Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Pride of Eshan

Janira Fenni

Janira walked through the cold hallways of the naval barracks on Eshan in the Capital city. She'd called for one of her military commanders to meet with her, even though the woman was focused on ground warfare. In truth, all Echani were mostly focused on ground combat, but many, like her, also focused on naval combat. The High Protector might not be a naval combat expert, but she was a combat expert and her insight would surely help them in the coming work. It was for that reason that Janira had called for her rather than someone else. Zandra would have been good, but she couldn't be counted on to be serious enough for this sort of work.

Pushing open a door, she walked into a conference room where several others were already sitting. Most notably of interest was the fact that she was walking with a cane today, rather than simply walking of her own accord. She hobbled her way over to the head of the table and sat herself down. The few others gathered there looked at her, but she just held up a hand for them to wait for the moment. Mara wasn't there yet and they were going to get started until she was. In reality, this was mostly about her and Mara going back and forth. The others were just there to offer insights as they thought of them.

Mara Thorn

Mara found it odd, Odd that of all the people, she was called to this meeting. After ensureing that every order of hers was understood, She finally made her way to the conference room. She just hoped she could meet the expectations that seemed to be placed on her. Why her after all, she was in charge of the armies.. though she did know a bit about naval combat.
Mara walked in and took a seat and looked to janira.

Janira Fenni

When Mara walked in, Janira nodded her head to her. "Welcome, High Protector. I've asked you to come for specific reasons, but let us begin." She activated a display in the middle of the table which began to cycle through several known large war vessels that were in operation in the galactic war field. It cycled for a little bit before she began speaking again. "These vessels you see before you are large, main cruisers operating in the fleets of several galactic governments. We do not have a vessel of this nature, a flagship for our forces. Our ships would be outgunned in battle if we encountered one of these. I want to know the feasibility of building such a vessel. Can we do it? Something capable of major battle, and transporting troops?" She looked right at @[member="Mara Thorn"] when she asked.

Mara Thorn

Mara looked at them, they were big ships, she shrugged, " I would like to think we could come up with a fast, and powerful ship, that could serve this purpose. " She said looking over the designs " I would think it would be fast have big guns, maybe compsenate for this with a less shields than would normally be on the ship, if you want really big guns, then no hanger..." She said pulling her experience from a hobby she once had. She just wondered what Janira thought of it. She was her boss after all.

Janira Fenni

"I think we can afford to be slower with this ship. AFAS and IFAS are both extremely fast vessels. These vessels I've shown are slow, bulky, and laden with enough weapons to negate any speed with might have." She wanted something that packed a serious punch. Fast was good for the smaller ships, but a main battle cruiser needed to pack in the weaponry to actually be a main battle cruiser. That couldn't happen if they were sacrificing in order to achieve speed. Smaller ships should be fast, bigger ships should be powerful. "If we limit the hangar to mostly landing craft, maybe a couple Foil squadrons, could we make the ship extremely powerful, somewhat slower than our standards, and well defended?"

Mara Thorn

" I don't see why not, if we follow those charasitics, I think that such a craft is entirely possible, I just wonder where are we going to get the materials, tech, and facilities to build such a big ship? " She wanted to know.. the ship they were talking about dwarfed anything they had built to this point, it would cost a fortune and require facilities they didn't have, not to mention someone with experience in designing such a large ship, and the tech to make it all possible. Mara had her doubts on if they could do it.
" I think it can be done but I don't know if we can do it. It is a rather tall order to build on that scale. "

Janira Fenni

She drummed her fingers lightly on the table as she thought about what Mara said. Yes, it was a big undertaking for them, she knew that. She also was completely certain that they could do it. "It will take the entirety of our drive yards being reconfigured to make it happen, but I think we can do it." The rest, though, was somewhat a mystery. How were they going to fund this? Where were they going to get the resources for it? She looked around at the others, but none of them seemed to have an idea. "We'll have to buy the materials from the market. We have the funds for that. We'll have to get the yards reconfigured. I've already spoken to our designers and had them start mulling over the idea. They should be along soon with thoughts. Mara do you have forces capable of manning the vessel?"

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