Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The power to fix oneself.


She had been told where to find this master in her usual sanctuary, a sub basement gravity chamber. She was careful pressing the button to give a chime of her desire to enter. "Padawan Catherine Soja, I was told to find you here for training." She said awaiting a reply. She wore new green jedi robes today her hair in a pony tail as she waited.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

The sub basement of the temple was a very different place to most of the temple. A place where they were able to work with all of the things. Cathbodua herself was prepared to work on many of the things they had been presenting themselves here and there. A new padawan coming to train was also an important thing in the end so that they would be abel to work around and so with some new lessons. She was leaving it ready so she would be able to learn here in the basement of the temple in her heavy gravity room that would be useful for learning skills that go into many of the lessons. "Welcome." She said it while standing there in the black and dark purple bodygloved armor she had to protect herself.

As she approached entering Catherine noted the body glove style suit. it eminded her ALMOST of sith attire but it was differant unto itself. "I'm Catherine Soja i was sent here to learn some things from you." She satted approaching with a small data pad showing the orders from another master.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

"Alright." she didn't looked at the datapad mostly looking at some of it as she motioned for her. "Tell me what experience do you have training wise. I am generally brought in to train problem students." She was looking at more of the things here in the medical area. All of the things in the sub-basement where the biots and the jedi had different patients. She pulled up a datapad with patient information before directing different droids over to beds in the room itself. her astaff were at work on everything else from doctors to nurses and healers.

"Alot of combat training, some basic force powers training. Not much of the healing stuff though. My masters always end up leaving me fairly soon and I donno why. They just vanish off after leaving for a time. lately got more trainign from holocrons than other jedi." She lemented. As she lookede aroudn some. "I was interested possibly in some helaing or dexocifcation or possibly disease removal powers. The sith are in some cases using such as new mas weapons. Agaisnt such things a light saber is of little use."
[member="Catherine Soja"]

She had a very specific mindset and the jedi knight was looking at her. "All of that is possible, the basic healing arts require little else then knowledge and endurance. Most healers I have met not trained focus solely on learning to heal and nearly pass out after a single patient. We are jedi where there is one injured there is generally several more and that method is ineffective. All who learn from me have to know how to regulate and increase their bodies capabilities." She stood there while walking and heading through the area with the other patients as she continued to go over charts and assign the different nurses orders or the doctors.

"I can't pass out after one. I'll I suspect need to learn to heal others besides myself. " She psoke back following. "I'm willign to learn that, afterall as i said not all battles are won with a light saber. And if the attack is on peolpe wide spread we can't be throwing one jedi per wounded or sick person. Each of us has to endure as many as possible to make the differance." She aknowledged midnign what the woman was saying to her.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

There was a sound from her but it wasn't really clear what it was in many cases as she was walking. "We shall see." The other chambers they had working on many of the things here. All of the problems that could come around until she presented a few more places. "We will work on you endurance itself them. Step into one fo the gravity chambers and lets see how long you can last. Tis will also teach you how to work the force to heal your own body."

Nodded and followed. "So I guess then the question becomes what first?" She asked calmly beign sure not to get too hyper or osund as eager as she was so as not to annoy the one teaching. She came off as not liking the enthusiasm.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

Looking at her wile she motioned to the beds. "You start with reviewing the patient history, seeing what has been done and applying the force to their wounds. Something simple at first that can repair most wounds and then there are more advanced techniques once you have mastered the basics."

Looking over the data tab she read off the situation. "Burns on torso, lacerations to legs and bruising on arms." She looked to the jedi teaching her and tried to remain calm having never done this before. "Most I;ve ever done is use it to limit pain. Anything specifically I am reaching out with?" She asked.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

Looking at her while she stood there with a nod of her head. "Numbing and controlling the pain is acceptable. The energies can be used to mend and knit the body of the patient." She was looking at some of the things there on the bed with a small look over at a couple of places they could look. She was looking on the other patients and holding a hand over them while reviewing the files.

As she began to feel thorugh the force she tried to envision not jsut reducing pain but mending. it was hard because she'd never done it before, however slowly EXTREMELY slowly she started to do it. Burns began to heal up on the edges and cuts began to knit up. She focused trying to continue the process and it continued but it was definitely tiring already.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

She could see that she was working hard and staying there as she observed all of it gave the jedi knight a sense of fulfillment. She didn't know how much she would be able to actually handle but there would have to be a lot that was getting done. Attention to the smaller details as she was bringing the scanner in to see what was being done on the patient to show where there was a marker improvement and where he was getting better as much as force healing would do. You still needed to be able to use it and the energies. "Very good, continue the task."
[member="Cathbodua"] [ooc: sorry for slower reply I actually got buried under work and other thread notification. I had to dig to find this thread again.]

As she slowly finished as far as she could go she breathed out heavily. It was indeed taxing she could see why some were finished after one person, it was not simple. You had to visualize or feel the force mending flesh, bone and blood vessels. it wasint lifting a rock it was undoing what had been done.
[member="Catherine Soja"]

Looking at the girl when it seemed she was preforming properly there was a lot going into it. A small nod of approvement to her efforts and this patient was one of the ones they could let them test and work on. Newcomers would be able to help them, the more dangerous cases that needed to be helped by advanced healers were in the other rooms of the medial area while the different doctors and nurses with jedi healers were all set up.

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