Jedi Academy, Yavin IV, 825 Years ABY (After The Battle of Yavin)
Mark Sage was bored. He sat in his room staring at a picture of a krayt dragon he had posted on one side of the room. Mark had never thought jedi, or soon to be jedi, could become bored. With all the things he did during a normal day, lightsaber combat training, normal school classes, force meditation sessions, multiple archaeological seminars and digs, and more, he usually had little time to himself. Usually, he had things to do even during assigned free times like studying new force abilities, exploring the jungles of Yavin IV outside the Academy, or simply reading or resting in his room within the academy. But, now, Mark really had nothing to do. He wasn’t tired, it was one of the two designated free times that were assigned during the day, and his next training session wasn’t until later that afternoon, so Mark decided to spend some time in the Jedi Praxeum’s archive library and look through some of the old archaeological reports, or at least the ones the New Order could recover since the Great Jedi Purge.
If Mark had told anyone, they wouldn’t have been very surprised at his way to use his free time. Ever since the Jedi Grandmaster had brought him into the Jedi Order, Mark had always been attracted to where things came from and what went on in the past. Knowing this, Mark’s mentor, Avi Merron, allowed him to learn archaeology and xenopaleontology as well as follow the path of a jedi knight. He had excelled in his studies as well as staying true to his training, allowing him to become well rounded in both areas. Now, as a 15 year old padawan, he continued to learn more and more from the bountiful wealth of knowledge that came from the life of a jedi.