CURRENT MISSION - The Tribute of the Plebs
Immediate Goals -
1: Attend the super secret surprise party
2: Don't encounter super secret surprises that may harm you at this party.
Darth Malum of House Marr
& close associates.
OPFOR - Enemy Unknown
TARGETING ACTION(S) - Open Frequency
The best things in life are knowledge - even before Trayze had met his cousin who had balanced charisma and bookishness, he knew this all to well. Even now, he was shaking off the awe he felt
soliciting the karking Empress for relationship advice - and now, each and every one of them would provide a lesson that the Kiffar would take to heart.
For starters, being invited here meant that he was still deemed "useful" -
especially useful, if he was to be brought in with the supposed "inner circle" of the Tsis'Kaar. Though, with some of the newer faces present, a cynical part of him thought that Malum casting his net wide had scooped up the hopeful, though not necessarily aligned.
The first speaker, a fellow uniformed professional, broke the ice and introduced himself - a member of the Imperial Legion spoke of how to encounter resistance both external and internal. This question was pertinent in two ways - initially, it was relevant to the rank and file members of the military, who by allegiance or personal ideology may fall under the typical Eternalist and Kainite dichotomy that ruled the mainstream ideological discourse, but it was more pertinent since many of these newcomers were no doubt influenced, either overtly or covertly, by these selfsame ideals. At least he wasn't a Kainite, much like the next bug-eyed freak who spoke, snidely at first, before addressing the non-Force Users as "mortals". Such saccharine condescension would have earned him rapped knuckles back home, and were it not for the old laws of hospitality, Trayze would have given them a peace of his mind.
But gradually the social awkwardness would be broken, with most present holding their breaths, surveying the meeting present as a carcass to vulture off of rather than a place of discussion as Malum no doubt hoped. Even a shouting match between deep-seated rivalries would have been better than this, at least you would know where they stood on the matter.
One particular person that caught his eye was
Darth Tormenta
, the famed slave-liberating pirate had an unspoken admiration in the Kiffar Captain's heart. While he had utilized his position for the more slow, bureaucratic means of liberating slaves or sending them to more merciful masters, she took a more... direct approach, taking the fight directly and mustering a crew loyal to her. As he had disclosed to the Empress tonight, and to Malum many times before there... departure, he was a sucker for romanticism. Whether or not his cousin knew, Trayze knew that the "Ash Dragons" were connected to Khamesi for her own operations - her presence, besides mere ideological fanfare, could be to assuage her that the more notorious or damaging criminal syndicates would be eliminated. Those that occupied mere percentiles or decimals of percentiles were unlikely to be harmed.
Though, there was also the matter of her alleged dalliances with a certain Force-dead Mandalorian raised anomaly, one that the Butcher King had as a daughter. "Never meet your heroes" may also be a painful lesson to be learned tonight.
But now it came to him, who stepped forward to assuage Zanami on her gracefully blunt introduction. A smile, a nod, he would address the crowd. "What the Legionary Commander spoke of is correct, and I wish to add to that." He began. "Perhaps we should solidify what our goals
actually are - and our aims
beyond this "crusade" against crime on Jutrand. This is
especially pertinent to me as," He would turn to the crowd, snap to attention, and bow, making sure to be in sight of the Cathar Pirate Queen "Trayze Tesar, Lieutenant Inspector of the High Commissionerate of Jutrand; Fleet Captain Under Marque, Governor of Besberra..." he neglected to mention his lineage to Malum, deciding that if the listeners didn't respect him for
his accomplishments, they certainly wouldn't respect his blood ties. "...And the man most likely to have to make sure His Highness' ideals are made concrete." he added with a bit of dry, self-deprecating humor - though decided to appelate his cousin with the deference befitting of King of Alvaria.