Dark Messiah

The Gods have revealed themselves; troubled times are ahead. The Host Lord, Anja Aj'Rou, has called a March -- a crusade -- to extinguish heresy, to purge worlds, and to conquer the stars. New Warlords will rise, champions shall emerge, and your place in the galaxy will be contested.
Through blood, toil, and war our faith shall not waver.
Those who join The Primeval in these dark times will be offered boons.
Champions will be forged and given worlds to rule amongst the Warlords. Generals and great leaders will rise through the ranks and be granted new titles and unparalleled power. There will be challenges to overcome, events to witness, and truths discovered. One thing is certain. New powers will rise and The Primeval will be among them.
Only one question remains: Will you join them?
Dominion of Bastion - Completed
Dominion of Dubrillion - Completed
Dominion of Helska - Completed
Dominion of Chiloon Rift - Completed
Dominion of Echoy'la - Completed
Dominion of Dantooine - Completed
Dominion of Irn -Completed
Dominion of Telos - Completed
Dominion of Korriban - Completed
Dominion of Dromund Kaas - Completed
(Dominions are open to everyone!*)
*Odd numbered people must escape hell first.