Yoru Shakou
Well-Known Member
:: The Outer Rim Imperium ::
"Let it be known that no one defies the O.R.I."
..:: Overview ::..
The Outer Rim Imperium is a loose confederation of individual warlords holding the titles of System Lords; taking advantage of the power vacuum resulting from the dissolution of the Lords of the Fringe and the weakening of the Omega Protectorate. Its unique designation as a Kratocratic Fiefdom causes the Outer Rim Imperium to often be factional and prone to chaos, with only the Supreme System Lord's own power holding it together.
As it is a Kratocracy, those whom rise to power do so through physical force, social maneuvering or political cunning to secure their positions.
In the coming days and weeks the Outer Rim Imperium will be picking up in activity, meaning new threads to push the faction forward. Internal Promotions and Internal events to bring its members together.
This activity will also include a drive to bring in more members, and to make the Outer Rim Imperium more accessible to those whom would otherwise not approach it, or whom show interest and are hesitant to join.
The Outer Rim Imperium will become not the work of a single individual; its unique designation and design means that it shall become the work of multiple individuals, each with their own stories, desires, dreams and plots that shall unfold within the Outer Rim Imperium.
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