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The Praesidium Cloak

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The Praesidium Cloak


  • Intent: To create a wrist-held device capable of surrounding an individual in an impervious force field to protect themselves from attack, or harm.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A.
  • Permissions: N/A.
  • Primary Source: N/A.
  • Classification: Force Field.
  • Weight: Very Light.
  • Resistances: Extreme.
    • Energy: Extreme.
    • Kinetic: Extreme.
    • Lightsabers: Extreme.
    • Other: Extreme.
  • Creates an impervious Force Field around an individual which prevents hostiles from attacking them, or prevents an individual from being harmed.
  • Wielded as a Gauntlet this device is made out of the rare mineral of Cortosis. This makes it resistant to Lightsabers, and most forms of Blasters.
  • Extreme Resistance: When activated this piece of technology erects a Force Field (localized to the height and diameter of the individual) that makes them extremely resistant to attack. Lightsabers, Blasters, Knives, Swords, Pistols, Bullets, Vibroblades, Sonic weapons, Ion weapons and even Force power attacks will find it extremely difficult to penetrate this shield. The only weapons that are capable of bypassing this Force Field (to cause harm or injury to the individual inside) which bypasses this extreme resistance are Mandalorian weapons made out of Beskar.
  • Cortosis Gauntlet: The Kyber crystal (which powers the devices Force Field) is housed within a Cortosis Gauntlet. Seeing as this Gauntlet is made out of the rare material of Cortosis it makes it resistant to Lightsabers, and most forms of Blasters.
  • Kyber Crystal: The Force Field that this device is powered by is a Kyber crystal. As a consequence of this the device has a powerful energy supply that can last up to several days (if the user wanted it to be) and seeing as it is attuned to the Force a Force-sensitive user could activate the Force Field with their mind.
  • Invisible Shield: The Force Field created by this device is translucent. This means that others would not know that the user is currently within an impervious Force Field unless the user told them, or if the user were attacked by another. Then it would become obvious that the user is being protected by something. Not to be confused with a cloak. The user can still be seen by the naked eye, but the shield cannot be.
  • EMPs Do Not Work: An Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) will not be able to deactivate the Force Field created by this device. This is because the device is powered by a Kyber crystal, and EMPs therefore cannot deactivate the Force. Conversely any Ion weaponry fired upon the Gauntlet (which houses the Kyber crystal) will not be able to ionize the device neither.
  • Beskar: The Force Field created by this device can be penetrated by Beskar weaponry. Any weapon made out of Mandalorian Iron will penetrate the shield very easily and will cause catastrophic damage to the individual inside.
  • The Force Does Not Work Anymore: If a user is caught within the Force Field (created by the device) then they will not be able to use their Force power whatsoever. They cannot attack others with the Force, and they would also not be able to use other abilities unique to Force-sensitives such as Force Sense, Force Speed, Telekinesis and a host of other abilities that are too numerous to name. Suffice to say the reader must understand that under any and all circumstances the Force is useless to any individual using this device.
  • Capital Ships: If it wasn't obvious the armament of a capital ship, such as a Star Destroyer, would destroy an individual using this device even if they were in a Force Field created by it. This is because a capital ship has the fire power to destroy an entire planet if it wanted. This also applies to smaller ships, such as Frigates, and even Starfighters.
  • Scanners: A Scanner is capable of detecting the Force Field if it is activated. This would provide others with information that the Force Field is activate.
  • Limited Use: The Force Field can only be localized to the immediate space of an individual. Therefore it cannot be used to create a larger Force Field or spread to encompass other people, or groups. However, if a user wanted too, they could- in theory- grab another person and hold them close to themselves before the Force Field is activated.

The Praesidium Cloak is an invisible Force Field that surrounds an individual and makes them extremely resistant to attack, or harm. Lightsabers, Blasters, Knives, Swords, Pistols, Bullets, Vibroblades, Sonic weapons, Ion weapons and even Force power attacks will be mostly ineffective against the Force Field that this device creates. It would take a substantial amount of these types of weapon to overwhelm, break or disable the Force Field that this technology creates. The only weapons that are extremely effective of bypassing the Praesidium Cloak are those made out of the material of Beskar. Therefore Knives, Swords, Vibroblades or Bullets (if they were created with Mandalorian Iron) would penetrate the Force Field quite easily. Mandalorian weapons would be the most effective in penetrating the Force Field if an attacker wished to cause harm, or injury to someone inside.

Of course energy based Mandalorian weapons would be (mostly) ineffective against the Praesidium Cloak. For example, the GALAAR-15 blaster carbine- a Blaster carbine of Mandalorian origin- would encounter extreme resistance by the Force Field created by this technology. However, the Whistling bird or a Beskad would penetrate the shield, and this is because they are made out of Beskar. Being a Mandalorian (with the associated technology) isn't to be confused as being entirely the antitheist of this technology. Conversely any weapons made out of Beskar would be very effective if they were used to attack an individual using this technology. (i.e a sword- not of Mandalorian design- but nevertheless made out of the material of Beskar would penetrate the Force Field created by this technology with extreme ease.)

When activated the Praesidium Cloak is invisible to the naked eye. However, a Scanner would be effective in detecting this shield and this effective is not to be confused by a Cloaking device. Alicia Drey Alicia Drey (or anyone else using this technology) can be seen by another person (unless another piece of technology is being used) but the Force Field itself is invisible to others. If someone is inside the Force Field they are capable of moving and walking around as normal. However, they are unable to use their own Force power as the Force Field prevents the Force from being used on it, or inside it. The advantages and disadvantages with this are numerous. For example, a Force-sensitive would not be able to use Force Sense on Alicia Drey Alicia Drey (or anyone else within the Force Field) and conversely she would not be able to do the same to them. This affect is applicable to all Force power techniques, whether they are used for attacking, or something else.

It is powered by a Kyber crystal that was created using the Creatura Reactor. Therefore it is a product of Sith alchemy, specifically, Crystalogy: a form of Science invented by Darth Ayra Darth Ayra in the 850s. The Kyber crystal (which acts as the devices power supply) was granted the ability to create the Force Field which surrounded Alicia Drey Alicia Drey and creates the aforementioned impervious effect. Powered by the Force it can therefore be activated by a Force-sensitive with Telekinesis, but cannot be deactivated by the same means when the field is activated. This is because, once the Force Field is activate, no Force power works on it.

The Praesidium Cloak was inspired by another piece of technology that Alicia Drey Alicia Drey invented called the Praesidium-class Shield and her interactions with a band of Dark Jedi known as the Dark Side Elite. It was on the Tython moon of Bogan that Alicia met with the Dark Side Elite to reveal that she became the Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau: an organisation which worked for the Empire of the Lost. Viewing this as a betrayal of the Dark Empire the Dark Jedi almost murdered Alicia until she convinced them that she was, in fact, a double agent working for their Master. With this in mind Alicia never wanted to be put in the same situation again, and so she invented this piece of technology to protect herself in future encounters with the likes of the Dark Side Elite, or other potentially hostile parties that she should encounter across the Galaxy.

Much of the research conducted in producing this technology was accomplished through the development of a much larger shield generator known as the Praesidium-class Shield. Shield X (an experimental Imperial deflector shield from the days of the First Galactic Empire) served as a basis for both the Praesidium-class Shield, and now the Praesidium Cloak. Like Shield X this piece of technology offers near invulnerability to standard attacks (i.e Lightsabers, Blasters, Knives, Swords, Pistols, Bullets, Vibroblades, Sonic weapons, Ion weapons and even Force power attacks) except, in this case, for any weapons made out of Beskar.

Unlike Shield X this technology does not suffer from the draw back of the energy issues that affected that deflector shield. This is because, unlike Shield X (or, indeed, the Praesidium-class Shield) the Praesidium Cloak is centred around one individual, and so the energy output is minimal in comparison to required levels to protect an entire capital ship. Conversely this technology uses a modified Kyber crystal which was altered by the Creatura Reactor and this acts as the technologies energy source as well as giving it's anti-Force power capabilities.

The Kyber crystal used to power this device was created by the Creatura Reactor: a piece of technology (invented by Alicia Drey Alicia Drey ) that allowed her to fuse two different crystals into one through the Science of Sith alchemy. The four crystals that were fused together by the Creatura Reactor (in order to create the Kyber crystal used in this technologies design) was a standard Adegan combined with a Firkrann, Lorrdian, and Mephite crystals. The effects of these crystals were retained by the Kyber crystal and through the technology of the Praesidium Cloak were amplified into the Force Field that it creates. Therefore the Force Field has the amplified effects of a Firkrann crystal (resistance to electrical attacks); the Lorrdian crystal (increased ability to deflect and reflect blaster bolts); the Mephite crystal (which was imbued with the effects of a Force barrier); and the Adegan crystal, which has no effects such as the other rare crystals, but served as the foundation for the eventual new Kyber crystal created for the Praesidium Cloak.

As a means of defence the advantages of the Praesidium Cloak are obvious. However, using it as a means to attack others is impossible. This is because, once the Force Field is activated, a user inside isn't able to attack others unless they deactivate the device first. Therefore it's use in combat scenarios (or situations such as the one described on Bogan) is one of a last resort, or to be activated pre-emptively if the user is expecting hostility, or harm to come from them.

This technology is worn as a Gauntlet and is made out of Cortosis. Therefore it is resistant to Lightsabers and most Blasters. Cortosis is a strong, durable metal (even without it's unique properties) and therefore it would require a great amount of effort on the part of someone else to break the device. An unexpected attack- before the Force Field is activated- on it's Gauntlet would be the most effective way of deactivating this piece of technology. There is only one Praesidium Cloak of it's kind. As a unique and extremely rare piece of technology it currently belongs to Alicia Drey Alicia Drey and is normally located on her right wrist. It isn't a particularly heavy piece of technology (it's actually quite light weight) and a Glove could be fitted over it to obfuscate it from others.
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Factory Judge
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

Hello, I will be the one looking over your submission today. We have a couple things that are in contention.

Firstly, as this is a Shielding system, this will require the use of the Armor Template to quantify how well it defends against the currently listed weapons it can defend against.

Second, What components or Canon effects can you provide that would quanitfy that Force Fields can prevent usage of the Force, or EMP based attacks? As a technological item, it is capable of being hit by these things should they be powerful enough, and in instances of a Force Cage where individuals could still use the force outside of the barrier.

Third, I am going to request you change the wording of the submission and its application of the shield. usage of "Impervious" is not allowed per the Factory, or Roleplaying in general. You can say such as "Extreme resistances" to such items, but not impervious to attacks.
Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

Good morning Vora. Thank you for taking the time to review this submission, and help get it over the line. Let's go through the changes and other requests that you have made.

Firstly I have updated the submission to have the correct template. Apologises for this mistake. I haven't been back roleplaying here on Chaos for a long time, and I am still getting to grips with the Factory after a long time away from the website. Other adjustments I have made include:
  • I changed 'Impervious' to 'Extreme Resistance' and the language of this Strength has also been re-worded to not have the word 'Impervious' in the submission anymore.
  • I made an amendment to the 'Invisible' strength and clarified it as an 'Invisible Shield'. I also made sure that anyone reading the submission won't get confused by this strength. The Force Field that this technology creates is invisible to the naked eye but the person within the field is not. Simply put: you can still see Alicia Drey Alicia Drey (or if the technology were used by another character) but you cannot see the shield itself.
  • Made adjustments to the description to reflect the aforementioned changes.
Now I will provide some clarification as to how this technology creates a Force Field that can prevent usage of the Force and EMP based attacks. This has been thoroughly explained in the submissions description, and both the strengths and weaknesses segments of the submission reflect this.

The first basis for this stems from another submission that I created back in 2016 called the Praesidium-class Shield. This submission creates a near invulnerable shield to standard attacks. This submission (the Praesidium Cloak) is a miniature version of the same technology for a person to use rather than the much larger version which was made to protect Star Destroyers or cities. The rationale for both the Praesidium-class Shield (and this submission) stems from Shield X, which you can read here. Essentially the Praesidium Cloak is a smaller, personalized version of the Praesidium-class Shield with extra benefits.

The second basis for this submission stems from a secondary piece of technology I created called the Creatura Reactor. This submission was originally posted under the writer account of Darth Ayra Darth Ayra . Alicia Drey Alicia Drey and Darth Ayra Darth Ayra are the same character. Back in 2016 I used two different writer accounts to reflect the hidden identity of the character. Apologises for any confusion this might make. The website and it's community has changed a lot from eight years ago so I no longer have to use two different sub-accounts in order to reflect hidden identifies, or aliases anymore. Nowadays people are more accommodating and understandable to the idea that just because I have a certain flair underneath my character it doesn't necessarily mean they know something (i.e someone immediately sensing I am Force Sensitive which is a bad thing for how I write the character on Chaos).

I hope this explains why I am using a submission written on another sub-account. Now let me explain how I used the Creatura Reactor in this submission.

The Reactor allows my character to create new forms of Lightsaber crystals. These crystals are made by fusing other types of crystals together to create a new type of crystal which retains their attributes and effects. For the purposes of this submission I have written that the Reactor was used to create such a new crystal by fusing together a Firkrann, Lorrdian, Mephite and Adegan crystal together to create an entirely new form of Lightsaber crystal.

Therefore the Kyber crystal described in this submission retains the same effects of these crystals which is then amplified into the Force Field that this technology creates. Let me further clarify this, and what each crystal's effect or attribute provides to this piece of technology.

The Firkrann and Lorrdian crystals were seen in the Star Wars console game The Force Unleashed. In the game the Firkrann crystal gave the player, quote, "Lightsaber attacks have a chance to deal extra electrical damage." I have roleplayed the Creatura Reactor to give the Firkrann crystal the opposite attribute and effects. Instead the new Kyber crystal provides increased resistance to electrical attacks instead. This includes the Electromagnetic pulse. As for the Lorrdian crystal, quote, "Increased ability to deflect and reflect blaster bolts." Therefore the effects and attributes of a Lorrdian crystal provides the rationale for it's extreme resistance to Blasters or Ion weaponry.

The Force Unleashed Wikipedia is the source for these two types of crystal and the effects they provide players in the game.

The Electromagnetic pulse is a form of electromagnetic energy. Therefore, with a Firkrann crystal modified to provide extra resistance to electrical damage (rather than dealing extra electrical damage) fused by the Creatura Reactor (with the aforementioned crystals and their respective attributes) I believe this satisfies the rationale for the Praesidium Cloak being anti-EMP. This is further exacerbated by the effects of the fused Mephite crystal which I will explain next.

The Mephite crystal grants a Force-sensitive the ability to imbue it with their own Force powers. Therefore I have roleplayed this crystal to have the abilities of a Force Barrier. This technique can protect an individual from the Force. With the Creatura Reactor I have fused these three Lightsaber crystals with an Adegan to create a new Kyber crystal. The Force Field created by this device, therefore, retains the effects and attributes of this crystal as this technology was invented to create such a Force Field in the first place.

This is the rationale as for why the Praesidium Cloak possesses the 'Extreme' in the 'technical specifications' part of the submission, specifically in the 'Resistances' section. The Force Field created by this device has the effects of a Force Barrier and the modified effects of a Firkrann crystal to justify it's ability to be extremely resistant to Electromagnetic pulses and Force Power techniques.

The third basis for this submission stems from the superweapon known as the Death Star. In various Star Wars media it is stated that Kyber crystals were used to power the Death Star and it's ability to destroy planets. This is in spite of the fact that Kyber crystals were supposed to be used in the construction of Lightsabers. This provides rationale as to how Lightsaber crystals can be used to create other forms of technology other than that of a Lightsaber as without Kyber crystals the Death Star would not work and therefore the same is true for the technology described in this submission.

The fourth basis for this submission is Sith alchemy. The concept of Sith alchemy is to create new technology through Science. Therefore the combination of the aforementioned Lightsaber crystals through the use of the Creatura Reactor and the Praesidium-class Shield provides the rationale for all strengths or weaknesses described in this submission. Sith Lords throughout Star Wars media created and constructed new forms of weapons or technology through Sith alchemy. My character is an undercover Sith Lord impersonating an Imperial (at the time writing this). Using Sith alchemy as a form of rationale to provide context as to how and why the Praesidium Cloak was invented by my character is more than justified. Other writers have been using Sith alchemy to create new forms of technology on this website for years, and the Praesidium Cloak shouldn't be an exception to the standard set by other Factory submissions.

My fifth, and final basis for this submission are the considerable weaknesses that I have provided too it to off-set the benefits that the technology provides for my character. When the Praesidium Cloak is activated it can be penetrated quite easily by weapons created from the material of Mandalorian Iron, or Beskar for short. While other forms of weaponry (in particular energy based attacks, such as those fired by Blaster pistols) are ineffective against this submission an attacker wielding a Beskar weapon will have no such issues.

While the technology is extremely resistant to Force Power techniques my character will also not be able to use any of her powers when the technology is activated. These disadvantages are numerous, and off-sets the clear benefits that the technology also provides. In the correct circumstances the Praesidium Cloak will be a benefit or a detriment to my character depending on the scenario. Combine these two weaknesses with the other three I have provided in the submission and I am sure you can see that I have provided more than enough rationale in the creation of this technology.
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Factory Judge
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

  • Classification: Force Field.
  • Weight: Very Light.
  • Resistances: Extreme.
    • Energy: Extreme.
    • Kinetic: Extreme.
    • Lightsabers: Extreme.
    • Other: Extreme.
  1. You mentioned that Beskar Weapons can work against the Shield. So I would like you to add that to the required Resistances.
  2. Can you please expand "Other" to include a separate section of EMP/Ion Resistances, The Force, and Beskar Weapons. Other in this case, due to it being a vague term, would mean you have Extreme Resistances to EVERYTHING someone could ever throw at you. Which is unbalanced.
  3. More over, you are 10 points over balanced if I account that OTHER is listed as a singular resistance type, instead of assuming it is everything. This will need to be brought down significantly, and other Weaknesses of a PVP aspect will be required in order to have an "unbalanced" rating.

The first basis for this stems from another submission that I created back in 2016 called the Praesidium-class Shield. This submission creates a near invulnerable shield to standard attacks. This submission (the Praesidium Cloak) is a miniature version of the same technology for a person to use rather than the much larger version which was made to protect Star Destroyers or cities. The rationale for both the Praesidium-class Shield (and this submission) stems from Shield X, which you can read here. Essentially the Praesidium Cloak is a smaller, personalized version of the Praesidium-class Shield with extra benefits.
While other submissions can be the basis of current day submissions, it cannot be used as precedent of being a like-minded product of the shield being approved previously.

The Reactor allows my character to create new forms of Lightsaber crystals. These crystals are made by fusing other types of crystals together to create a new type of crystal which retains their attributes and effects. For the purposes of this submission I have written that the Reactor was used to create such a new crystal by fusing together a Firkrann, Lorrdian, Mephite and Adegan crystal together to create an entirely new form of Lightsaber crystal.

Therefore the Kyber crystal described in this submission retains the same effects of these crystals which is then amplified into the Force Field that this technology creates. Let me further clarify this, and what each crystal's effect or attribute provides to this piece of technology.

The Firkrann and Lorrdian crystals were seen in the Star Wars console game The Force Unleashed. In the game the Firkrann crystal gave the player, quote, "Lightsaber attacks have a chance to deal extra electrical damage." I have roleplayed the Creatura Reactor to give the Firkrann crystal the opposite attribute and effects. Instead the new Kyber crystal provides increased resistance to electrical attacks instead. This includes the Electromagnetic pulse. As for the Lorrdian crystal, quote, "Increased ability to deflect and reflect blaster bolts." Therefore the effects and attributes of a Lorrdian crystal provides the rationale for it's extreme resistance to Blasters or Ion weaponry.
Please make mention of this in the submission that the Reactor was used with ALL Of the crystals you are intending to use for the purpose of this submission. Either in the Materials, or in the Strengths/Weaknesses.

The third basis for this submission stems from the superweapon known as the Death Star. In various Star Wars media it is stated that Kyber crystals were used to power the Death Star and it's ability to destroy planets. This is in spite of the fact that Kyber crystals were supposed to be used in the construction of Lightsabers. This provides rationale as to how Lightsaber crystals can be used to create other forms of technology other than that of a Lightsaber as without Kyber crystals the Death Star would not work and therefore the same is true for the technology described in this submission.
The basis of this is not new to the Legends continuity, nor to Chaos. The question I asked was for the Specific crystals in which you are using to produce the desired effects of the shield. As you neglected to provide them previously within the submission itself. Being Vague in the description of how you did this, and what crystals you used, made me question which ones you were using, or if you were using Chaos Submitted Crystals.

However, as you provided the Crystals in question within your response, Please add them to the submission itself.

The fourth basis for this submission is Sith alchemy. The concept of Sith alchemy is to create new technology through Science. Therefore the combination of the aforementioned Lightsaber crystals through the use of the Creatura Reactor and the Praesidium-class Shield provides the rationale for all strengths or weaknesses described in this submission. Sith Lords throughout Star Wars media created and constructed new forms of weapons or technology through Sith alchemy. My character is an undercover Sith Lord impersonating an Imperial (at the time writing this). Using Sith alchemy as a form of rationale to provide context as to how and why the Praesidium Cloak was invented by my character is more than justified. Other writers have been using Sith alchemy to create new forms of technology on this website for years, and the Praesidium Cloak shouldn't be an exception to the standard set by other Factory submissions.
That was never in question. As you stated, many have used Force-Imbued/Attuned or Sith Alchemy to create items in the past. I am included in that section of people who have made such. I do not require the life story of a character to judge the ability to use Sith Alchemy in a submission. I only judge the submission of its own merit.

Second to this, As the item is created out of Alchemy, A Dark Sided ability, it is attuned to the force, and thus subject to items such as Void Stone, Force Suppression, or even Force Light. This item is not just made of technology, but also manipulated through the force. Thus subject to it. Add this as a weakness would be EXTREMELY recommended.

In context, Only these Force Related effects could affect the shield, while all others would be protected to whatever rating you have provided.

My fifth, and final basis for this submission are the considerable weaknesses that I have provided too it to off-set the benefits that the technology provides for my character. When the Praesidium Cloak is activated it can be penetrated quite easily by weapons created from the material of Mandalorian Iron, or Beskar for short. While other forms of weaponry (in particular energy based attacks, such as those fired by Blaster pistols) are ineffective against this submission an attacker wielding a Beskar weapon will have no such issues.

While the technology is extremely resistant to Force Power techniques my character will also not be able to use any of her powers when the technology is activated. These disadvantages are numerous, and off-sets the clear benefits that the technology also provides. In the correct circumstances the Praesidium Cloak will be a benefit or a detriment to my character depending on the scenario. Combine these two weaknesses with the other three I have provided in the submission and I am sure you can see that I have provided more than enough rationale in the creation of this technology.
I will be the Judge of that.
this is a great example of what I throttled Factory Judge chat about the other day.

There's so much energy in this thread over absolutely nothing that could be spent for creativity and positivity elsewhere in the community. Vazela's response is longer than the original post.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

This is absolutely absurd decorum. This is a verbal warning. I get the battle of the wits the Factory likes to have, and the war of who can read more wookieepedia entries, but again - way too much energy in this thread over "I want an impervious shield against everything."

A perfect shield is bad roleplay, there's no give and take. The problem isn't with you or your ability to write, the problem lies with the core concept of this submission's intent.

Vora Kaar Vora Kaar

Do not engage submissions like this in the future. Have the discipline to take a deep breath, say to yourself "this dude just wrote a Charles Dickens novel in a response that is longer than the original submission," and tag in an RPJ/Admin so we can properly deny.

I do see you attempted to start a discussion in the Judge chat, and were not given a very clear answer by literally anyone, so perhaps the fault doesn't lie entirely with you. However, you now have this response to enter into the memory bank for future issues and discussions when you are not given clear answers by your leadership.

If you are discussing the submission more than the submitter posted, it should be a denial in 99% of cases.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

This submission is denied. I sincerely urge you to go back to the drawing board and redo the entire concept. Or use one of canon's perfect "I deny everything you throw at me" responses, since we don't ban most of those.
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