Sphaera Tea Company Owner
For a short time at least, Kay found herself on the planet Commenor. It was the planet that she represented in the Galactic Senate for the Republic. Heavy in trade, this planet was home to various inhabitants with wonderful skills in a variety of trade.
But one trade in particular had her interest today and that was jewelry making. Or to be more specific...cameos. It wasn't entirely good to have so little to honour her husband with. And how better to have him next to her heart than a necklace?
Kay had asked around amongst the small amount of staff that she had kept upon her new appointment, and was told of where to find such a jeweler. So it wasn't long after hearing the information that Kay found herself at the shop and stepping inside the open door.
For a short time at least, Kay found herself on the planet Commenor. It was the planet that she represented in the Galactic Senate for the Republic. Heavy in trade, this planet was home to various inhabitants with wonderful skills in a variety of trade.
But one trade in particular had her interest today and that was jewelry making. Or to be more specific...cameos. It wasn't entirely good to have so little to honour her husband with. And how better to have him next to her heart than a necklace?
Kay had asked around amongst the small amount of staff that she had kept upon her new appointment, and was told of where to find such a jeweler. So it wasn't long after hearing the information that Kay found herself at the shop and stepping inside the open door.