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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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The Philosopher Stone


The Philosopher Stone

The Philosopher Stone is less of an organization than it is a group of likeminded individuals with similar, though often not the same, goals. They do not support the claims of the Sith'ari. The Force influences all, and only a being made free from the start of such influence can truly be the Sith'ari. A being they will create themselves through rigorous, and mostly unethical, experimentation and alchemy.


Instead of a council or definite leader, the Philosopher Stone operates on a come and go policy. Alchemists and Sorcerers are encouraged to partake in any and all of their meetings, regardless of rank or influence over other Sith. The freedom to speak, however, does not mean protection. Upsetting another Lord to spark conflict is a common thing for those who think themselves superior. While combat is forbidden within the grand theater, Sith who have been mocked or disrespected (even if such slights weren't intended) will lash out.

The oldest members are those who have learned to keep a level head and avoid such conflicts. Or those who are too strong on their own to be dealt with directly.

Despite the differences they often hold, there is one unifying truth none can deny. The Force, the ultimate enemy that it is for all Sith, is unforgiving and unrelenting in it's corruption of anyone who uses the Dark.


The Grand Theater

The Grand Theater is less of an actual location and more of wherever any of the Philosopher Stone declare a meeting. Either to show off their latest creations, host a conversation to further their unifying goal, or even ask questions to solve a problem they can't figure out themselves. The latter is something few truly do. Despite the idea of them openly sharing information in the hopes of creating a true Sith'ari, the egotistical minds that make up a majority of it's members would never stoop so low as to request help.

Doing so is to invite others to mock them. Despite this, or because of this, when the request for help arises many leap at the chance to solve the problem another couldn't. In a hopes to lord it over the unfortunate soul or to host bragging rights of being the one to solve the unsolvable, who could say.


The Abyssal Library

The only actual location that the Philosopher Stone lords over, it is a fiercely guarded and protected secret. Only the most senior members have the ability to conjure forth the door way, and only those guiled enough to steal such secrets or earn their place to learn it are able to reach the dimension it exists in. All knowledge ever found by the organization's members is stored there. No matter how inconsequential or seemingly unimportant. They hoard all secrets they can get their hands on, sharing them only amongst themselves to further their ultimate goal.

Until the true Sith'ari is created, they will kill any and all who threaten this knowledge.


The True Sith'ari

The great, unifying truth of the Philosopher Stone is the reality of the Force. To use the Dark is to rot your body as the Force itself rejects you. No being can escape this. Not yet. The Alchemists and Sorcerers that follow the organization all strive to create a being free of this corruption. Free to truly command the Force in a way none have been able to. But how to create such a being is where the unifying belief ends.

Within the Grand Theater heated debates continue on just what the best method is. Some claim to create new life is the only way. Others claim to take that which already exists and alter it. Others further claim to take something not even alive and bring it life is the only way. Vong technology, undeath, the list goes on and on. For as many different Sith join, there is a different idea on just what it takes to create the True Sith'ari.

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