Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The "Pack Up Your Crap and Leave" LOA

So after months of planning my move from the continental United States to Japan has begun. This means that for the next several weeks/months, I'll be living out of suitcases and in various hotels while I get out of my current house, get overseas, and start house hunting.

As such, my activity will be very unpredictable until I'm settled. My apologies to all the folks that I'm writing with, please don't let me hold any threads up and move on if you need to. [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and [member="Valae Kitra"] in particular, since those threads are ongoing.
[member="Boo Heavenshield"]

Knew this day was fast approaching! So the very best of wishes for you and your move, this is a big one!

Concentrate on that, and do whatever you can regarding posts and stuff, we will be fine. ;)

So take good care out there little Boo. ^_^

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