Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Path Most Traveled

Location: Golbah City {Exarch's Office}
Thoughts: "What will it take?"
Tags: [member="Havoc (CT-375)"]


It ruled the Galaxy. Power had been what delivered Adron from Serenno as it fell to the Sith Empire. It was this same power that brought Adron to the highest station in The Confederacy, second only to the Vicelord himself. He was an Exarch of The Confederacy and ruled alongside his master, [member="Darth Metus"]. He was determined, youthful, and loyal. In reality, the Sith was everything his Master could hope to want from an apprentice. No, there was more there than simple servitude. There was that which his Master had seen deep in the Exarch's eyes when he first granted Adron an asylum, ambition.

Adron Malvern, Lord of House, King of Illyria, CEO of Malvern Banking & Finance, Exarch of The Confederacy, and Darth Malphas, the left hand of the Vicelord. So many titles, so many aspirations and dreams that were taken hold of as if they were ripe fruit. But there was more. One final Ascension.


Adron stood in his office, gazing out of the crystal windows that ran from floor to ceiling. From here he had a clear view of Golbah City. His city.

He had lightly tanned skin and midnight black hair. A youthful human, not yet escaping his late twenties. His eyes were the only striking feature about him. Pure amethyst. They were purple jewels that looked over the city with a hunger in them that would never be sated. Adron's hand slid into the pocket of his slate suit. It was threaded from fine silks and nearly shined in the light of the early morning.

Adron turned to his door, just as a young woman with pale blue skin, a chiss, made her way in. “My lord.” Her voice was cut and militant, and everything from her blouse to her hair was neat and well kept. “I was more than clear that I wanted no interruptions before my meeting.” Adron's eyes narrowed at the woman, yet his expression was mostly indifferent, as if he could not be bothered with correcting his adjutant.

My lord. You wanted me to inform you when [member="Havoc (CT-375)"] arrived on the planet. He landed only moments ago sir. He is being escorted here now.

The Exarch glanced at the wall adjacent to him, eyeing the clock and considering her words. He said no more, instead dismissing his assistant with a brief wave of his hand. With a bow of her head, she left the Exarch to await his appointment with [member="Havoc (CT-375)"].


High Marshal of the Mara Armada
Location: Golbah City {Exarch's building/Office}
Attire: Cape retrieved from Vassek
Tags: [member="Adron Malvern"]

Havoc exited his shuttle, flanked by two commando droids. The Vice Marshal looked around the exterior of the building. He certainly appreciated the architecture but it was clear that the building was more designed for visual appeal and not for efficiency. Havoc had learned over the years that organics of all species typically value aesthetics over efficiency and it's a flaw that often costs them dearly in some situations. A young Chiss officer walked up to Havoc, "Sir, the Exarch is waiting for you. Follow me." The only answer that Havoc offered was a slight nod.

The group made their way into the entrance of the building and as they walked along, Havoc couldn't help but think about the state of things. He once served as an assassin droid for the First Order and enjoyed it. He spent his days killing organic targets. Then, upon the collapse of the First Order, he went into hiding. He took refuge in a small compound on the moon of Vassek. It was there he leader of the droid general, Grievous. He admired the General's tenacity and fighting prowess but he questioned his own abilities. He taught himself how to use lightsabers as well as possible. He refitted his mechanics to allow for himself to have detachable and retractable extra limbs same as the general. Eventually Havoc approached the Confederacy. After some time he landed in a well off position but he couldn't help wanting more. He resented the organics who controlled the Confederacy. This was a faction that was known and feared for its droids, so why were organics at the top of the hierarchy?

After a trip down several hallways and up several turbolifts, the group finally arrived at the Exarch's office. The female Chiss entered the room first, followed by Havoc and his two guards. "Sir, Vice Marshal Havoc for you." She saluted then left the room, the door closing behind her. "You summoned me, Exarch?" Havoc said, eyeing up Adron.
The moment the door was opened to the Exarch's office, Adron glanced back towards the door. He drew his lips into a thin smile, as he looked to the droid that stood before him. He hated droids. They were an unnecessary tool that the Confederacy employed to see to their ends, but they were far from an asset as far as the Exarch was concerned. His hand rose to dismiss his adjutant, "That will be all." He told her, along with a brief glance that assured the two would not be disturbed. Adron looked to Havoc, his eyes rising to meet the droid's rather tall height. He was an impressive one, to say the least, but a droid none the less.

"Vice Marshal Havoc." He said, his voice had a regal tone to it that was equal parts silver and poison. His eyes, which were a pure shade of amethyst never dared to turn from the droid before him. "Can I offer you anything....oil?" His tone showed there was no love betwen the Exarch and the droid before him, still the Exarch did not wait for the man's response. "I called you here because I have use for you." The Exarch made his way around the desk, passing the droid so he could reach the small bar that sat at the end of his office. Havoc was a proven General, and he had led the forces of The Confederacy in victory several times, more so he was the only Commander that Adron had overlooked. "I'm curious Vice Marshal. What do you want?" He kept his eyes set on the different drinks that were assorted before him, glancing from one to another as he awaited the droid's response. "What does your programming make you want? Progression, promotion, or do you want something more?" The Exarch took one of the bottles from the bar, pouring a good deal of the drink into a fine crystal glass.

After filling his glass he took it from the bar, downing a small sip of the brown liquid and enjoying the brief burn it brought to the back of his throat.

[member="Havoc (CT-375)"]


High Marshal of the Mara Armada
"Simple, I was programmed to be the ultimate killing machine and I performed that duty with great efficiency during my time as the First Order's lap dog." Havoc gazed around the room, analyzing every square inch of it. He looked over at Adron and watched as he took a sip from his glass. It was clear to Havoc, as he analyzed the subtleties of the Exarch's movements, that despite displaying an expression of pleasure on his face, there was a feeling of physical pain that was experienced as Adron drank. It was no secret that droids were not as moved by emotion a their organic counterparts but Havoc was programmed to experience basic emotions. He could determine when something was supposed to make him happy or sad or angry. However, more complicated emotions, such as love or a desire to willingly drink a beverage that caused the consumer to experience physical pain, were concepts he had little grasp on.

"Around the time that the First Order fell from grace, I saw little use in being their errand boy any longer so I set out to find a new life. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to join a confederation who's renowned and feared for it's droid populous." Havoc turned and took a step towards Adron, simply to close the somewhat awkward gap that had formed between the two. "What I want is to trample the enemies of the Confederacy, leaving only fire and ash. Once I have achieved that goal, I will turn my crosshairs to the enemies within the Confederacy and rid us of the weakness that is holding us back." Anyone who heard the words that Havoc was saying would know that Havoc intended on purging the Confederacy of those who make it weaker. Anyone who listened to the words Havoc was saying would know that he was specifically talking about organic life within the Confederacy. "By the time I am finished, the Confederacy will be the ultimate power in the galaxy. Our reach will be endless."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
The Exarch listened to the metallic beings words. There were times as this automaton was speaking that Adron almost forgot he was talking to a machine. Still, it was amusing and somewhat interesting to hear the droids views on the galaxy around him. Still, there was only so much the Exarch could hear. He listened to what the droid said and when he was done he raised a hand to the droid.

"What happens when there is peace?" Exarch asked, quirking a brow at the droid before him. "Well, there isn't really a such thing as peace, but what is even worse is when people believe there is peace." Adron drank from his crystal once again, allowing it to burn down his gullet once again. He savored the burn before he released the glass from his hand. It fell from his hold and slammed into the ground. The piercing crash was punctuated with an eruption of the glass into hundreds of tiny clear slivers. "The galaxy is in pieces. Which is good." Adron brought his heel down upon one of the pieces of glass, pressing onto it until it burst into dust beneath his shoe. "Because it is so much easier to destroy that which is removed from a whole."

The Dark Lord's hand outstretched towards the ground. It took barely a thought, but in the next moment every shard of glass flew towards the Exach's hands. They slid beside each other, one after another until finally the crystal glass appeared reformed. A number of cracks covered the glass, but the pieces were all together. "I have use of you. I need a man....No, actually I need a droid who can shatter the pieces of the whole for me." Adron's hand twitched and the shards of glass flew around the droid before encircling him, hanging in the space around him harmlessly. "This galaxy disgusts me, you see. I want to create something...more. But to do that I must build from the ground up and...well how does the saying go about eggs and omelets?"

Adron smirked briefly before turning from the droid. "I have goals as well, to see to them I need to destroy my enemies. Help me and I will help you." The Exarch paused as a though came to mind. "The price of loyalty is very steep these days...So what does yours cost?"

[member="Havoc (CT-375)"]


High Marshal of the Mara Armada
Havoc had heard of droid rebellions in the past. Specifically he had head of their failure. That said, Havoc did not view him self as a "droids rights activist." Droids did not need organics but organics didn't need droids. The failures of these droid rebellions were all due to the fact that the droids at the forefront of these uprising had the backwards though that organics needed droids. Realistically, if push came to serve, the best case scenario Havoc could hope for if he took on the Exarch in a fight would be a stalemate. His chances of taking him on directly were slim to none at best. If the chanced were higher, he wouldn't have let Adron ramble on with his spectacle of shattering glass and using the force as a mere party trick.

The droid's eyes fluttered, dancing back and forth as he had watched the glass swirling around him before settling back on Adron's eyes. He had no intention of succumbing to the failures of those in the past. Organics as a whole didn't need droids but Havoc could make himself invaluable to Adron specifically. He could make the Exarch need him. "My price depends on what it is you ask of me but for now, I will make this as simple as possible for you. You want to be at the top, I will do what I can to put you there, as long as I get to the top alongside you. We can work out a material price later. Command of a private military may be prudent to achieve the goals you envision, perhaps that can be a starting point."

Havoc turned slightly and gave a nod to his guards, before looking back to Adron, "As for your first query, wasn't it your kind that coined the phrase 'peace is a lie'?" The moment he finished his sentence, the two commando droids raised their blasters and opened fire, expertly incinerating each shard of glass as it spiraled around the Vice Marshal's head. In a matter of seconds, the glass had been obliterated and the droids returned to their subdued stance at the back of the room. "Probably the only thing you organics got right."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
The Exarch considered the droids words, only taking a moment in silence to consider the automatons request. So this was a Droid with true ambition then, he could see it in his eyes. Regardless of how the being may have come into the galaxy it was creating its own reality around it. Perhaps it could have more use than Adron initially believed. At the end of the droid's sentence the Exarch nodded his head in agreement. If this droid would help him rise to the top then the Exarch was more than willing to share his power, to a degree. It was not until the blaster bolts rained around the drois that Adron broke into a genuine smile, born of interest in this particular being.

"Interesting." The Exarch said as he smoothed his hair back against his head. There was a small light on his datapad, flashing a deep shade of azure. The Exarch held his hand to his desk, calling the datapad to his hands. An alarm was triggered when the droids unleashed their blaster fire and it would need to be acknowledged, less the Knight's Obsidian be summoned to his aid, unnecessarily. Once the alarm was settled, Adron set his datapad back on the desk before speaking plainly. "The Confederacy decides it's leader through an election. The Viceroyalty are stupid, like most organisms they don't believe in change...or at least not the change that is truly necessary. Darth Metus created a mighty nation built on power and respect, I plan to improve upon his creation." The Exarch made his way to his desk, his hand waving at it absently causing a small holoemitter to produce itself from the table.

"Some of the Viceroyalty are with me. Not many, but enough to where I have leverage enough to move against the others. There are a number of them, and I look to gain their support in my ascension. What is most important is my military prowess. I need a military commander who can deliver victory under my name. I cannot be in every battle, that is where you come in. You will follow my orders, reporting to me alone. As of now consider yourself under special assignment. We will make it so your forces are the most advanced, the most powerful, and the systems of the Confederacy will beg for your support." He said, before raising his eyes to the droid. "And they will get it, essentially I need you to become a hero."

[member="Havoc (CT-375)"]


High Marshal of the Mara Armada
Havoc was amused, intrigued and irritated all at the same time as he analyzed Adron's words. Firstly, he was very amused when he heard Adron say the Viceroyality were stupid, "like other organisms." Almost as if it were an attempt to separate himself from others. Havoc's program had been designed for a singular purpose; destruction. He himself had altered that program slightly to be more specific to the destruction of anything that stood in the way of the Confederacy's quest for greatness. Initially that had included all organic life, including the Exarch. However, the more he got to know Adron, the more he realized that Adron wasn't like the others. He was more than just another organic.

Naturally the part about making his army the most powerful in the confederacy was very intriguing but was followed up by the words, "I need you to become a hero." Havoc knew what that meant. It meant Adron needed him to be his pet. While this bothered Havoc, he knew that playing his part was essential to the success of both of them. Havoc bowed his head slightly in respect. "Thank you Exarch. Provide me with what I need and I shall rain fire and ash down upon your enemies...and mine."

[member="Adron Malvern"]
Regardless of Havoc being a droid, he seemed to understand exactly what the Exarch needed and how best he could satisfy that. This, if nothing else, was one way droids could prove thesmelves superior to most humans. The Exarch opened a drawer to his desk, pulling out a pack of cigarras and a lighter. He bit one of the cylinders in between his lips while speaking to the droid. "Soon, there will be...Something. The Viceroyalty have been quiet but there has been much that has been effecting them. A battle is coming and I have already foreseen it. You will participate in that battle." The Exarch explained, grabbing the lighter from the drawer and lightning the tip of his cigarra. After taking a brief drag from the cylinder, he exhaled a small cloud of smoke into the air above him.

"I'm giving you command of an extra Two hundred thousand units." The Exarch explained, before pulling up the holoimage of a fleet of battlecruisers. "You'll remain on standby for the next few weeks." He said, simply before exhaling another cloud of smoke into the air. The Exarch was privy to much more than many gave him credit for. He watched the ebb and flow of the Viceroyalty and even took an interest in their own planets politics. "The best way to assure loyalty is by killing those who are disloyal." Adron set the cigarra into his lips before looking to the droid with an almost distant gaze. "Fail me and there won't be a second chance. Succeed, and you will have proved I made the right decision." Adron said simply.

"Now, leave me, there is still more to be done before the war begins." Adron said, smirking softly to himself as he sat himself into his own chair.

[member="Havoc (CT-375)"]


High Marshal of the Mara Armada
If he didn’t know better, Havoc might have started to think that he was beginning to like the Exarch. It was a thought that he quickly dismissed. However, until now, Havoc had never met an organic that matched him in ambition or, more importantly, skill. Within seconds of having met the Exarch, Havoc could tell that Adron was one of the few organics in the galaxy who could beat him in combat. A fact that only made Adron’s threat much more real.

Once again, Havoc bowed his head respectfully before uttering the words; “As you wish.” With that Havoc turned and left the room, trailed by his two commando droids. He had disgusted himself with how subservient he had acted towards the end of that meeting but the simple fact was; Havoc needed Adron on his side, and the best way to ensure that was by stroking his ego.

[member="Adron Malvern"]

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