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The Outer Rim Imperium

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Outer Rim Imperium
Resting upon the fringes of the Galaxy.
Hiding within the Shadows of the Outer Rim Territories.
While an entire Galaxy wages war upon one another in a bid to retake the Core Worlds, a force bides its time.
As others rise and fall, their weaknesses are revealed, yet those that fight among themselves ensure that the strongest are standing.
With in the Outer Rim Territories, away from the prying eyes of the Republic and the One Sith whom continue to wage war upon one another, there is a Kratocracy slowly growing and gathering their power. This Outer Rim Imperium encourages those among them to fight one another to ensure that it is their strongest that stand tall and lead.
This Outer Rim Imperium is slowly gathering their forces, amassing navies and armies while reaching out to those in the Outer Rim Territories. They seek allies to ensure that the Outer Rim remains in the hands of those whom call it home. They seek to ensure that the resources of countless worlds and their people are not pillaged, plundered and otherwise taken advantage of for the profits of the Core Worlds.
The Outer Rim Imperium grows steadily, and day by day it calls more individuals to its banner. Now they look upon you, an out stretched hand as they beckon for you to join in their struggle.
All that remains now is a simple question...
Will you rise or will you fall?

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I see that plenty of people have looked at the topic, though none have brought forward any questions, comments or concerns about the Outer Rim Imperium.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The Outer Rim Imperium had extended to the Confederacy of the Outer Realms the possibility of it joining the ORI as a Sub-Faction. After discussing with the creator of the COR Faction, it was their belief that the style of the COR would not match with the style of the ORI, and thus the offer was amicably rejected without any hard feeling or animosity towards the creator or the faction.
Recently it was brought up by the faction creator of setting up a series of threads between the ORI and COR that would otherwise amount to small flash-pan events in a bid to further push our factions to activity and make them more known among the site. These talks are on-going and thus I will not be getting into the details of their content until an appropriate time.
In terms of the worlds that are being eyed, the ORI is currently operating out of Lanteeb (though this is not a fixed in stone decision) and it is likely to change depending upon the needs of the Faction and those that it is currently in talks with. However, its likely location will be in the area South of what was the former Lords of the Fringe and Omega Protectorate Holdings in the Outer Rim Territories.

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