Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member

..:: The Outer Rim Imperium ::..
"Let it be known that none shall defy the Imperium"
While this will also remain as part of the Faction Write up, I chose to introduce it as a separate Q&A posting as well to make it a bit more easily manageable in terms of answering questions while also keeping the other thread a bit more clutter free.
Thus I bid you welcome to the Outer Rim Imperium Q&A, and encourage you to bring forward your questions, comments or concerns about the faction.
Q: Why use the Goa'uld Empire as inspiration for a Star Wars based faction? It isn't even the same system / Sci Fi / etc etc.
A: I've always viewed the Goa'uld Empire with a mixture of loathing and admiration. This was an empire that for Thousands upon Thousands of years was functional even though it was beheld by internal strife and political maneuvering between the Goa'uld. I felt that, and I hope that I, as well as others, can capture that same feeling and reproduce it for Chaos.
Q: If there is internal strife and political maneuvering between faction members, why didn't you just join the Sith? / What makes you different than the Sith?
A: That is a very good question. I will admit that there is much in similarities between the Sith and the Goa'uld Empire that the Imperium takes inspiration from. I feel that the Terminus Imperium is a faction that is not focused on the Force as much as the One Sith, as it is designed with the ideas of the Knights of Kal'Shebbol in mind. The Imperium is focused on the Non-Force Users, and on aiding them in securing their own future in a Galaxy otherwise often dominate by Force Users; though at the same time realizing that they can be and should be worked with, though they must also be carefully watched.
Q: What makes the Imperium unique?
A: Another good question. I believe its initial design makes it unique. While many factions chafe and often have difficulty getting their members to work together as a whole, I believe that the Imperium can over come this through its design as a Kratocratic Fiefdom. It is designed to inspire, and encourage individual members to act on their own. This means that it is intended to allow for smaller internal groups of members to act on their own stories, while also furthering the over all stories and goals of the entire faction. Individual members are encouraged to break off with a small core group of like minded roleplayers to enact their own Dominions, Invasions and other actions with a limited connecting umbrella of a faction blanketing their actions. This means that a small group of five or six writers dedicated with writing with one another are not bogged down waiting for multiple faction members to post; with the intention being to prevent Dominions from dragging on or otherwise stalling out.
Q: Why did you shift the faction from a Political Organization to a Criminal Syndicate?
A: While the Outer Rim Imperium had potential as a Political Organization, it was brought to the attention of myself that it could have been likely that the Faction was not "Star Warsy" enough. With the shift of the faction from a Political entity to one of a Criminal Syndicate, I believe that it will aid in the growth of the Faction. Much of what made the Outer Rim Imperium as it was remains, with slight tweaks and additions. While it is a Criminal Syndicate, it is still very much a Kratocratic Fiefdom, with individual Warlords and Crime Lords overseeing large swaths of space for their own individual power.
Q: With it now a Criminal Syndicate, what makes it different from the Hutt Cartel, or the Red Ravens, or any other established Criminal Organization?
A: I believe what makes it stand out in difference from those factions is what it endures and retains from its original design. The Outer Rim Imperium remains as it was intend, a highly decentralized structure in which a smaller number of members can do their own thing while still advancing the over all machinations of the Imperium. While I can not assume to know much about the Red Ravens or how they worked, many may see the Imperium as just another 'Criminal Syndicate' or a 'dime a dozen'. I believe however that it can be, with dedication and hard work, a faction to be reckoned with the likes of the Hutt Cartel or Black Sun.
Q: What system is put in place to prevent Faction members from tearing each other apart or turning on each other?
A: There is no such system put in place. As mirroring its inspiration, the Imperium is designed to show the true conflict and internal strife that a large interstellar Government would face. We also see this in much of Human History with many successful Empires often falling from internal strife. The continue maneuvering and rising and falling of Sector Lords is designed to ensure that the strongest are leading the Imperium so that the faction survives.
Q: What if I don't want to be a Sector Lord or ranked position, nor take part in Dominions? What is there for me?
A: That is fine. Members of the Imperium aren't going to be forced to participate in the internal power struggles, or the ambitious plans of the Sector Lords or those whom desire the position. The faction will be open to many whom want nothing more than a little freedom for their character, and they will be open as well as encouraged to act out their own stories and lives for their characters, free of the internal political struggles of the faction as they see fit and as they please.
Q: What criminal activities will the Imperium be involved with?
A: The Outer Rim Imperium will be involved with a number of activities that are considered legal and illegal. On the legal front the Imperium will offer Mercenary Contracts and Bounty Hunter contracts. Their illegal activities will run the spectrum of Smuggling, Weapon Trafficking, Extortion, Slave Trade, Assassinations and Piracy. The Imperium may also delve into the murky pond of Information Brokering and Espionage.
Q: With the Outer Rim Imperium seek Major Faction Status
A: With all of the Factions and ideas that I've created before, it had always been a goal to have one of them achieve Major Faction Status. However, I believe that this has in part lead to my many downfalls as I focused on gaining enough members rather than focusing on the Faction. My push to bring a Faction to Major Status has caused me to look beyond the scope, to look at a possible future rather than looking at the Faction in the here and now. Thus because of that, the Outer Rim Imperium will not be seeking Major Faction status.
I believe that it is and can be capable of much more by remaining as a Minor Faction, and perhaps it may spurn an off shot, or another Faction to achieve such status in the future.