Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public the Pillage of Kerkoidia

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Location: Kerkoidia
Objective: pillage and raid the locals for their hard earned cash and goods,
fleet composition:
24-star fighters.
24-Boarding craft

Valik Thar - a human male in his mid thirtys- sat in his command chair, as the lights of hyperspace flashed beyond the glass, steel viewports of his ship. A newly acquired toy he had stolen from a shipyard some weeks prior while the PGEM/Broadside Frigate MK IX was a good vessel he was only able to convince Ubbal Dusat to lend him five corvettes three Starhammer-series Attack Corvette's and two PGEM/C-SOC Gozanti corvettes. While it wasn't much, it was enough to escort the two PGEM/Bijou-class Pocket Carrier's.

As the fleet dropped out of hyperspace, the main force quickly went about to dispatch the system defense force or at the very least to keep them busy while twenty-four Grek Gladiator-series Armed Transport's launched from the carriers he had brought with him, escorted by twenty-four BZ-Ceptor class star fighters, a gift from the Dusate pirates mysterious benefactor. a man valik had never spoken to nor truly heard about. all the boss would say about him was that so long as the Dusate Pirates kept the Lilaste order stuck in their section of space, the money would keep flowing in. but that didnt mean that he couldnt use these new toys for his own benefit.

" fire on the engine bays of the sector fleet, and prepare boarding parties. i want those ships added to my personal arsenal. And get those transports down on the ground, land them in kirdona, melido, and carnaz. hit the factories and the local goods stores. Take anything valuable." the crew aboard his ship didnt say anything but they followed and relayed the orders to the boarding craft and other ships in the fleet.

As the transports landed on the ground, each city was hit with six boarding craft that opened up to a total of 240 pirates, all ranging from different species and different miss - matched armored sets. With the last two dropping off four Sardon LX2 Series Light Assault Tank's. it seemed these pirates were not messing around, they would take what they wanted, and it wouldn't matter to them how many civilians died in the process.

The moment the doors opened up, the pirates immediately began to fire into the crowd, shooting at anyone who hadent had the common sense to take cover in their homes - not that it would do them much good soon enough- as the pirate forces rushed forwards, the tanks would follow them. The pirates soon breaking down doors and invading the homes of the local populace.

OOC: as stated in my LFG this is a just a thread for low numbered individuals to get yourself started in a combat thing or to do some raiding of your own not looking for major fleets to show up here, but you are welcome to join the fight in space if you like!
Complete a contract for the Lilaste Order to thwart the Dusate Pirates to raid on the people of Kerkoidia

Shields | Hull | Remaining #
(HC) Verdict (FLAG) 100 | 100

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Hacker 100 | 100

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Slasher 100 | 100

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Sedimentary 100 | 100

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Igneous 100 | 100

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Metamorphic 100 | 100

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
Troops 2000/2000

Troop Compliment Loadout

The troop compliment on board the Verdict consists entirely of 2000 "hired guns" that are provided with necessary gear by the Way'lurr Expeditions Company.

Spacesuits | Skinsuits | jetpacks | blaster rifles | sidearms
(Fighters) Wrangler Squadron (12/12)

Technical Data​
  • outdated surplus B-wings (two seated).
  • Aft cockpit turret is substituted with a Harpoon and Towcable for towing purposes.
Damage Effects​

"It looks like shopping season!" Proclaimed Breve.

He said this after their fleet snapped out of hyperspace, and a holographic image of eight warships materialized into existence on the central tactical display. The sensors on the Verdict had immediately blasted the enemy formation with intensive scans which then fed emissions and profile data into the tactical computer. In an instant, that data was referenced to files within the Verdict's database, which quickly spat out a litany of information regarding their ships and their capabilities for Way'lurr and his staff to see.

Captain Antio Way'lurr's bulgy Dornean eyes quickly scanned over the information and his chest tightened in a very familiar way. He was familiar with the designs that the enemy was using and he knew exactly what his strengths and weaknesses were in this fight. He needed to act very quickly.

Behind him, Breve was still jabbering away about the potential prizes before them, "…so if no one claims that the ships were stolen in the first place, you get to keep them for yourself…"

"That's enough, Breve," Antio Way'lurr interrupted. Immediately, all eyes that weren't occupied turned to him expectantly. He decided that he didn't have time to offer explanations or prefacing and he got straight to work, "Inform Wrangler squadron that they are cleared to egress the hangar! I want them escorting our capital ships and hugging close to our hulls! They are not — I repeat, not permitted to fly outside the range of our capital ships' short range gunnery. They are to maintain this perimeter around our fleet and deny access to enemy strike craft! Execute now!"

General Quarters had already been called before they left hyperspace, since this was a known hot combat zone on arrival. Therefore, all combat stations and systems were already up to fighting status. The Flight Control Station Pit quickly scrambled to relay Antio's orders to the relevant divisions. Antio didn't waste any time listening to them and proceeded to dole out his next orders, "All capital ships, set on a heading directly for the enemy capital ship formation! All of the Lilaste corvettes are to establish a short range screening perimiter around the Verdict while we are on the move! Keep the formation tight so we can exchange overlapping support easily! Execute now!"

The curved horizon of the planet before them rotated slowly and slid slightly aside as the Verdict reoriented to fly towards the enemy pirates. The planetscape slowly to encompass the bottom-half of the bridge viewport as Way'lurr's fleet pointed their collective belly at the planet below for an orientation reference point.

"What are you thinking, sir?" Asked Carvahan quietly, sensing that this was enough of a lull for him to ask questions.

Antio pointed at a cluster of 48 small craft that were flying away from the Dusate Pirates towards the planet's surface, "we came here with a massive capital ship advantage, in both speed and tonnage, but our fighters are outmatched and outnumbered. The pirates have sent their fighters out to strike hard and fast at the planet below, so this is our only chance to subdue the capital ships before they can come back to reinforce. Those carriers," he pointed at two of the larger ships on the holoimage, "may or may not have more fighters of their own, it's hard to say. Pirates are notoriously underfunded, but unpredictable. They may just be used for hauling loot, but we can't know for certain. But we have only one chance to hit the main bulk of their fleet and that window is very small. We have to hit them hard and fast."

As they made their approach, Antio's keen Dornean eyes started to make out tiny flashes and swarming dots around the Dusate ships. Suddenly, more data fields materialized on the tactical display as the sensors picked up on the remains of the local defence fleet, as it was engaging the pirates.

Antio barked out more orders, "Hail the local defence forces! Request that they break off and establish a new staging point behind our fleet while we approach! All gunners of all batteries, stand ready to peel enemy pursuers off of the local defence forces while they regroup behind us. Let's give them a chance to rest while we punch a hole!"

Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Pillage and raid the planet of Kerkoidia

Shields | Hull | Remaining #
[ACF][FLAG] Collomine

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[COV] Floater

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[COV] Killbuzz

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[COV] Dagger

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[COV] Plague Bringer

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[COV] Flank

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[CAR] Nest

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Carrier DataHealthy
[CAR] Hive

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Carrier DataHealthy
[SF] Swarm

Technical dataTotal Number
Fighter Data24

Valik sat on his command chair, a small sly smirk rising along his face as he watched the defense fleet get absolutely pummeled by his forces. Granted, there was barely even a fleet to fight against, four corvettes and a single squadron of star fighters. He hadent even needed to use the armaments of his flagship yet hell his support fleet hardly got a scratch from the assault. And it would have been a clean massacre, that is until the Verdict showed up and threw up several alarms crossed valiks console " blasted whos come to ruin this for us?"

Turning to a man on his bridge, the quarran spoke urgently, "detecting five Lilaste order corvettes and an unknown heavy cruiser boss. Seems our little ploy has lured those pain in the ass all the way out here." Valik groaned in frustration, his eyes spying the defense fleet fleeing towards the new fleet, " open fire on that corvette, tell the boarding crews to hurry up and capture those ships we might need them in this conflict after all."

as valik spoke the main guns on the Collomine began to fire. The six heavy turbo laser batteries made quick work of the small corvette, the first shot hitting the engine bay and quickly breaking through its shields. With three other shots striking against the hull, blowing one of the main engines, then striking the mid-section and bow. The explosions rocked crossed the ship, sending debris and fragments of metal spiraling in all directions. The other two turbo batteries seemed to finish off or at least make one of the corvettes go dormant

upon noticing the formation of the fleet before him valik issued a command order bringing all the corvettes in front of his ship. And recalled the fighters back towards his fleet. It would take them a while, but he had time. With the corvette screen in front of his frigate, he began to fire upon the newly arrived ships, with everything he had. and in tanded the corvettes began to do the same, regardless of range. seemingly tryign to disorientate and break the resolve of the fleet before them with overwhelming firepower

Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr
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Complete a contract for the Lilaste Order to thwart the Dusate Pirates to raid on the people of Kerkoidia

Shields | Hull | Remaining #
(HC) Verdict (FLAG) ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Hacker ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Slasher ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
  • Forward shield lense fluctuating
  • Starboard docking collar damaged.
  • Starboard docking airlock venting
(Corvette) Sedimentary ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
(Corvette) Igneous ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
  • x2 LO-21H damaged
  • x1 LO-79H sheered off
  • Navigation temporarily offline.
(Corvette) Metamorphic ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮ | ▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮

Technical Data​
Damage Effects​
Troops 2000/2000

Troop Compliment Loadout

The troop compliment on board the Verdict consists entirely of 2000 "hired guns" that are provided with necessary gear by the Way'lurr Expeditions Company.

Spacesuits | Skinsuits | jetpacks | blaster rifles | sidearms
(Fighters) Wrangler Squadron (12/12)

Technical Data​
  • outdated surplus B-wings (two seated).
  • Aft cockpit turret is substituted with a Harpoon and Towcable for towing purposes.
Damage Effects​

Antio had to hand it to the Lilaste boys. They do know how to fly a warship.

The screening formation that the five corvettes had assumed was not a typical symmetrical parade formation that was often seen in flight shows and holovids. It was scattered and random, with each captain assuming an appropriate spacing from the other ships around them in relation to their escort objective at their own discretion. But when ordered to scramble into action as quickly as they were while on the move, Antio had to admit that they performed well under pressure. In this formation, they surged ahead at full speed, with the Verdict's powerful engines setting the pace.

Antio tapped an icon on the holodisplay which shifted the image to encompass the retreating Kerkoidia Defense Forces. Antio grimaced at what he saw. Most of the "capital ships" in their fleet appeared to be refitted civilian liners or hog podge rigs that appeared to be built on a limited budget. The only honest warship amongst them, appeared to be an old braha'tok gunship, which was obviously their flagship. Naturally, it was being targeted by the pirate flagship, and it fell quickly under the much larger, more powerful guns.

The three remaining ships were nothing special.

One appeared to be a modified old action VI transport with four light turbolasers tacked around the forecastle structure, and an awkward looking ION cannon barrel sticking out of the top of the amidships spinal column. It appeared to be inoperably stuck at an awkward angle. Antio guess that it was probably rendered unable to track anything after a rippling barrage that shook the whole ship a little too much, knocking things off the rails.

Another ship was damaged beyond recognition. It was likely once a vintage of Quarren or Mon Cal explorer vessel at one point, judging by the chaotic, random hull curves and sporadic engine placements. But there were too many smoking craters and twisted hull segments for Antio to say that with any kind of certainty. It may have survived, but it was likely never to be combat capable ever again.

The last one looked entirely modular, being made entirely out of several primitive looking jar-shaped hull segments that appeared to be connected end-to-end by small diameter collars. To Antio, it reminded him of a child's balloon animal with a long segmented body, short-stubby limbs. At the rear of the weird looking ship was a massive engine bank, much akin to what was used on the old CR-90 corvettes, but smaller and more janky. Antio briefly wondered how such a frail looking ship could ever be expected to take any kind of damage without snapping in half. From what he could see, the soul armaments were four laser turrets, each mounted on the ends of the four stubby "limbs".

Then, as the embattled fleet passed Antio's forces, he noticed the fighters.

"Well, I'll be…" Carvahan whistled, sharing Antio's sentiments. Both men had served in the Elysium Navy a long time ago and recognized what they saw. What remained of the Kerkoidian fighter squadron was six old Ferrum Class Light Bombers. Antio briefly remembered how those fighters had been built and sold on the open market by the old Elysium Empire to generate revenue. They were simple, yet solid little ships. These ones, however, appeared to have their astromech sockets replaced with some kind of jury-rigged sensor suite. Probably optimized for patrol purposes.

"I think we still have parts for those in the hangar, Captain." Pointed out Breve.

Antio nodded, "hail their squadron leader. Tell him to set their fighters down in our hanger and get patched up. We can re-arm and refresh them quickly, and we can use them."

Suddenly, one of his sensor chiefs spun his chair around and yelled, "Incoming fire! Full barrage coming from the enemy fleet!"

Antio tapped another icon which shifted the image to the enemy formation. All eight ships formed up in a defensive line with the small corvettes up front. All ships lit up their batteries and began lobbing long-range shots at Antio's fleet.

"This is it!" Said Breve with a grin, "shall we return the favour?"

"Hold your fire!" Antio ordered loudly, "we are outside of their effective range, but if we start hammering them from here, they could scatter. Let them stay cuddled up for now. Maintain our heading! Let's show them what the Rectifier Heavy Cruisers are good at!"

The Verdict and her five escorts surged onward into the gauntlet. Shells and bolts arced in across the void and lanced around and between their ships ferociously. The odd shot glanced off a ship's shields from time to time, but at this range, their targetting would be largely ineffective. Bracketing shots would be hard to coordinate with the Verdict shrouding the fleet with ECM interference. They pressed on, unhindered.

They entered "average" artillery range and more shots started to find their targets. Again, Antio found himself admiring the steadfast discipline of the Lilaste servicemen. While Verdict seemed to be able to shoulder aside the barrage with her reinforced forward defenses, the smaller corvettes were much more vulnerable. The enemy had been wise, seemingly prioritizing the two D'hivo corvettes for destruction. More shots seemed to find them over the others, and Antio figured that made sense. The D'hivos could do the most damage offensively, and by taking them out right away, the enemy could last longer against the Verdict. Still, Hacker and Slasher seemed undeterred in their resolve.

They entered "personal" range, and their shields began to resemble a fireworks display. Colourful tracers slammed into shields and flared into bright amber as they peeled away, shouldered aside by the resolve of Antio's advance. The Verdict still maintained its ECM shroud around the fleet, which still had limited results. But at this range, it was less effective at fooling enemy targeting systems. At this range, Antio could start to make out hull details on the enemy ships with his keen Dornean eyes. As expected, the B-wings seemed to be able to evade the carnage, being much smaller and nimbler. "Shall we open fire now, sir?" Breve asked.

"Not yet," Antio asserted, projecting artificial confidence into his voice.

Then, they entered point blank range. The Hacker shook and began listing to starboard. Enemy ordnance began burrowing mercilessly into the hull of the slender corvette, throwing debris in every direction. As it took damage, the enemy gunfire appeared to gain enthusiasm, seemingly focused moreso on the wounded ship. Internal detonations began to blossom within her, causing gouts of flame to pop out of her as magazines and fuel cells ruptured. Suddenly, a massive central explosion amidships snapped the Hacker in half. The front half of the ship spun and tumbled upwards into the void of space while escape pods still streaked away towards hopeful safety. The engine section, now lifeless, spun backwards, and tumbled into the port-bow of Igneous. The helmsman of Igneous had reacted as quickly as he could, beginning to turn, but only to mitigate some of the damage. The impact of the engine section deflected the nose of the Igneous like a roundhouse kick to the jaw, causing her to fall behind and away from the rest of the fleet.

"Now!" Antio barked out loudly, "All ION canons on the Verdict, target the carriers! All Corvettes, engage the enemy Corvettes! Helmsman, ram that frigate, Now! B-wings, standby and be ready for when those 'Busies' come back here!"


Laphisto Laphisto
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High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Shields | Hull | Remaining #

[ACF][FLAG] Collomine

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Frigate DataHealthy
[COV] Floater

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataShields failing
[COV] Killbuzz

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataDestroyed
[COV] Dagger

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHull and engine damage
[COV] Plague Bringer

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[COV] Flank

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Corvette DataHealthy
[CAR] Nest

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Carrier DataHealthy
[CAR] Hive

ShieldHullTechnical dataDamage Stats
▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮▮Carrier DataHealthy
[SF] Swarm

Technical dataTotal Number
Fighter Data24

Valik watched the thunderous display of turbolaser fire and torpedoes wrecked havoc on the enemy ships. He almost seemed to be giddy with excitement. But as they got closer, and closer, the man seemed to frown. The enemy ships were staying true, they were not breaking or faltering in their formation. Something that he had grown used to when dealing with sector defense forces, and that made valik grow from excited to frustrated. His hands gripping the nice, pristine leather of his captain's chair. The sounds of his fingers streaking crossed the material squeaked audibly, " why are they still coming. And they haven't fired yet. What are they, a bunch of Nerf herders? Can't they see that they are taking significant amounts of damage?"

Valik had been with the Dusate Pirates from before Ubbal killed his father. He was there when the Lilaste order first showed up in the kalinda system, and he had seen the mistake of underestimating the Order and what it cost. Most importantly, he saw them destroy their first rag tag fleet and Ubbals personal ship. And he wouldn't make the same mistake. " Focus fire on their forward corvettes, they are anti-Capital. Target prioritization should be there, pull our carriers to the back line and get me a status on our fighter craft"

The orders were distributed to the fleet and as soon as Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr 's fleet got closer and closer, fire started to become more organized from firing at whoever or whatever they could, to picking out targets. And that'exactly what happened when the hacker started to show leeway in its shields and hull. Like a laser pointer shining to the way, the pirate fleet seemed to pick up on the ships' weakness before then turning all fire upon the ship. All ships besides the Collomine that is. the flagship of the pirate fleet, seemed to focus every ounce of its firepower upon the verdict. When the hacker inevitably went up in flames, their fire immediately went onto the slasher

when the opposing fleet began to open fire, however, thats when the chaos started to spring to life, as turbo laser batters and Ion canons began to smash into the forward facing corvettes the much weaker star hammer corvettes would take the brunt of the damage. the first corvette to go out however was the Killbuzz, with faulty repair work and already taking damage to its shields from the defense fleet, the ship was soon set into a ball of flames and debris. the pieces smashed up against one of the Gazanti leaving a large gash along its port side hull

While the star hammers were small and that made them a hard target to hit , it also made them vulnerable to attacks. These, after all, were rag tag remnants of Ubbals fleet before the pirate group was blessed with a mysterious benefactor. As valik leaned forwards in his seat he gripped the leather upholstery of his chair even tighter as one of the bridge officers spoke up " hey boss that big ships coming right at us, and based on its velocity its goign to ram us!"

valik seemed to smirk at this, leaning back in his seat and clearing his throat before non chalauntly waving a hand towards his underling " well grab them by the cheeks and fire down their throat." whatever it is that valik meant, the man seemed to understand and immediately went about activating several buttons on his console. And the four RT-17 Repulsor Tractor Beam Emitters sprung to life, aimed directly for the verdict. it seems valik intended to push the opposing ship back and hold them in place to allow all forward facing guns to fire directly onto the enemy ship.
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