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The Origins of the Jedi


Jedi Academy, Yavin IV, 825 Years ABY (After The Battle of Yavin)

Mark Sage was bored. He sat in his room staring at a picture of a krayt dragon he had posted on one side of the room. Mark had never thought jedi, or soon to be jedi, could become bored. With all the things he did during a normal day, lightsaber combat training, normal school classes, force meditation sessions, multiple archaeological seminars and digs, and more, he usually had little time to himself. Usually, he had things to do even during assigned free times like studying new force abilities, exploring the jungles of Yavin IV outside the Academy, or simply reading or resting in his room within the academy. But, now, Mark really had nothing to do. He wasn’t tired, it was one of the two designated free times that were assigned during the day, and his next training session wasn’t until later that afternoon, so Mark decided to spend some time in the Jedi Praxeum’s archive library and look through some of the old archaeological reports, or at least the ones the New Order could recover since the Great Jedi Purge.

If Mark had told anyone, they wouldn’t have been very surprised at his way to use his free time. Ever since the Jedi Grandmaster had brought him into the Jedi Order, Mark had always been attracted to where things came from and what went on in the past. Knowing this, Mark’s mentor, Avi Merron, allowed him to learn archaeology and xenopaleontology as well as follow the path of a jedi knight. He had excelled in his studies as well as staying true to his training, allowing him to become well rounded in both areas. Now, as a 15 year old padawan, he continued to learn more and more from the bountiful wealth of knowledge that came from the life of a jedi.
areiana or areia to her friends landed her ship on the outskirts of the temple. She never like coming here there was to much of a chance she'd be find out but the pay was really good and she could never turn down good credits. She was here to deliver some archaeology finds from other jedi academy on other planets.

She was dressed in a black sleveless top armor chest peice and pants. Her waist long red hair was pulled into a braid. She had left her blaster back on her ship she knew she wont need them here and the Jedi didnt take kindly to weapons and she respected the Jedi. Her father long ago had been a Jedi. He gave up that life and went into hidding to protect her from her mother who was a Sith. He died at the hands of her mother years ago. Before he died he made her promase to hide her power and he taught her how to hide her force powers from even other Jedi. She only used her force powers alone training along on her ship.

She always got lost in the temple as she looked for the Jedi grand master. She had heard of him everyone hadheard of the famous Luke Skywalker, She had to say she was a little nervous to meet him and hoped she could keep the force feild up to hide her powers.
Mark slipped into his regular attire, a plain jedi tunic in shades of dark brown and dull green, and checked in his mirror to make sure that his mid-length, dark brown hair wasn't messed up too much. He strolled down the halls of the jedi academy, passing by droves of students socializing to their hearts content. And rightfully so. It was their free time and they could do what they wanted, but Mark wanted to hurry to the archives. He'd heard that another shipment of holocrons was supposed to arrive today.
"Maybe this time there'll be something of interest." He thought to himself.
On the way, Mark encountered Traicen Rolen and his twin sister Kraia.
"Hey Mark, would you be interested in dueling with us in evening free time? Everyone else has something they have to do and we're trying to master dueling with multiple opponents at once." Traicen asked.
The Rolen twins had been 13 when they were admitted to the academy last year and we're learning fast, just as Mark had when the jedi had taken him in.
"Sure. I don't have anything to do later." Mark replied.
"Great" Kraia said. "Meet us outside in the forested part of the courtyard when it's time. We'll be waiting!"
And so they went their separate ways. Mark continued toward the Archive Room.
As the twins ran past the bumped into areia causing her to fall they called sorry as they ran outside. As areia fall her belt came loose and a cylider peice skidded across the floor. It looked like the just the hilt of a lightsaber. Areia shook her had watching the kids running off she stood dusting herself off gathering the box she had been carring, she hadnt even noticed the pice that had came off. She brushed some red hair behind her ear opening the large black box to make sure the contents were damaged at all.
He was almost there.
Mark was eager to get to the new holocrons. He'd been told the shipment should get there today and he was ready for them. For the past few weeks, the normally fun Archeaology class had taken a turn for the worst. There had been no new finds to study, nothing I interest anyways.
Then, he turned around and saw a red haired woman who seemed to have dropped a box she was carrying. Mark strode over and grabbed a few of it's contents, among them lightsaber parts and several beaten up holocrons, and set them in the box.
"Sorry." He said. "Sometimes the Rolen twins can get a bit over excited. I think they get it from their father. Is this the new shipment of old holocrons?"
The red haired woman simply gave Mark a curt nod and swiftly moved off with the box in hand. Mark then returned to making his was toward the archive room. He eventually made it and began looking through the holocrons that were there. Unable to choose one on his own, Mark allowed the force to guide him to one in particular hiding behind the others. He went, sat down with it, and opened it. He was very frustrated as all it revealed was several planets orbiting a fairly normal star. He thought that this couldn't seriously be all that it had inside. After a few more minutes of digging though. He was able to find something.
Mark marveled at what he'd found.
It was a report from an expedition on what he’d assumed was one of the planets the holocron had initially shown. The expedition had gone terribly wrong with only a few crew members returning to give fascinating information. This planet, known as Tython, was a planet crawling with life, mostly covered in dense jungles. It was inhabited by many dangerous life forms, some of which had actually evolved to use the force to sense prey around them, which was nearly unheard of in itself. On top of this, before the crew was attacked and separated by an unidentifiable creature, they discovered what looked to be the ruins of some sort of temple similar to traditional jedi temples, possibly older than 35,000 years old, which would make it the oldest jedi temple to ever have been found. Perhaps it could have even been the first jedi temple. Perhaps one of the Jedi Order’s biggest secrets would finally be revealed. Where did the Jedi Order first start? After 35,000 years of existence and most of the original Order hunted down and wiped out by the Empire, it was really no wonder that the Jedi’s origins were a mystery.
Tython had not been colonized very heavily since whenever the temple had fallen, and small jedi academy was all that existed there in the way of people. It was the perfect “lost world”. Mark felt chills run down his spine. He was fairly sure that this was it, the very thing he’d been waiting for his entire career.
He’d have to keep quiet for now. Mark knew that this still had the ability to turn out to be fake. He quietly got up from his seat and quickly walked out of the archive room. There was only one person that he could trust with such delicate information as this. He needed to find his mentor, Jedi Knight, Avi Merron.

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