That one kid
Mustafar had been easy on her, from what she could tell. Better than she remembered Susevfi, at least. She hadn't needed to calculate her escape from there. No Defender had come for her yet. That was good. She was surprised, but not disappointing. And the Blackguard knew about them now. So, it didn't matter. Not unless they attacked the Blackguard holdings. Then.... that would be trouble.
Gida stared at the saber in her hand for a while as she sat in the woods of Yavin 4. She didn't remember how she got here. But she was here, waiting for something, someone, to show. She needed to find a way off this rock. She didn't know how.
[member="Veino Garn"]
Gida stared at the saber in her hand for a while as she sat in the woods of Yavin 4. She didn't remember how she got here. But she was here, waiting for something, someone, to show. She needed to find a way off this rock. She didn't know how.
[member="Veino Garn"]