Phoebe Draclau
Whenever Phoebe needed to retreat from the galaxy and just take some time for herself the woman would find herself here. It was quite, peaceful and most important nobody in this knew century knew that this little place existed.
Everything had gone completely wrong for Phoebe as always. It didn't matter if she lived in this era or next things seemed alright one minute and the next everything was going down the tubes. What she couldn't understand was why she couldn't just get a break. Phoebe had been taken out of Carbonite for a reason right? It wasn't just to be played around with again, was it?
The cabin home was a mess after years of non usage and was in great need of repair. Phoebe decided it was worth salvaging and decided upon getting to work repairing it. Hopefully what she was supposed to be doing with herself would come out of this as well.
Hands on hips the woman sighed as she stood at what used to be the entrance which was now covered in ivy. As she walked around the home she could see the rest of it to was covered in ivy and cracks. Phoebe could only begin to imagine what the inside of the home looked like.
Shaking her head slightly Ana decided it was high time for her to get to work if she had any chance of clearing off enough to get in by night fall. Walking up to the ivy she began to pull. Sure she could have used the Force but that would have been too easy. Hard work right now was what she needed.
[member="Teio Konshi"]
Whenever Phoebe needed to retreat from the galaxy and just take some time for herself the woman would find herself here. It was quite, peaceful and most important nobody in this knew century knew that this little place existed.
Everything had gone completely wrong for Phoebe as always. It didn't matter if she lived in this era or next things seemed alright one minute and the next everything was going down the tubes. What she couldn't understand was why she couldn't just get a break. Phoebe had been taken out of Carbonite for a reason right? It wasn't just to be played around with again, was it?
The cabin home was a mess after years of non usage and was in great need of repair. Phoebe decided it was worth salvaging and decided upon getting to work repairing it. Hopefully what she was supposed to be doing with herself would come out of this as well.
Hands on hips the woman sighed as she stood at what used to be the entrance which was now covered in ivy. As she walked around the home she could see the rest of it to was covered in ivy and cracks. Phoebe could only begin to imagine what the inside of the home looked like.
Shaking her head slightly Ana decided it was high time for her to get to work if she had any chance of clearing off enough to get in by night fall. Walking up to the ivy she began to pull. Sure she could have used the Force but that would have been too easy. Hard work right now was what she needed.
[member="Teio Konshi"]