, but some where in the back. This is so then if she wanted him to sit next to her, she's tell him instead of him assuming that she wanted that.

"Oh, and about the human butler you already have, I would not mind working with him or her, unless the purpose of assigning me onto your flagship is to keep the two of us separate, which I also have no issue with."

He looked down at his clothes, and then back at @Ra'a'mah, as he changes his original outfit into that of a Tux and a bow-tie, so then he make look more formal when he arrives on board her ship.

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