Who do you think you are?
The echo, cold yet true, sounded within the Dar'manda's mind.
Yet he did his absolute best to close it out. He had to. There was work to be done.
Do you truly think that you can be rid of me?
The echo, cold yet true, sounded within the Dar'manda's mind.
Yet he did his absolute best to close it out. He had to. There was work to be done.
Do you truly think that you can be rid of me?
Alaris Prime.
This was an unremarkable world. In fact, it was the definition of far-flung. If not for the resources amassed over his lifetime, the Dar'manda would not have been able to locate this planet. The fact of the matter was, he had a rather unique dilemma on his hands: one that could not be solved by typical means. The reclamation of Mount Tantiss had been a victory on many fronts. Wayland, as a whole, had returned to the United Clans; as had a solid number of the Death Watch. In addition, a symbolic victory was won within the bowels of Palpatine's Vaults: the re-emergence of the infamous Darksaber. The fabled weapon that had guided the ancient Death Watch had now found itself in the hands of a faithful, True Mandalorian.
But what did that mean, exactly?
It meant that Isley Verd was in a rather unique situation.
He, as the successor of Ijaat Akun, stood upon the precipice of House Mereel. Yet within his hands rested the weapon of House Viszla. Quite literally, the Dar'manda was the intersection of two warring halves; yet perhaps he could guide them into being whole again. Perhaps, if his ambitions were realized, the sordid state of the Clans could be converted into a new, shining era. The Galactic stage was ready for such a period of Mandalorian dominance. The Primeval was dead. The One Sith was standing upon a shaky foundation. The Republic was in tatters. All that stood in the way of a Mandalorian Golden Age...were the Mandalorians themselves. In truth, the Dar'manda thought himself worthy of ushering in the winds of change.
But first, he had a piece of history to repair.
You see, not every ancient relic can escape the ravages of time. Not ever vessel, saber, or holocron can survive eons without damage. Such was the case with the Dark Saber. Thousands of years had passed since its creation; and hundreds had passed since its last use. It was, regrettably, in severe disrepair...and Isley would not dishonor its history by tainting it with modern additions. Instead, he would make a pilgrimage to the furthest corners of the Galaxy to a place known as Alaris Prime.
Yet what awaited him upon this forgotten, Jedi world?