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Public The Philosopher Mobile Bar Comes to Coruscant

The Philosopher Mobile Bar Comes to Coruscant

Jasper shot up, sweat dripping down his spine. He had that dream again... the one about the old man he didn't recognize. The exile slowed his breathing, trying his best to relax. Before long, there was a knock at his door. It slid up, revealing his mentor's adopted daughter, Lana. Immediately, the young Twi'lek seemed to recognize his distress. She gave him a concerned look.

Are you okay? She signed. You look like you've seen a ghost.

"N-no, I'm fine," Jasper assured. "Just a bad dream."

Okay. Well, we just arrived on Coruscant. Father wanted me to let you know. He figured you'd want to get the bar ready.

It took Jasper a moment to process what she had signed. He was half asleep, and frankly still trying to understand the dream he was having.

"R-right," he nodded. "Thanks, Lana."

Jasper was behind the counter of his bar, a spring back in his step. His bar and tables were especially shiny today. It wasn't every day that the exile served the higher-end clients that would be found on Galactic City's top side, and with that there came bigger profit. It hardly bothered him that he was back in New Jedi Order territory. This was a good opportunity to get his business some much needed exposure. Soon, his doors were open. Booths began filling up, faster than even Jasper could have anticipated. This was gonna be a busy day.

Feel free to join and enjoy the bar. Anything goes. Bar fights, business meetings, shadier interactions, etc...
Thalira walked the streets of Coruscant, as she did many times after a successful job. She absentmindedly fidgeted with the small statuette in her hands. She couldn't tell what it was supposed to be modeled off of, but she knew whoever had it made had to be some pompous rich bastard, and that's why she didn't mind stealing it. Now she just needed someone to sell it to, and she had a contact who seemed interested in buying it.

'Ah kriff, where did he say to meet? The Shipyard Bar? The Shipping Cantina? What was it...' Thalira snapped out of her thoughts as she overheard a few passers-by talking about a new bar built into a ship that was hanging out for a while. 'That must be it!' Thalira continued listening in on the conversation until she heard where the bar was supposed to be, then she began her journey there. Unknowingly, the correct bar she was supposed to meet her contact in was on the other side of the city.

A small smile grew on Thalira's face as she finally came to the mobile bar. The idea of a bar that could travel the galaxy seemed genius to the alderaanian, and she couldn't believe she didn't think of it first. Upon entering the bar, she quickly weaved her way through the crowd of bodies to the bar where she found a young bartender who appeared to be not even out of his teenage years. She almost backed out at the sight of the young man, but decided against it.

Still somewhat hesitant, Thalira placed a credit chip on the counter and slid it over to the bartender. "Gimme something strong." She spoke as she caught eye contact with the boy. "Also, is Mister Marcheds here yet?" She of course was speaking of her contact she meant to meet, not realizing she was in the completely wrong place. Still, she gave the boy across the counter a look as if she expected him to know exactly what she was talking about.

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Coruscant, Aboard the Philosopher
Tags: Thalira Kiing Thalira Kiing

"Gimme something strong."

Something strong? Jasper noted in his head. Whenever someone asked for something strong, they were often rather colorful characters, the exile found. Patrons expressing the desire for alcohol stronger than the average brew often led to... unusual conversations. Immediately, Jasper prepared himself for a bizarre encounter.

"Strong, huh?" Jasper echoed. "Let's see what I have... No, not this one... That's a bit too bitter... Ah, here we are."

The young man procured a bottle of black liquid, pouring it into a glass for the woman at his counter.

"Ne'tra gal," he explained. "It's a Mandalorian ale with a distinct sweet taste. Don't let that fool you, though. This stuff is particularly strong, not unlike the culture that brewed it."

Jasper quite enjoyed giving backstory on some of the drinks he served. Each were created very uniquely, giving some insight into the people who made them. Warriors, smugglers, tribal peoples... it seemed that all had some form of drink, each with a story to tell. As he slipped the woman her glass, she continued speaking...

"Also, is Mister Marcheds here yet?" She of course was speaking of her contact she meant to meet, not realizing she was in the completely wrong place.

Her gaze was intense, as if she expected him to be aware of this... Mister Marcheds. Jasper was caught completely off-guard by this.

"Marcheds?" he repeated, a confused tone in his voice. "Apologies, but I don't know a Marcheds, or at least I haven't spoken to one."
A smile crept across Thalira's face as the young bartender poured her a glass of Ne'tra gal and explained it's properties as a drink. She picked up the glass and swirled it for a moment before taking it up to her mouth and downing half the ale in one go. She placed the glass back on the counter and approvingly nodded at the young man across the bar from her.

When she was told Marcheds wasn't yet there, Thalira wasn't at all worried. "Oh, I got here first," She spoke to herself out loud. She turned in her chair, observing the other patrons for a moment, making sure she didn't miss her contact. Once she was sure Marcheds wasn't there, she turned back to the bartender, picked her glass of ne'tra gal up, and finished it, gently placing the empty glass back down. Thalira closed her eyes for a moment as her body took in the alcohol, then she placed another credit chip on the counter. "Well, since I'll be waiting, I'll take another glass of ne'tra gal."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el
Coruscant, Aboard the Philosopher
Tags: Thalira Kiing Thalira Kiing
"Well, since I'll be waiting, I'll take another glass of ne'tra gal."

Jasper wasn't gonna argue. They could have whatever meeting they wanted, so long as they didn't cause any commotion. He refilled the woman's glass with the black, Mandalorian ale, sliding it back across the counter before turning to serve another guest. As he tended to his patrons, Lana took a seat at the bar, a stern look on her face. Dex was nowhere to be seen.

"What now?"
Jasper mused, preparing himself for something ridiculous.

My father wandered off, Lana signed. Said he was going to 'have some fun' or something like that.

"That's never good," the exile frowned. "He's already half blind as it is."

I'm gonna go make sure he doesn't get himself killed, Lana signed with a sigh. So much for sightseeing... Lana then made a crude hand gesture Jasper was pretty sure stood for "sleemo."

"Good luck," he told the Twi'lek. "If you need any help, you know where to find me."

Lana stood, storming out of the bar. Dex, while skilled in combat, was getting up there in years, and he had always had a knack for getting himself into trouble. With how good business was going, Jasper hated the thought of having to close his doors early, but he began to mentally prepare himself for the possibility. For now, he continued on as if nothing had happened.

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