Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The People Awaken [[PM to join!]]

[member="Verz Horak"]
[member="Cabur Aranar"]
[member="Darian Beviin"]

Chapter One
The Heart of Dxun
Episode One
Where the Wild Things Play
Location: Dxun "Demon Moon". Japrael System. Grid Coordinate: O-9​
Atmosphere: Breathable, very heavy air (humid).​
Environment: Humid Tropical Jungle. Almost always raining. Very Windy.​
Listed on the Galactic Planetary Registry as a Dangerous/Uninhabitable Planet due to the Wildlife.

Due to planetary circumstances, electronics don't always work that well and need constant maintenance.

1: Hunt (Dxun is a known Hunting Ground, with it being uninhabited for the most part other then by fierce predators)
2: Get in Touch with your Inner Mandalorian/Warrior (Dxun is thriving in force eddies. It is also a place where the being visiting/living is put to the test of their skill and endurance every waking moment. Get in touch with both!)
3: Attempt to find clues on Ancient Mandalorian Ways. Dxun recently was found to have artifacts still on her surface and ancient weapons Caches. There was even a rumor of a standalone structure off in the middle of the Jungle that had power, shielding, and automated defenses and maintenance.
@O'saam Echoy'la [member="Cabur Aranar"] [member="Darian Beviin"]

The moon of Dxun. Verz had been here once before, with @Basaba Williama. They had been on a hunting trip. Now there was an expedition of a different sort. There had been rumors of Mandalorian outposts and caches from thousands of years ago, from the time of the Crusaders. This was an opportunity to honor those who came before by reclaiming their artifacts, and bringing them home to Manda'yaim. The Ordo-class frigate Beviiragir had brought the expedition group to the Onderon system, and now a landing shuttle was ready to bring the group down to the planetary surface.

"Tion'ad copaanir bah echoy par ruug'la besbe'trayce?" [Who is ready to hunt for old weapons?]

Draconis Caesar

Draconis was on a envoy sent to speak with representatives of Onderon. While on the planet he heard locals speak of Ancient ruins buried on the moon Dxun. It was called the Demon moon, so he safely assumed the ruins were probably rich in the darkside. Apparently the moon was often a frequent hunting trip for Mandalorians as well. Finally having some down time in his negotiations Draconis took a local shuttle to the nearby moon. He wanted to explore those ruins. He hoped to find signs of ancient Jedi or perhaps ancient artifacts to bring back to the temple on Voss. He was going to need a guide and that meant finding one of these Mandalorian's he had heard so much about.
[member="Verz Horak"]

You notice a a hyperspace beacon that occasionally blips in and out. Records show it as a blacklisted beacon, and disturbing it is considered against the law by a four-hundred-or-so centuries old Decree from the people of Onderon. You know yourself of the legend of The Black Death. Rumor has it that four-hundred years ago he slew a tyrant king's sons and left for Dxun. Afterwards, it was said battle was done for several decades. At a loss, Onderon labeled the site of the Hyperspace beacon as a historical monument, and declared a truce with the being responsible for the deaths of the men. (Draconis you might also know this, really up to you and anybody else who joins. Could easily find it on the Holonet)

[member="Draconis Caesar"]

Some guy named Mando Bob in the Capital of Iziz offers to take you to the Demon Moon. He does however state, "Aint nun of them JEtii artifacts, buddy boy. Plenty of relics though, probably from some old Republic Shoot and Mandalorians. But you need to be careful, sonny bop. There's something on that moon, folks say, protecting them. Some claim it's a Man, clad black in armor with a tabard of our Ancient War Priests. Other's claim it's the darkside. Hell, some folks say it's a Celestial or sumthin called a Bedlam spirit. Now I 'unno the hell a Bedlam spirit is but I can take you there, yessir. For the low price of a bit of what you find and some credits in advance. Yessireee Bob," You have your Sherpa. He smells bad, but looks like he'd do you right. The only other option you can see involves Czerka (Who charge exorbitant rates in the hopes you won't purchase them and they don't have to say a world is too dangerous for them) who have presently listed their last two guides as either dead or missing or the Beast Riders who likely wouldn't let you take from the world as they see it as semi-sacred also.

Draconis Caesar

Draconis studied the man for a time. He appeared to be a homeless man after his money and the truth was as a Padawan, Draconis really had no money.. He atempted to read the man's thoughts and discovered the fellow was strong willed or had a very thick head. Draco shrugged, their really wasn't much he could do. He was going to have to trust in the plausible Mandalorian hobo.

"Bob i'd be pleased if you accompanied me, but all I have nothing of real value. If you did take me though i'd happily share half my findings and the order will pay for our shuttle tickets!"

@O'saam Echoy'la
@O'saam Echoy'la [member="Cabur Aranar"] [member="Darian Beviin"]

Verz refreshed himself on the history of the moon. It had once been in Mandalorian territory, thousands of years ago. There were some legends about a warrior, clad in armor like the kind that Mandalorians wore slaying a king's sons. Interesting. However, the shuttle was ready. Time to get going. Verz headed down to the hangar, where the shuttle was waiting. It was loaded with some supplies, along with a Bes'ulik droid for each member of the expedition. The war mounts would make it easier to navigate the jungle and scout from above, while the weaponry the droids had would help keep predators at bay. Verz climbed onto one of the droids, which was already powered on and ready.

"Oya ner vode!"
[member="Draconis Caesar"]

The journey towards the Moon itself is a gentle one. As is the landing, and to be honest you find it a bit lackluster. Until it sinks in, the throbbing of the darkside that you're walking in.

It's almost as if it's saturated the ground you're walking on.

Bob seems unperturbed by it, instead he's more-so worried about bumping into the being he mentioned prior. He put you down in a clearing that has seem some use, albeit not much. He mentions at one point, "If yur lookin' fer artifacts, the Hyperspace Beacon aint'ah bad place to look. We aint putting down anywhere near it, lest we risk his wroth,"

@Herz Vorak
The combination of yourself and the rallied warriors; it is a formidable thing. Mandalorians atop their ancient Crustacean-esque beasts of war returning to a planet holding it's sway over The People even yet to this day. It is a fantastic idea.

You breach the atmosphere of the Primordial Jungle world, flitting through the higher-rise trees and the sparse clearings. For a while, it is silent and you enjoy the relaxation. The feeling of a few-tonne war beast between your legs as the engine roars and propels you through thick atmosphere has almost a meditative quality about it.

And then it happens.

A beast impacts the rear of your formation. It's size? A wingspan that would span buildings on Keldabe. Two of your warriors are struck by it, and the beast wraps up around it and topples it to the ground. Perhaps for a moment, you may think it is a Drexl.

But Drexls don't get -that- large.

Your formation has ample time to split, until something impacts your Basilisk. It looks like a massive stringer, and it rips through your mount's stabilizers before rearing back and striking it again. Suddenly, a sonic explosion is heard. It sends most of the beasts scattering. Behind your people; a man atop what appears to be an older ship. A HWK-290, streaking past your formation, and the man is lobbing sonic grenades at the massive beasts attacking you. The formation retorts, and you and your men find stabilization in your flight patterns.

Closer examination of the man reveals a long tabard and a hood around a helmet that appears to be Mandalorian in nature. The tabard flaps lightly in the wind as he waves you in the motion to follow him before descending back down a hatch to his piloting station.

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