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Private The Path We Share [Anneliese Kaohal]

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship.
Concerning: Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal .

The path to Knighthood for a Jedi was never a straight one. It was filled with trials, each more demanding than the last, shaping Jedi Padawans through adversity. They faced inner conflicts, challenges in their duties, and the weight of the Jedi teachings and doctrine. No two journeys were the same, and none were ever easy. Samuel Creed understood this deeply, having been molded by the victories, failures, and losses that marked his early years.

Jedi Master Jido Myyse Jido Myyse , a figure of wisdom and stubbornness, had once trained Samuel's own master, Lumea Corsell. Samuel owed much of his progress to Jido, even now. Their relationship was complex—born out of differences but solidified by mutual respect. The bond deepened after a shared tragedy: Jido had lost his only apprentice the same day Samuel lost his Master, Lumea Corsell, in the Outer Rim Territories. It was a wound Samuel had never spoken of since. Lumea had seen something in him and trained him to be strong, wise, and capable, though Samuel had not always lived up to that ideal.

Now, Samuel found himself reluctantly drawn into mentoring the new generation of Jedi for the New Jedi Order, a role he had never intended to take on. He preferred the solitude of his fieldwork, serving the Order on the fringes of the galaxy, where his decisions were unclouded by politics and the watchful eyes of the Alliance. But it was Jido Myyse who pushed him into this uncomfortable role, insisting it was not just for the students' sake, but for Samuel's own growth as well.

Earlier today, Samuel had completed a class on moral ethics and diplomacy, but the session had left him unimpressed. The students' behavior was lacking, and his disapproval was obvious. Most would avoid approaching him afterward, fearing reprimand, but one Padawan, Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , had done just the opposite. She had sought him out, asking for a conversation after the lesson.

Now, Samuel stood waiting in one of the Praxeum Vessel's training dojos, his hands clasped behind his back, staring out through a large transparisteel window at the vast darkness of space, dotted with distant stars and glowing planets. He waited patiently, curious to hear what the young Padawan would need from him.

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship
Tags: Samuel Creed Samuel Creed

Anneliese walked slowly down the corridors of the Prosperity after the class on Etiquette had ended with her fellow Jedi Padawans. Her behavior during the class in her eyes had been less than exemplary and deep down she knew she had to make amends to Jedi Knight Samuel Creed Samuel Creed . His… disappointment with the class as a whole had been evident, and deep down, the disappointment he’d had with the class was the same disappointment she had with herself.

Coming to the training dojos entrance she stood at the door, centering her breathing. There was something intense about the way Knight Creed held himself — the authority he commanded, it was something deep down she did not have, young adult or not — she knew she could do better and she’d felt measured and came up wanting more. She’d asked him if she could speak to him in privacy but now that he stood behind these doors her body froze. What was she supposed to ask him? Make me stronger? Help me be more like you?

Remembering the words from Master Noble, she knew even in the face of fear, she could be brave… it just meant she was growing, and that’s exactly what she wanted to do — grow. Exhaling once more, she took a step forward, biting her lip slightly as she made her way into the room, the doors opening with a small audible ‘hiss’. Setting her things gently down before stepping onto and across the mats she headed straight for Samuel, who stood stoically in front of the transparisteel peering out the windows.

Her footsteps soft, the young woman now stood behind the Jedi Knight and bowed, her unruly curls of fiery red hair falling gently down and over her shoulders, her voice braking the quiet humming in the room, her voice betraying her as the nervousness was heard in her soft tone. “Knight Creed — thank you for allowing me to meet with you. I — I wanted to apologize for my disappointing actions earlier in etiquette class. I know I should have restrained myself and I offer no excuse for my actions, they did not represent my Master well, nor you or the Order.” Her apology was sincere, yet past that, there was another want, another desire that would be evident, a question that yearned to be asked from her — a hesitation or fear kept it from being asked.


Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship.
Concerning: Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal .

"Knight Creed — thank you for allowing me to meet with you. I — I wanted to apologize for my disappointing actions earlier in etiquette class. I know I should have restrained myself and I offer no excuse for my actions, they did not represent my Master well, nor you or the Order."

Samuel turned away from the vast expanse of stars as the door slid open, revealing Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal . Her entrance was precise and respectful, her form bowing deeply in the traditional gesture of deference. Samuel, ever mindful of formality, inclined his head in return, a silent acknowledgment of the gesture.

"There is a distinct difference between enjoying the process of learning with your peers and being openly disrespectful to your instructor, Padawan Kaohal," Samuel began, addressing her by name from the class registry. She was apprenticed to Valery Noble Valery Noble , a Master whose reputation for expertise and wisdom spoke volumes. It was no small feat to study under such a teacher.

"Your apology is unnecessary. Compared to your peers, your conduct today was acceptable." His voice softened, lifting his left hand in a small, dismissive wave as if to relieve her of any lingering guilt. "Fortunately, Masters Calder Icehammer Calder Icehammer and Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania were patient—more than patient. They are testaments to the discipline and understanding required of all Jedi."

Samuel's gaze remained steady as he continued, "I cannot speak on behalf of your Master, but I imagine she would share a similar perspective." He moved gracefully to the center of the sparring floor, hands clasped behind his back, his posture regal yet approachable. His every step carried a quiet authority, an elegance born from years of discipline and purpose.

"Tell me about yourself, Padawan," Samuel beckoned, his tone both inquisitive and inviting. His time away on field assignments had distanced him from the bustling affairs of Coruscant and the ever-growing roster of the New Jedi Order. There are so many new faces and so much untapped potential. He realized, in that moment, that he was as much a mystery to these students as they were to him.

Location: The Prosperity
Tags: Samuel Creed Samuel Creed

Even though Knight Creed assured Anneliese’s behavior hadn’t been as bad as some in the class, her disappointment in herself was still evident. Walking with him towards the middle of the sparing floor he began to inquire about her, her life in the order and just generally about herself as a person. Speaking up, trying her best to relax in front of him her voice broke the silence once more. “Well, I was raised at the Sliver Rest on Kashyyyk —after quite sometime, I was granted a Master. Early in my Padwanship I was thrown into rough skirmish that had taken place on Tython; one in which my Master went missing. So the council felt it in my best interest to move me to the NJO, hoping a fresh page might offer new benefits and opportunities for me. I’ve made several bonds in my time here and eventually one Master took notice to me. I was chosen by Master Valery Noble Valery Noble to become her apprentice, she says she something in me I don’t.” Her lack of confidence in herself was blatantly obvious.

She cleared her throat as she continued to speak. “When I’m not on missions I typically dedicate most of my free time to independent training on the practice fields, at the archives or in the medical bays learning how to heal. I would like to eventually be a combat specialist with an emphasis on how to heal.” She paused and then continued. “That’s not to say I don’t spend free time with my friends, I just — “ Hesitation froze her as she tried her best to articulate how she felt. “I want to hone what I can so when I’m called to help I won’t be useless, so I won’t be afraid to act.” This was the truth and it was apparent in her words. So many things weigh on the Padawan, but this was the heaviest thing.

It wasn’t weakness that caused her inaction in the field, it wasn’t strength that she lacked — but rather the experience that came with growth and being constantly pushed that allowed her to act on this “fight” instinct — the confidence of knowing she could do these things and to push through the mind killer known as fear.

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship.
Concerning: Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal .

"Quite the journey so far..." Samuel murmured, his voice thoughtful as he nodded slowly. His arms were folded across his chest, and his right hand absentmindedly stroked his beard, a habit that surfaced whenever he fell into deep contemplation. His words trailed off, and silence settled between them as he pondered further.

Samuel Creed was no stranger to the Order of the Silver Jedi and their governing arm, the Concord, which had held sway over many worlds in the eastern sectors of the galaxy. Like all governments, they had their triumphs and flaws. During the Bryna'dul Crusades, they made the controversial decision to form an alliance with both the Sith Empire and the Confederacy. It was in those turbulent times that Samuel had been entrusted with a delicate and covert mission. His task was to report from within the ranks of the Silver Jedi, providing reassurance to the Alliance. Naturally, such an assignment was shrouded in secrecy, never openly discussed, and carried out with the utmost discretion. After all, maintaining appearances and safeguarding reputations was the hallmark of a Jedi Shadow's work.

"I'm sorry to hear about your mentor in the Order of the Silver Jedi," Samuel offered, his voice tinged with empathy. Though time may have softened the grief, he understood the weight of losing a Master in combat. The girl's mentor had vanished, and after so long without word or trace, it was easy to assume the worst—death in the line of duty.

"I am familiar with Master Noble, however." he continued, his tone shifting to one of respect. "Though we have yet to meet in person, her name and reputation precede her. You must realise the privilege you have in being her apprentice. She is renowned as an exceptional Jedi Master, equally formidable with her lightsaber as she is with her diplomatic skills. There is much you will learn from her teachings, a vast well of knowledge to draw from."

His words were measured, a reflection of the high regard in which he held Valery Noble Valery Noble . For the young apprentice, Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal , it must have been a surreal experience to train under someone of such standing in the Jedi Order.

The Padawan's words had piqued Samuel's interest. There was something intriguing about how casually she had expressed feeling useless, or the fear of taking action. He couldn't help but wonder if she truly grasped the weight of what she had said. These were not just fleeting thoughts—they revealed the presence of fear within her. While fear itself was a natural response, especially in the face of the unknown challenges ahead, it was a sentiment the Jedi were trained to rise above. Fear, though powerful, should never be allowed to dictate their actions or cloud their judgment.

"Do you truly believe you are useless as you are now?" he asked, his tone measured and neutral, giving nothing away. His voice held no trace of judgment, only curiosity. Samuel sought to understand her perspective, to delve into the thoughts that had led her to speak such words. It was a question intended to explore the deeper meaning behind her fears, and perhaps uncover what had triggered such a self-perception.

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship
Tags: Samuel Creed Samuel Creed

"It is a privilege, one that I thank Ashla for everyday. Valery Noble Valery Noble chose me -- out of everybody, and I'll be forever grateful for the journey we've just set out on."
This was the truth. When Valery first had met Annie, they were going on a standard and routine mission; but it had been a short time after her transfer into the NJO. She wasn't in the best mindspace, that had been for sure. She'd heard rumors of the Grandmaster, and Padadwans liked to talk, over emphasizing her feats and heroics ... so when she got chosen to go on mission with her, and was then asked to become her apprentice at the end of it, Anneliese couldn't believe her ears. For so long, she'd tried to rise above the pack and stick out, always one feeling like no one saw her or because she was too different or because she wasn't good enough -- but it all changed in an instant because Val saw her. "She shows me a strength of not just body, but mind and soul -- I hope one day, I can make her proud and become as strong of a Jedi as she is."

He'd asked her a straight-forward question, one that was direct and required nothing but a honest answer. "No... but yes." She paused, clearly trying to express the conflict that had been in her. "I told you when I was younger, there'd been a skirmish. My Master had gone ahead, and explicitly told me to stay behind." She paused as the memory began to unfold before her eyes once again. "I chose to be defiant, head-strong -- and I followed, thinking I just had to help, that I didn't want him to be alone. When I came across him, he was engaged in fighting with a dark-sided force user, both evenly matched." Her breathing began to change, clearly the fight or flight reflex beginning to subconsciously take over as she relived the horror of it. "I thought I could help, by reaching out in the force and supporting him from afar, but there was another force user there I didn't see --and they attacked me." She tried to steady her breathing but the vivid memories played in her head. "I remember feeling her intent -- the intent to kill me. I remember feeling made like prey, I remember being so afraid each time out sabers collided. In the end, I managed to defeat her. I-... I had no choice and I know this now, but -- I had to take her life." The words hurt, and hung heavy in the air. Her vivid emerald green eyes stared straight at Samuel Creed Samuel Creed , her jaw clenching and her eyes began to water up, the burden of this weighing on the young Padawan -- but she choked them back. "Every time, I go on a mission -- or something corners me, this pit forms in my stomach and churns it. I practice to run from it, to try to get ahead of this... this, fear that paralyzes me, that nips at my heels., but it stays with me, always. I do not want to useless to act when necessary -- Val tells me even she gets afraid, but that even in fear, we can be brave. I want to be brave Samuel. -- but I feel there's just some part of me that is just... defective and instead of feeling this way all the time I just want to be confident in what I know... I just don't know how."

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship.
Concerning: Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal .

The Jedi Knight remained silent at first, allowing her words to linger in the air as he considered them deeply.

Her recent skirmish had undoubtedly left its mark, not only physically but emotionally. During the battle, the Padawan had been ordered to retreat while her Master pressed on to face the enemy. Samuel could vividly imagine the inner turmoil that must have consumed the girl in that moment—the heart-wrenching decision to either obey and leave her Master behind or stay by his side and confront the overwhelming odds together.

He understood both choices all too well. To claim that he would have unquestioningly followed such an order in his youth would have been a lie, one that contradicted the very essence of who he had been as a Jedi Apprentice. He, too, had faced such a moment, one he shared with Anneliese Kaohal. But where she had been left with the gnawing uncertainty of her Master's fate, Samuel had witnessed his own mentor, Lumea Corsell, cut down before his eyes. That finality had been devastating, but the unknown—the endless wondering—seemed an even greater burden, a wound that could never fully close.

"Facing an enemy steeped in the Dark Side of the Force, while wrestling with the command to retreat from your Master, is not an ordeal many would survive," Samuel responded, his tone softened by the gravity of the subject. "Whether Sith, fallen Jedi, or rogue Force users, they all present a lethal threat in battle. Many Jedi have lost their lives in such encounters. That you survived speaks not only to your skill and training but to your instincts." His words carried a quiet sensitivity, mindful of the weight they bore. "This alone should serve as evidence of your potential as a Jedi Padawan."

I do not want to useless to act when necessary -- Val tells me even she gets afraid, but that even in fear, we can be brave. I want to be brave Samuel.

His expression grew firm, and with a swift, authoritative gesture, he raised his hand, cutting her off mid-sentence. "Master Noble. Master Creed. Temple etiquette," he reminded her, his voice steady, a firm yet respectful correction before allowing her to continue.

When she finished speaking, he nodded twice, his understanding clear. The advice he was about to offer was simple to speak but far harder to internalize. "Fear is a powerful teacher, one that urges us to protect ourselves. It is an innate instinct, woven into the fabric of every sentient being, guiding us through times of peril. What you experienced during that skirmish offers two paths: you can allow the fear to paralyze your progress, or you can recognize it for what it is—a lesson waiting to be learned. Your heightened sense of potential danger is not a flaw; it's the result of awareness, a reflection of the dangers you've already faced and wish to avoid again. Do not mistake this for weakness."

He paused, letting his words settle before continuing, "Instead, use it. Your experience holds value, not just for you but for your fellow students. The next time you face a Force user in combat, you will understand the gravity of the situation in ways others may not. Harness that understanding. Apply it to your training. Seek out knowledge, refine your skills, and ensure that you are prepared at every moment. This is not a reflection of any inadequacy within you but an opportunity for growth, a chance to realize your full potential."

Tags: Samuel Creed Samuel Creed

She had been faced with a hard decision -- and the gravity behind that decision equally weighty. Hearing the compliment however -- in regards to the testament to her potential as a Padawan and Apprentice, she couldn't help but feel like her heart had dropped to her stomach -- was she really so unsure about her own potential? What if it wasn't her skill in question that was the problem -- but actually herself holding her back? However, just as she was fixing to chime back in and thank him for his words -- Knight Creed spoke up, mid-sentence and caught her on her informality -- her face snapped back immediately, likened to a child being caught doing something wrong. "I-I am sorry Master Creed, I was not entirely thinking. Please, forgive the slip."

He continued, speaking on the mind killer -- fear, as something to be used as a motivator to awaken ones self, versus shutting one down.She stood there, her emerald green eyes reflecting on what had just been imparted onto her. Hearing him more or less assure that her fear was not a defect, but rather a result of growth -- a maturity that others in her class had not even been exposed too, and upon hearing that, something inside of her seemed to relax and breath finally for the first time in a while.

Doing her best, to subtly wipe tears that rolled down her cheek, she realized her fault -- the 'defect' she'd been feeling. To say all it took were a few well placed words would be a lie -- simply because Master Noble had already tried her best to console her, having confided in friends -- rather Anneliese had to be ready to accept those words, she needed the space and time to grow, yet somehow... the words Master Creeds spoke, had been delivered and received whereas others had not. "It never once occurred to me that my fear was actually a growth of awareness, of the dangers i'd faced -- but somehow my mind twisted it into a weakness, making me think I just wasn't strong enough." She paused, thinking further. "I guess If I'm being honest, I've compared myself to others somehow -- the other Padawans seem so... carefree, even during training at times -- but me, I feel this weight, this heightened sense of urgency that has nipped at my heels... pushing me to train harder, thinking 'if only i did this', or 'trained this way' then I would get ahead of it... but now I see. My fear isn't a bad thing, running from it is."

Pausing and reflecting again, she wondered what her full potential could look like -- what did Master Noble see in her? What did Master Creed see in her in just the few moments they'd spoken? "Master Creed?" She paused, but then continued. "I need to face the lesson I've been running from, and I need to face the fear that's haunted me. I know this an odd request, but, Master Creed -- would you spar me?" Her demeanor serious. "I mean really spar me." Anytime Masters, or Knights spared with the Padawans -- there was also a sense and air of complete control, never striking too hard, or back one into a corner. Anneliese knew, staring at Creed, she wasn't going to learn this lesson if she felt safe -- she had to push through the mental wall that had formed and shatter it.

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship.
Concerning: Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal .

Samuel Creed raised his right hand once more, giving a subtle, dismissive wave in response to Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal 's apology. Her expression shifted, a look of realization crossing her face as she registered the slight. This silent understanding was enough for the Jedi Knight, and he felt no need to push the matter further.

"Comparing yourself to others is a common mistake," Samuel began, his voice steady but thoughtful, "One that many of us have made in the past and will continue to make. While we often speak of the Jedi Path as if it's one singular journey, the truth is, every path is unique. Measuring your progress against someone else's is only going to distract you from what makes you unique, from what you can contribute to the New Jedi Order."

His words struck at the core of the issue—those moments when a student, struggling with their own challenges, couldn't help but notice the seemingly effortless progress of their peers.

"Healthy competition is fine," he continued, "as long as it encourages growth. But comparing your struggles to others' achievements? That's where it becomes nonsensical. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. The best thing you can do is identify where your strengths lie, hone them, and work on the areas where you feel you fall short. Keep pushing yourself, don't stagnate, and define yourself in ways that will make you a true asset to the New Jedi Order."

When Anneliese asked to spar with him, Samuel hesitated, lowering his head in thought. It had been years since he'd last engaged in a sparring match with a student. Truth be told, he wasn't one to hold back, not even in training sessions. Jido Myyse Jido Myyse had been encouraging him to spend more time with the students, urging him to refocus and share his accumulated wisdom. Yet Samuel doubted that this type of combat exercise was what the old Master had in mind. Even so, Anneliese seemed certain that such a challenge would help her conquer her fears.

"You should understand something," Samuel said, his tone both a warning and a challenge. "I am not as gentle as some of my fellow Knights and Masters. Facing me in combat will not be easy." His gaze was steady, assessing her determination. "Combat is my area of expertise, and I've never made a habit of sparring with students. If you're certain about this, then fight as you would in the field. We'll use training frequencies, but you'll need to bring everything you have."

Tags: Samuel Creed Samuel Creed

Comparison was a trap. Don't stagnant. Push yourself. Grow. Become stronger. Find your strengths and know yourself.

These were the things and words that resonated within the young girl's mind as Master Creed spoke candidly to her, but this was exactly what she needed to hear. Anneliese like all the younglings in the order, grew up without parental affection -- or at least for her, she had no parents that she knew of. Often at times, she related conversations like these to what a parent would do to their child. No matter how hard the truth was, it was always said from a point of care -- and as he continued on, she was thankful that he cared enough to tell her things like he saw them.

The tone in his demeanor and voice shifted upon the acceptance of her challenge -- he wasn't going to hold anything back, and that's exactly what she wanted. Her breath hitched in her chest as anxiety crept up her spine -- mixed with unbridled excitement. She stood on the precipice once again, on that edge right before battle when you knew the only thing required, was the will to act, to fight. Her eyes remained on him, serious and understanding of what she'd willingly gotten herself into, and with a nod, she spoke. "I understand and accept what may come of this... but as I said before -- I need this, and would have it no other way Master Creed -- thank you. I will come at you with everything I know."

Bowing respectfully Anneliese walked a few paces away and faced Samuel Creed Samuel Creed . Her body was tense with anticipation as the mind killer threatened to sneak up, but closing her eyes, she remembered -- when life seemed out of balance, to return to the basics of life. Breathing in and out she focused on the light that was her breath, and with each inhale, she allowed that light to expand until it filled her mind. Fear was not meant to shut her down, but to awaken her -- to teach her, and she was ready to learn from the lesson she'd been running from. Opening her eyes, she shifted her feet, and positioned her hands and body, positioning her hands and upper body, as she mimicked an unarmed Form V. Much like its namesake, The Way of the Krayt Dragon -- The Perseverance Form, Anneliese was tenacious but lacked resolve, and like some described, she was an absolute firecracker. As asked, she was bringing the best of what she knew, her positioned body showing that she would not only defend -- but make her own openings and attack with all she had.

Location: The Prosperity, New Jedi Order Praxeum Starship.
Concerning: Jedi Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal .

"Very well then," Samuel Creed acknowledged, his voice calm but resolute as his right hand lowered to his utility belt. With a smooth motion, he unhooked his lightsaber, feeling the familiar weight settle into his grip. The atmosphere in the dojo thickened with anticipation as he prepared for the sparring session ahead. Standing centered on the polished floor, Samuel began to move backward, his steps measured and deliberate. Across from him, Padawan Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal mirrored his actions, both creating space between them, a silent agreement to respect the distance and gravity of their coming duel.

As Padawan Kaohal bowed, Samuel's keen eye noted her display of respect. It wasn't merely for him as a Jedi Knight but for the dojo itself, a place of discipline and learning, far from a mere battleground for the egos of younglings. Here, respect and focus were paramount, and her actions earned his silent approval. He bowed in return, acknowledging the formalities with an air of mutual understanding.

With fluid precision, Samuel placed his left foot forward, positioning himself side-on to his opponent. His lightsaber ignited with a familiar snap-hiss, the blade emerging in a brilliant flash of blue, humming with energy as it extended from the emitter. He lowered the blade to his right side, aligning it with his back foot in the graceful yet controlled opening stance of Makashi. Every movement was deliberate, a reflection of his mastery.

Samuel's eyes flickered to Anneliese's posture. She had chosen Djem So—perhaps its Shien variation—but the subtle details would reveal themselves in time. This was the moment for study, for analyzing her stance, her grip, the intent behind each breath and motion. With a single, sharp nod, Samuel signaled his readiness, eyes sharp and focused. The duel was about to begin.

In Samuel's mind, the ideal counter to Djem So wasn't actually Makashi, but rather Soresu. He knew Djem So well—it was one of his strongest forms—but the Padawan's choice intrigued him. Instead of matching her form with its most effective counter, he deliberately chose Makashi, Form II. It was a subtle test, designed to gauge her awareness and adaptability. Would she recognize his choice as an intentional mismatch and exploit it, or would she miss the nuance entirely?

Samuel's curiosity simmered beneath his calm exterior. This was as much a mental exercise as a physical one. He wanted to see how she would respond, not just to his movements but to the tactical layers of their duel. Fortunately, Samuel wasn't confined to a single form of saber combat. His years of experience had shaped him into a versatile fighter, always prepared to adapt as the situation demanded. As the bout unfolded, he would be ready to shift and flow with the rhythms of battle, each decision a calculated move in this intricate dance of skill and strategy.

Objective: Break Through
Tags: Samuel Creed Samuel Creed

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of her forehead as her emerald eyes intently focused on Master Creed. Her mouth was dry, and her body tense. Focusing on her breath, still in her Form V stance, using her right hand, she reached down to her saber -- the same, familiar crack-hiss breaking the stillness and silence of the room, her blade coming forth -- a fierce yellow that matched the rays of the sun in the morning, the glow reflecting off her face. Bringing her left foot forward just slightly, and keeping her left hand up in a defensive block, she allowed her right hand which held the saber to come down and out towards her side.

She knew of Form II -- she'd studied several forms, but that didn't mean by any means she had mastered any of them. However, she knew that he would be ready for her -- his movements focused on precision strikes, flourishes, and saber efficiency and effectiveness. In her mind, she knew Form V wasn't necessarily the best match, but thanks in part to the blending and melding of the two disciplines in V... she could easily utilize the principles of Form III in this style. Taking a deep breath she stared down Master Creed... the prospect of charging him head on was mentally daunting -- he wasn't like the force user she'd fought prior, he wouldn't be easily taken -- but, at the same time, there was an impatience in her stance and body language Samuel Creed Samuel Creed would pick up on -- she didn't want to just wait to be attacked, she wanted to make her own opening.

It was subtle... but the tense in her muscles and the ripple in the force would be felt as she drew upon it.

Quickly closing the gap she ferociously bound forward, her tightly bound muscles launching her in a full frontal assault at Master Creed. Her right hand coming up with an upwards cross slash, would then be followed with her planting right foot, to then utilize the power, and come downwards in a power strike, her body still primed and ready to retreat backwards and defend if necessary. This girl was tenacious, and her actions spoke to that tenacity.

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