Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Once and Future Queen

The Eternal Queen
Naboo- Theed
Election day

Feena was waiting. Only two hours left. Her family was watching the numbers, but Feena was not. She didn't want to know. Didn't want expectations. She would either win, or she wouldn't. She would be Queen, or she would try again in four years.

She paced her office, stopping now and again to look outside her window. If she won, she would head out to make her acceptance speech. If not, then she would also go out to congratulate her opponent. Either way, she would have to speak to her people.

Her campaign manager seemed to think she had a good chance. Her approval numbers were high, much higher than her opponent. For now, at least. That was at last check. Things could change in an instant. Druckenwell was a horrible reminder of that every day.
[member="Feena Mason"]

Knight had arrived and was in the office... mostly because she was an exarch they had official things like this and if Feena won she had been supporting her since the beginning. If she lost well then it was not her time and the better person won, best political dickery she could get while standing there and clasping her hands behind her back. "Patience Lady Mason, the time will not tick by faster if you pace. We will see in time and I am certain the best person for the position will be chosen."
Norge did not care about Naboo. What he did care about, was that ebony haired, wide berthing hipped, perfect candidate for a Queen that was running. He was a famous holofilm maker, everyone knew him. They had to. He was Norge Rucras. Who in Corellia's Nine Hells hadn't heard of Snar Doors?

He lounged back in his business chair. Piggy feet swept up and onto the pink bean bag he used as a table. He settled his hands on his gut that was not unlike a hill, or a mountain. The holovision flicked on to the results of the Naboo elections, and Norge squealed with delight.

"I hope she got my chocolates. And the movies. And the kitten. I love that kitten. I hope she likes my Go Fendo!" He thrust a fist into the air, and stuffed his hand into another bag of chewy snacks. "Er, Feener. Whatever."
Romeo wanted to try his luck on something, being some idiot in the background watching for anything suspicious, that meaning...assassins, bounty hunters, and the like. Elections can be..dangerous to ones health. He had climbed the top of the maybe, possibly future queen's office. He birched like a bird, watching everything below him. People were watching holoscreens on the news and numbers. He yawned.
-Why do I do stupid things?-
He heard a door open.
"Halt right there!" The sound of guns readying on him filled his ears.
-Oh wonderful.-
He turned slowly with his hands up in the air.
"Can I hell you officer?" He said mocking.
"This area is off limits!" Two more guards popped up behind the first. More weapons trained on him.
"Really? I don't see a sign that says so." He mocked again.
"Shut up, and put your hands behind your back." He obliged.
They put handcuffs on him, and took him down the stairs.
"Where are we going? Just curious."
He asked.
The guards didn't say a word, but he realized something. Their uniforms were...dirty, and a little mismatch.
-Assassins...- he thought to himself.
What did he do? That's when they finally entered a door...sure enough...Romeo had coming.
There was the future Queen, and her family.
Now lets stop and think about this. Romeo is dressed in what looks like a Dark Jedi with a mask...escorted in handcuffs by guards in the royal section.
"You're highness, we found this man on top of your roof. Spying no doubt. I think your competition hired him." The first guard said.
-Oh..lovely. No way I can truly defend myself to that.- he thought to himself.
[member="Feena Mason"] [member="Knight"] [member="Norge Rucras"]
The Eternal Queen
Feena took a seat at her desk, and took a deep breath. Yes. The lady was right about her pacing. It wouldn't do a thing for her. She sighed, opened her locked drawer and glanced inside at the password protected case hidden inside. Bethany Kismets holocron was in there. She'd feel better if she could just open it up and speak to the gatekeeper. Maybe practice a new technique. If only. Now wasn't the time for that.
Her eyes then went to the small pile of... presents. It seemed she had an admirer of some sort. a rather... unique one.

"You know," Feena spoke up at last, "I could really go for a nice cup of tea-"

"You're highness, we found this man on top of your roof. Spying no doubt. I think your competition hired him."

There were reasons that Feena had chosen to take a career as a public servant. One, she had a very good sense of how people were feeling. Two, she had a wonderful ability to speak to the public.
And three, because she was able to quickly get to know people on a personal level. She remembered faces, remembered stories, remembered where she met them.

And this was when that last talent came into good use. She didn't know these guards. And something about what they called her struck her as... odd. Highness. She was not a Queen yet. Any of her guards would have said 'My Lady', or 'Lady Feenarah'. Her eyes narrowed somewhat, but she kept very calm. Play ignorant until her suspicions her proven true. Even Feena made mistakes.

"Indeed? Then he must join me for tea. Come, boy, sit. I could use to company. And you-" she turned her attention to the guard that hd brought the boy in, "Let K know that I am ready for my tea."

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Knight"]
star made her way into the spaceport calling in to confirm her landing as she sat down and got out looking around, the city was beautiful it always was when she came but know it seems it was in a bigger movement, after asking around she foumd out election were goinh on, she smiled and kept walking keepimg her sabers hidden
[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Feena Mason"] [member="Knight"] [member="Norge Rucras"]


The Fugitive Slave
Elections meant little to the blind man. He made his way through the crowded streets and past the holoscreens counting numbers. From what he could hear it was really going well for someone. But this was not his home and he would not mingle in politics, 'yet'. He made his way towards the square taking a deep breath as he examined everyone their face when he passed them by. He stood out like a sore thumb. All armored up on election day. Security was tight but he had no choice. He was here until he could depart again but due to the elections the amount of public transport was impossible. "Hmmnnn something.." He muttered quietly to himself as he turned around staring around as he could not immediately see what gave him the shivers. "Something seems to be off." The feeling quickly faded again as he ran his fingers slowly along the side of his head before heading off again.

"It's election day. Something feels off. What happens mostly on elections ?" X'Svante stared at the holoscreens still displaying numbers. "Bad things happen. To whom do they happen ?" His head shifted in the direction of the heavily guarded buildings in the distance. "To the victor go the spoils hmm ?" X'Svante smiled as he mingled with the crowd using them to make his way to the guarded postings.

[member="Romeo Sin"] / [member="Feena Mason"] / [member="Knight"] / [member="stardust"]
@X'Svante [member="stardust"] [member="Feena Mason"] [member="Romeo Sin"]

Kmight looked at Feena and the mention of tea had her nodding her head. That was a lovely idea and her head flicked to the people being brought in, intersting but they seemed to be Feena's for the moment while she was unaware of the potential queens inner wheels. She grabbed one of the trays of tea with a pot and cups, sugar and small plates for them to sit them on. Her head turned to take in the sight of the one who hd joined their little group with all the others around and she set the tray down offering a smile. "Always good to have another supporter." Her smile remained and she shifted a little changing the color of her robes and the length to make it more presentable and proper. "I believe they brought herbal root for the building."
The handcuffs came off, and it took everything he had not to just bluth it out.
-I must be crazy, tea?- he thought to himself. He bowed before her. "Your lady, thank you for showing your graceful mercy."
-Here I am kissing butt hoping its not my..wait- he saw it in her eyes. She had already noticed something was off about the guards.
-She saw right through them.-
"Merciful lady, I assure you, I'm no competition's lackey." He didn't know how to blurt put something like that. Oddly enough one of the three guards stayed.
-Well actually not that odd.-
He watched the man in the corner of his eyes. Any moment that idiot was gonna happy finger, and start firing away. Least that's what he thought.
-Go ahead. Idiots forgot to check my thigh when they patted me down-


The future queen's door got busted open, causing his instinct to kick in, and position his body between the false guards and The Lady.
-A little ahead of schedule. Over achievers- he thought to himself.
"Well, your right. We have ourselves a little hero here don't we?" A new large false guard stepped forward. Romeo already counted five total.
-How do I take them down without ruining the woman's room?- he though to himself
"Step aside boy, let us kill the woman, then kill you."
-That's a stupid request.-
He stood in a fighting position, with open hands.
"My Lady I don't think I can take out the trash without making a small mess, but I promise you, these men won't succeed today." He said to her as his lightsaber flew into his hand, and its red blade ignited.
"Oh so a Sith? Then maybe you should help us boy. Help is get out, there's a lot of credits in this job."
-There's a lot of honor in doing what's right.-
That's what mattered. Saving this woman. Why? She was hope to a better tomorrow.
-No ones touching a hair on that woman.-
[member="Feena Mason"] [member="stardust"] [member="Knight"] @
star stood smiling around but heard the fainest sound of a explosion coning from the palacr, runninh quickly and cutting down a alley way amd jumpinh on a buolding to another msking hwr way to the palace bedore coming to where she heard the sound, sge felt a familar presence and smiked as she crept up sending a sense throught the force to [member="Romeo Sin"]
[member="Knight"] [member="Feena Mason"]
The Eternal Queen
If death was what they thought she would fear, her attacker was quite stupid indeed. Feena did not move from her desk. She placed her hands down on the top, back straight, eyes focused ahead. She was the image of full composure.
Mess. She vaguely heard the young man say something about making a mess. Well. That was a shame.

"Best get to it then, boy," she ordered in a cool flat voice, "But you are forbidden from killing in my presence."

Her eyes flashed to where her door once was. Felicity and Celeste were in the parlor with Uncle Barnabus and Slevin. They would watch over her daughters for her, but that did not mean the aspiring Queen was without worry for them. Even so, victory only came when you refused to allow your enemy to harm you. Bodies could be mended. The soul could not.

Feenarah Mason refused to lose this one. She would be better than the one who sought to harm her. She would win with mercy.

[member="Knight"] [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="stardust"]
"As you wish, My Lady."
He rushed them without words exchanged. Two shots fired. Two shots deflected by his lightsaber, they hit a wall.
-Need less damage more knockouts.-
With a swift telekentic push, a false guard slammed into the wall, and fell over unconscious.
-There we go.-
"Get him!!" The large false guard yelled. Two more closed in, but Romeo elbowed one to the face, breaking it.
-Well there's another.-
Another went after the woman, [member="Knight"]
Romeo sprinted with all his might to intercept, getting stabbed in the shoulder throwing himself in between.
Pain courses through his chest. Blood oozed from his wound.
-That hurts.- he thought to himself.
-not really.-
He sent a knee to the man's chest, and a quick blow to the top of the head with the safe end of his lightsaber.
"What are you? Handicapped!?" the leader roared, and slung the second to last poor soul at Romeo.
Romeo jumped up with ease, sending a kick to hid back, making fall to the ground. Romeo lifted him up with TK and sent him flying backwards at the leader.
He touched the unconscious man.
He charged Romeo with a sword, and they sword locked. He pushed back against Romeo with all his strength. He was way stronger than Romeo, but he deactivated hid lightsaber, spinning around the large man, grabbing his metal bracer, and pushing him to the ground as he had already lost balance.
He quickly grabbed the other metal bracer, and held them together. He concentrated on hid hands heating up, melting them together.
-Relatively quick.-
He hauled him up, and slammed him into the floor, and lifted him back to his feet.
"Well..their not dead.." he said as he brought to the future queen. His hands behind his back, with metal bracers melted as makeshift cuffs.

"Are you alright?" He asked to the other woman. He sensed someone was nearby, someone familiar nearby.
-More trouble? Probably not..hopefully.-

[member="Knight"] [member="Feena Mason"]
stardust jumped in with a smile looking at the diwned men with a slight grin"i say most get the door slammed in there face but this....well is above that"dtar said trying to makw a joke as she bowed seeing [member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Knight"] amd [member="Feena Mason"] " forgive my intrusion i heard a explosuon and had to find out since it came from the palace
The Eternal Queen
The Lady blinked. No. They weren't dead. But they might be if someone didn't step in to provide medical attention. In this case, that had to be Feena.

She stood up from her desk at last, carefully pushing her chair in behind her.

"That one-" she pointed to the one in the cuffs, "Set him down at the coffee table. Make him comfortable."

As for the others, Feena knelt beside them, wordlessly putting her hands on their wounds, closing them, healing from the inside. They would live. And then they could be questioned.

And then at random, another stranger arrived in her personal office.
Where were her actual guards when she needed them? Why were these strangers allowed in the Palace in the first place without an escort?

"You, Boy, come here. You are injured as well."

[member="Romeo Sin"]
Knight didn't looked phased... she saw the ones come in and she moved. Mostly in front of Feena for safety as she heard her speak and moved her fingers to her sides to touch the tonfa's and stopped. "Are you certain not killing is the wisest move?" She didn't say it snide more with curiosity and wonderment. She could see the appeal of not killing, respect it even but that didn't mean she liked it. There were some dangerous people in the galaxy but no matter. She let pink energy crackle. Electric judgement going between her fingers to stun and knock out just as full and strong as sith lightning. She let out some as turning to see more people came the fight was over. The boy doing much while knight put her hands to her hips. Feena was going to heal them it seemed and now she was weary seeing the girl come in while her eyebrow raised. "Lady Mason we should be careful."
He sighed. "I'm not a boy..." he mumbled to himself, as he lifted the man to the chair seated at the coffee table.
-Shush Romeo.- he thought to himself.
He watched her heal the men, and felt no remorse for them, rather that they should praise her for her mercy.
"It is just a stab wound. My Lady has better things to worry about." He said
-If she saw me shirtless, she'd see all the scars...-
Hopefully this woman didn't read minds too.
He nodded to Stardust, and didn't truly attempt to deny the future Queen's request. He stood attentive for her to do the magical healing thing he did.
"My apologizes rudeness, and ignorance..." he spoke with truth behind his words. [member="Feena Mason"]
stardust stopped where she was and looked around in awe"heh i was born on thus llanet amd never got to see the inside of this place"she said to herself befire looking at [member="Romeo Sin"] and [member="Feena Mason"] "so your tge one in the electikn huh
The Eternal Queen
"Lady Mason we should be careful."

"Careful really was never my specialty," Feena murmured, moving to the boy to touch against his stab wound.
Just a stab wound, he said, better things to do. The Lady tilted her head to the side, hand glowing a faint white/blue as she stitched the flesh together.
"Now... what were you doing here? I can assume you aren't here to kill me, as I am still alive right now," she laughed lightly, removing her hand. Hardly a scar would be seen under the bloody shirt. "And I can gather from this attack that they've tallied the votes so far... and I am winning."

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Knight"]
stardust would laugh litghtly at what [member="Feena Mason"] said"no no i couldnt hahaha i wouldnt not unless attacked that is"star appiached closer" as fir why im here i heard a explosion up here and came to investigate why.....kinda sad the used explosives the ruined the beauty
"Blast!" Tiberius cursed from a different rooftop watching the fight unfold through the scope of his high powered rifle as the would be assassins were easily dispatched. He was hired to take out this candidate before the elections were over but since the rookie assassins failed attempt security would be higher and he would still have to somehow get off this planet. He wasn't sure why someone wanted this lady dead but they did and had hired him to do the job, and he would have been successful if those rookies didn't get in the way. "Well that's a few thousand credits down the drain" the bounty hunter mumbled under his breath. Tiberius engaged his jetpack and took off from the roof landing in an alley running along the main street. Tiberius removed his helmet and disassembled his rifle, he was certain someone probably saw him take off from the roof so he wanted to blend in as much as possible. He threw a short robe over his head that hung down covering most of his custom mandalorian armor and stepped out into the busy streets heading towards the palace...the election wasn't won yet and he still had some time to complete the job after all.

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