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The Power Over All: Who is the Most Powerful Force User? [Potential Spoilers]


I'm sure there was a thread on here before, and I am almost 100% sure I was the one who started it. I always find this to be a good discussion and debate topic. So let's post it again!

Who do you think the most powerful force user is? Now I would go and say Revan, because I really think he is, but I always get hate for it. So I will say my second choice, Darth Plagueis the Wise.

So Darth Plagueis is someone we have all heard of, thanks to Palpatine's epic speech in Episode III to Anakin. So from that we know that Plagueis. He was so powerful he could influence life itself. That is pretty powerful. Now aside from that, he and Palpatine unintentionally created the Chosen One. Yea, that's right. They created Anakin... that sounded pretty wrong. But really, they did. This actually leads some people to believe Plagueis was Anakin's real father, however some have said Qui-Gon is. But I am looking to deeply. The point is, he was powerful enough to save those from death and create new life.

But enough of my opinions that mean nothing to you, who do you think is the most powerful?
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Vitiate. Palpatine never even came close to his level of power. Palpatine got Dark Jedi under his control. Vitiate drained the combined will and life force of thousands of Sith Lords, and the population of an entire planet.
You could make a strong case for Palpatine, since the Dark Empire series explained that after he "died", he became exponentially more powerful. He was so powerful that even Luke couldn't face him alone. And Luke is stated to have just as much potential as the Chosen One, which basically gives him the potential to be the strongest Force User ever. So if someone with the power of the Chosen One can't beat him, then by default he must be the strongest.
Personally I don't really consider the PC's canon, but that's just me. They're meant to be God-like characters.

Anyway, Vitiate struck down five five experienced Jedi. At the same time. The Hero of Tython wouldn't have been able to win without Scourge.

No Scourge = No beating Vitiate.

Vitiate is strongest.

I rest my case.

Not to mention he force severed a Sith Lord at the age of ten. With no training. Vitiate strongest force user.

[member="Elanna Ak'lya"]
I thought you said "Who is the most fluffy" n' got all excited.

Cause, I mean, duh.

As for force users in canon content? The Emperor.

Non-Canon? The Cloned Emperor, y'know who created wormholes and other scary space things like black holes. He could even rupture the force in someone, which is why Luke needed his sister and Mara Jade to fight him. Yet, he couldn't even fight the Emperor directly, he had to be a little rebel terrorist and blow up his SSD Eclipse with super-force energy things.

Or a spess bunny got sucked up in the intake of the SSD. That happens sometimes with spess bunnies.

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