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Private The Priestesses' of Darth Ophidia

The Priestesses' of Darth Ophidia


Outer Rim Territories, Crait system.
Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki Hykátiis of Tsis'Raki

"My mistress took on two apprentices. Surely she devised that the weaker one would be weeded out, perhaps by the other, leaving the more powerful to eventually supersede-- to betray her-- as is the Rule of Two. Unfortunately, such is the Sith's greed for power, that they did not turn against each other, but turned together on her. They were far from deserving from becoming their own masters."
Hykátiis to Alicia Drey during their confrontation on Childhood.



The Dark Lady of the Sith-- Darth Ophidia-- is dead.
Betrayed, and then murdered, by her apprentices:
Malum and Strosius.
There must be consequences.

Eight-hundred and sixty-six years after the Battle of Oetchi her priestesses prepare in hiding.
Biding their time until the moment comes to strike.
Revenge has filled the wound in their hearts.
Longing to pay homage to the Sith'ari.

The Ufo bursts forth from the ethereal realm of hyperspace. Through the canopy of the strange ship's viewing screen light gives way to the black ink canvas of space. The planet Crait looms distantly in the horizon: a mere spec in the dashboard at this distance. Out here it is more like the void between worlds in the outer edges of a system nobody has heard of and where nothing should be. Yet, in the wake of destruction, where the Resistance first stood up against the might of the First Order, the Tsis'Raki plot their revenge against the ones who betrayed their master.

They shall have it.

It is not the planet which concerns the pilot. The oddity that is their ship turns it's nose-- not in the direction of Crait-- but rather to the wreckage that floats and drifts aimlessly out into the cosmos. Give it another few years, and in time, the once daunting spectre that was the Supremacy will find itself in the space that exists between worlds. What Mendacium once said was proven to be true yet again. Indeed, without destruction, there cannot be creation. As the heirs to Bane's legacy stir in a fallen civilization of a once great people their attention turns to the necessary work, and so Ophidia's last resort became known to Her.

"The seminal efforts of the masters pay their way into the present," Her muttered to herself. A hand reached out from the fold of her robes, and with focus, it begun to tap upon the buttons etched with the strange glyphs that were written upon them. After it was done the Ufo begun transmitting the codes given to Her by the late Staff Director of the New Imperial Security Bureau:
Alicia Drey Alicia Drey . Her smiled at the thought of those codes appearing upon their readers. She imagined the confusion, and the doubt that they would cause. Yet the hope that, perhaps, the Sith Lord they discovered on Childhood-- the key to their revenge against Darth Malum-- had not yet died in vain, but had somehow survived.

She looked forward to crushing their hopes, and giving birth to a new dream.

At thirty-eight metres long; twenty-five metres wide; and sixteen metres high the oddity that was the Ufo is a relic of a bygone civilization long lost to time. Discovered by the late Mendacium some thirty years ago the late Sith Master had worked tirelessly to restore the ship as part of his great place of study within their lost city. There he had discovered much about the great Builders who had manufactured the ship during their height of their power. Now here it was gliding through the wreckage of an ancient battle set to bring it's master into contact with the devoted followers of the late Darth Ophidia: a Dark Lady of the Sith who is said to have practiced the Rule of Two.

It was Bane who had once taught his apprentice about the murky often convoluted logic of the dark side. Those who study the Force know that it flows and binds together all forms of life. Her wondered what the Sith'ari would have made about the events that brought together the heirs to his great dynasty. How would he have reacted to there being two Sith Masters forming separate dyads between themselves who taught his creed? Not well, Her suspected. Through the work of Darth Ayra-- a lesser known Sith Lord who once served the One Sith-- the Rule of Two had been resurrected on the planet Kalist 6. Yet, through a revelation near Nespis 8, Her had discovered by way of her subordinate that another former comrade of Ayra's had also founded their own dichotomy shared not by a single master and apprentice but through a pairing that had resulted in Ophidia's demise.

Bane, no doubt, would have disapproved of Ophidia's seminal efforts. Yet, perhaps the late Sith Master might be proven to have been more cunning than what was originally suggested regarding the story of her demise.

The Ufo landed in the remnants of what had been a hangar bay. It's sleek vanilla frame was like a sore thumb in this dark place. A pair of stairs descended downwards and touched down upon the ruined flooring. In the doorframe stood a hooded woman who looked down upon the gathering of priestesses who had formed to confront Her.

"Where is the one who calls themselves Hykátiis?" Her asked loathsomely.

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