Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Only Thing That's Mine (Hutt Cartel-PM for invite please)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The White Palace. Kay had been there many times, first as an invited guest and other times, not so much. Being there once more made her feel a bit of anxiety. The last time she was on this planet, she had been taken to the slave camp, only to later be brought to a mental institution created by @Thraxis in an attempt to break her. For the most part it failed, but it did leave her doubting herself more, questioning what was reality and also decreasing her slave liberation activities to a degree.

With rumours spreading of the Hutt Cartel being a disbanded mess, Kay took it upon herself to make her way over there and to look for her lightsaber. It was taken when she was first captured and she knew that Sempra had it displayed somewhere. She just had to find it. The hilt of the saber itself was kind of pretty to look at as it was brass in colour, a gift from her late husband. Though she hardly used it much, that lightsaber had a lot of sentimental value.

Getting near to the White Palace was easy as she disguised herself as a spice smuggler, hiding her face and head with a scarf. She also plumped up her figure a bit with extra clothing.

There weren't very many guards as the palace seemed almost abandoned. So she went off to one of the first rooms that she had thought to look. The Throne Room. From what she heard, the newest leader was busy on his own world of Trandosha. But that could be just a rumour. Kay needed to take advantage of it anyways. So far so good.

[member="Vinskk Revamp"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
Thraxis had been busy, he had little knowledge of what had happened in the Cartel, he was occupied with taking prisoners, drinking down the Cartel's Grog and helping when he could attack planets, though the latter seemed seldom to occur anymore, though he imagined that was due to Sempra Negotiating.

"Arrrggghhh..." he screamed through the Pit, his voice becoming mixed in with the screams of the prisoners and the laughs of the Pig Men that walked its bloodied halls. Soon a large pig Man walked into his office, his face battered and covered in cloth only showing his Teeth, his eyes and horns, each one a foreboding image to see, his horns had been bloodied and turned to steel, his Teeth had met the same fate, and his eyes. They showed the horrors he had seen, and the joy he saw from those experiences. "Whats wrong Boss?" he chocked out, their voices were already hard enough to understand in Galactic basic, but with a burnt out voice box, his voice had become like sand, coarse and harsh to the touch.

"Everything, I mean, can you tell me the last time we had someone interesting come into the Pit, just someone with an Iron Clad will? Or even a Force User. Its like they have all just... poofed." he said disgruntled, his eyes rolling back as he rocked his chair back and fourth with his legs as they pushed against the bloody table, paperwork he had snuck from Flannigan Mcnash to make it look like he was busy in his office. "Well Boss, there was that Jedi Knight we took a while back, and that Pirate Captain." his voice still fumbling in a near incoherent manner, though Thraxis took time to learn his mannerisms and understand what he said. "Oh they were no fun, the Jedi tried to start a rebellion thinking he could use the Force but the lizards dealt with that. And that Pirate Captain was about as hard to break as a Twig. I mean, I have seen Rich Upper Class people last longer on the Sander then he did." he said as he flailed his arms about, almost losing balance a few times.

He stood up and walked past the Pig Man, "I'm gettin' a drink. You take the helm for a while. If I need you I will call ya." he whinged as he walked past, heading towards the elevator to grab some booze.
[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The throne room appeared empty. Good. Kay wandered through it, looking along the walls fir any sign of her lightsaber. There was none. No weapon trophies were there to be had. Just tapestries and paintings. As she came across the cracks on the floor that on a previous visit revealed a fight pit, she slowed down recalling the slaves that were lined up and then thrown in to their deaths. It made her realize the cruelty of the Hutts and their disregard for life.

She soon left the throne room and headed down one of the hallways. It was hard to tell, but she thought that she could hear voices. Of course it could be the wind blowing through various open windows, but she had her blaster on her, just in case.

Which door to go through? Kay contemplated going either right or left, until finally she just chose left. The first door on that side was locked, but the second wasn't. So she stepped inside, quietly closing the door behind her. It was like one of the guest sitting rooms, though there were stuffed dead animals of various species on the walls, the floor, as well as some trunks. Good place to start as any.

[member="Thraxis"] [member="Tiali Orazio"]
The elevator soon reached the top, the screams dying out as he got closer to the surface. His hand rummaging through his trench coat to count how many vials he would need to refill, "Okay, so nine carry the eight that gives me.... 12!" he said triumphantly, with little to no real idea what he was talking about, math tended to go over his head. Sometimes its nice just to feel smart.

Soon the elevator halted with a grind, the chains slowly starting to lock into place and hold the elevator up as Thraxis proceeded to walk of the elevator, a whiff of air blowing through the hallway. His head looking down both ways, a figure in robes glimpsed past his line of sight, though he paid little heed, the Guardsmen would deal with it soon enough. Or else there would be dire consequences.

As he mozied through the halls he noticed it to be a little... quiet to say the least. "Huh. Wonder where everyone is." he said as he scratched his head. Though it was quickly pushed to the back of his head as he approached the bar. A small shriveled man was waiting there, with a large Trandoshan guard standing at the ready to make sure no ruffians got cocky and started a fight, though this security was unnecessary in the Cartel. The turrets would deal with any would be intruders. He walked over to the bar and jumped over, the shriveled man paying little attention to Thraxis antics, after the years getting use to his antics. He put his vials underneath a bunch of different kegs and started to empty them and fill his vials, all the while singing a tune.

~Monsters walk the halls at night,
devils sing a tune,
children sit alone in beds
while mam and pa get slaughtered true,
oh when the children shake alone,
the devil comes and plays a tune.

Little ones close your eyes,
for survivors that you be,
shall take upon your parents sin,
and soon I shall come for thee~

He sung in repeat, he never knew the end of the song, though it was probably for the best, he never had the best singing voice. After a few more minutes of horrifically bad singing, something out of a nightmare. As the last few drops fell in he started to walk back, once again seeing the scurrying figure he pulled out a communication device, "We got a street rat runnin' about. Get some guards to get her and take her back to my quarters. Mainly the Pitt." he muttered as he continued his way back to his office.
[member="Lady Kay"]
Tiali was wearing his custom made Urban camo suit Mk-I his visor covering his face vibroblades on the top side of his forearms and awrist mounted sonic pistol on his right under forearm. The tikulini leather covering most of his body with durasteel helmet, shoulder pads and chest guard. His belt had an assortment of grenades and a JT-12 jetpack attached to his back. to the lower parts he wore magno-grip boots, with two LL-30 pistols either side of his thighs.

Tiali Sat on a bar stool at a small bar in the corner of the Throne room. He stares into his novanian grog, he rubs his hand through his hair and lets out a deep breath. The sound of Kay walking through the rather empty room made him turn to face Kay. What are they doing? A theif Maybe? there acting abit suspicious whoever they are?

He stands up from the stool sliding his hood over "I guess I better check this out." he throws some credits on the the bar table and begins to follow the new arrival

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Well the trunks were a shocking disappointment. They contained salvaged Wookie fur blankets. Kay left the guest room and stood in the hallway for a moment. This was going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack. And it wasn't as though she could just go and outright ask for it. No. She had to keep looking.

She started off to the next wing, believing that the one she was in housed just the guest rooms. Time was not on her side, for the longer that she was there, the easier it was for her to be discovered.

Kay kept her pace even, trying to look not out of place as she passed the door to the bar. One glance inside was enough however to get her to increase her speed a bit. [member="Thraxis"] was in there. If her husband was alive, the torturer could quite possibly be dead by now. But as it was, she had to deal with him on her own.

She could almost hear [member="Tiali Orazio"] 's footfalls as he began to follow her and as soon as she turned a corner, she stopped and pressed her back against the wall, drawing out her small blaster, set to stun like always. Now she waited, believing it to be her nemesis that she heard, following in behind. And as soon as he would turn that corner, he would get a surprise.....
As Thraxis approached the Elevator he looked around to see if there were any signs of the Street Rat following him, though not a scurry or scamper was around to give any indication of the Street Rat giving chase. He once more put his hand deep into his Trenchcoat and pulled out some more booze and quickly washed it down his throat with little care for the putrid taste.

Not long after he moved onto the elevator and pressed a large red button, the gears starting to spin as the elevator started to descend downwards, the echoing screams slowly starting to make chase up and past the elevator, if anything would get him sent to death row, it was the screams that he embraced every day.
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
'tap' 'tap' 'thump', it was the sound of metal upon a solid surface it was the diabolical cyborg commander Flannigan Mcnash, he strolled with the ease and care a twenty five stone robot could muster, so it was a loud mess of posturing, threatening and loud breathing, he could fill an entire room with his presence or at least a doorway.

"Must you wear that sire," someone said in a wheedling voice and appearing by the cyborg's side, he was a near human with a bloated face and a weeping left eye.

"What Morece, what am I wearing that doesn't meet the approval of my assistant."

"The still working light sabre, and you're threatening again." Morece said flipping over some paper work absent-mindedly.

"I meant to do that." He stood tall and looming hanging over the near human. The cyborg adjusted himself his scissor like finger's crossing his coat to adjust it, all the while cutting holes and snipping a button off it by accident.

"Of course Sir, you never do anything wrong." the near human let out an exasperated breath, a sigh of frustration with his employer himself and his situation.

"Don't be glib with me Morece, and you know damn well why I wear it. I wear it as a trophy of a defeated opponent, a declaration of fearlessness."

[member="Thraxis"], [member="Lady Kay"], [member="Tiali Orazio"]​


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
The tapping of metal footsteps on the floor caused the disguised Kay to turn her head away from where [member="Tiali Orazio"] might turn up and she did not like what she saw. First off it was [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] and they weren't exactly team players. Second of all, he had her lightsaber!! Finding it was great, but to see him have possession of it was almost as bad as if [member="Thraxis"] had it.

Kay lowered her blaster and tried to look....casual as she leaned against the corridor wall. Being outnumbered, she wouldn't stand a chance in a fight. And just like before, if Flannigan found out that he had what she wanted, he would use it for blackmail.

Still, the opportunity to steal it was still there. She just had to wait for him to walk past.
Tiali watches the stranger go around the the corner, Tiali began to lightly jog to catch up to the stranger. "Hey you there!! What are you looking for?"

His hand Reaches down calmly resting on one of his LL-30 pistols handles, As he approaches the Corridor turn, he Looks around to find the stranger Still close to the wall "Oi You there! what are you doing here lookin suspicious as hell?"

He stands straight and tall alone with a confused look On his face wondering Who this person is, Tiali Maybe unknowingly running into a stunning surprise.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Think. Think. Think. Her eyes darted from [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] to [member="Tiali Orazio"] before an idea came to her. It might work. Maybe.

Kay made her voice sound older and raspy as she spoke. "I was looking for you, dearie. I figured that if I did enough wandering around,you'd find me. And now you have. about a drink?"

In the silence that followed, she thought that she could hear tormented screams echoing down the hall. Fingers crossed that this works and that she doesn't find out where they are coming from....

The elevator started its melodious screah, the gears spinning and turning as the weary chain lowered down the elevator as carefully as its old bones could muster. "Hmmm... gonna need to replace them one day. But not today." Thraxis muttered to himself as he uncorked a vial of booze, his arm throwing back in an age old manner, one that he had grown accustomed to ever since he was a child.

The elevator came to a creaking halt as it slowed down until meeting its inevitable stop. Soon Thraxis started the walk, the screams echoing still throughout the chamber almost blocking out his own inner monologue's. His footsteps trudged through the stained marble, his eyes bouncing around the familiar sight, it was a strange sensation, no matter where he looked it was always a different sight, a diffrent coloration of blood to stain the marble, or sometimes even an organ or two where stapled up there by the Gammoreans out of boredom when the Pitt was barely audible. Though somehow, the place always remained the same. Home.
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
Tiali let's out a deep Sigh, He quickly Glance's between the Flanighan then back to Kay. Remaining calm he removes his hand from the handle of his LL-30 pistol. Quickly replying naturally "Come on old Lady, your buying the next round and let's not play hide and seek next time alright."

What is this all about? and what is she up to now? Shes probably going to fall right into Flanighan's or Thraxis's hand's. "Come on!" he says Pointing the way.

Tiali is certain this probably won't end very well.

[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Old lady? Well, okay. She could go with that. Kay headed in the direction that [member="Tiali Orazio"] had pointed to, speaking in that raspy tone as she walked. "Thank you dearie. You know if I had a link to your commlink, then I wouldn't of had to cause such a fuss. But what is an old lady to do?"

This could work out okay. If she could have Tiali's help then it increased her chances of getting her saber back from [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] . He was her bigger problem right now. And [member="Thraxis"] . The fact that she was even here had to be kept quiet or else her screams could be added to those she had heard earlier.
"Ok," he sat settling down in a neighbouring chair, before expelling himself from the seat hurling it randomly aside by an inconsiderate swing of his left legs, the pronged feet giving way the seat where it had touched expelling an oval lump from its surface. "Morece I can't even sit down without you gabbling." he said tending to the [member="Lady Kay"], sabre tossing it on an adjacent table. "I'll prove to you, no one will steal from me, they know the punishment."

"I'll turn around for twenty minutes, and anyone here can try to steal it." he said waiting for his damaged throne to be propped up again by a neighbouring slave, he drooped down his jacket collapsing out and off him such as some frightful arrangement of red velvet, it was gold trimmed and excited with painted decorations in the way of gold fabric, he looked nothing more like a gargoyle in some shabby manse. "See, no one will steal from me."
His hand twitched, his eyes pounced around the room. Something was off. No one had contacted him about the street rat. Normally it only took around 5-10 minutes for a street rat to be caught in the palace. He moved himself out of his chair, its gears squeaking as he pushed it back against the wall of his office. He moved to the front door of his office, his hand gripped on one of his Twins, he listened to the echoes and needed to unfortunately be away from them for a time.

"Gammoreans! Listen up! There is a street rat somewhere in the Cartel! Now here is the deal. Whoever takes them prisoner, gets one week paid vacation!" he yelled as the noises in the Pitt fell into silence. A few seconds of silence, it was more then he had ever heard since he had taken control of the place. Then engulfed in an explosion, noise had erupted, cheers started to breakthrough the place louder then ever before. "Geez... didn't think I would elicit such a reaction..." he grumbled, as if he didn't have good working conditions. Or they just were not thrilled with working there.
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Tiali Orazio"]
Tiali on the way Grabs a nearby data pad, he begins to fiddle and adjust it making an impromtu message board, to hide The upcoming Conversation. He begins to type the beginning the Quick starter message, while searching for an empty table.

Upon finding an empty booth he points it out to kay And approaches it to sit, placing his elbow onto the table heavily while resting his head in the palm of his hand. He releases a deep breath with a frustrated moan, Lowering his voice to natural calm voice "These are the blue prints I was going to show earlier. I personally think they are pretty good." He slides the data pad to her showing the Simple Quick starter Message "What the Heck are you doing here?"

Tiali quickly Looks around to see the surounding activity of the guard's and such hoping to not be detected.

[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]
[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Oh! How lovely!" Kay used that raspy voice again. "Mind if I make a few notes?" She didn't even wait for an answer frim [member="Tiali Orazio"] . She just began typing out her reply and then slid it over to him. ~I want to get my lightsaber back. I thought Vinssk had it, but I was wrong. Flannigan does.~ Her eyes told him all that he needed to know. They pleaded him for help.

"How does that look to you? Mighty fine improvements, aren't they?"

The Gammorean Hunters​
They disperse quickly throughout the White Palace, all armed with nothing more then their Arg'garok and thins pieces of linen strapped to their body to cover up the bare minimum. These ones were from the Pitt, their thin strips of linen splashed with thick clots of blood, some had it still dripping from their teeth in a horrific display, a message to give to those who ever crossed the Cartel. They were well versed in the use of the Arg'garok, experts to say the least, as it was their favored weapon choice, though the armor left more to be desired it was their own personal choice as torturers, taking pleasure in the feeling of fresh blood sliding down their skin and making pools of blood. They had decent combat abilities, not willing to stand and get shot nor were they willing to simply run at someone and not attack at the same time.
[member="Tiali Orazio"] [member="Lady Kay"]
Tiali Takes hold of the data pad scanning over it, "I like the changes." his faces lifts up with a smug smile, he glances over to Flannighan noticing his weird move. Tiali quickly Types down the next message on the Datapad "I think the motivator needs a redesign, Have a look." He slides the Datapad over to her again ~ You might have a chance now, But be careful of the Gammorians, I don't feel like having a bloodbath here~

"What do you think?"

(Sorry about the lateness Computer troubles)
[member="Lady Kay"]
[member="Flannigan Mcnash"]

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