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Approved Lore The Proper Way to Corrupt a Jedi, by Velok of Toola

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  • Media Name: The Proper Way to Corrupt a Jedi
  • Format: Book
  • Distribution: Rare (a limited number)
  • Length: Short (~40,000 words)
  • Description: This is a slim volume of Sith scholarship with a tikulini leather binding and a minor alchemical enchantment (short-term memory enhancement, for ease of study). It outlines patterns of correlated personality traits and applies them to corrupting Jedi Knights, on the premise that most Jedi display at least a few of these traits.

  • Author: Velok of Toola, called Velok the Younger
  • Publisher: Self
  • Reception: As with Velok’s six previous books, only a dozen or so copies are available. His books have attracted a small but invested following among certain circles (mostly Sith).



"I have no special interest in the Jedi. I have no reason to hate them in particular. Nevertheless, I quite enjoy unpicking hypocrisies and poking holes in the holier than thou. To that end..."

"Based on my limited understanding of humanoid psychology, it appears that these traits can be established by virtually any appropriate test. The appendix provides a sample instrument with some potential approaches."

"The great thing is that these traits are closely associated and reinforce each other to one extent or another. Identify one or two in your target, encourage them gently or situationally, and others should arise in time."


  • EGOISM: "Strongly favoring one's own benefit or pleasure above the greater good (the greater good)."
"The average Jedi hothead may accidentally place his desire to Make A Difference above the actual, uninteresting greater good (the greater good)."

  • MACHIAVELLIANISM: "A proclivity for manipulation and callous, calculated strategy."
"Jedi can be lured into this mindset in any number of ways. Many Jedi struggle to handle emotion and fetishize the lack thereof."

  • MORAL DISENGAGEMENT: "A mindset that does not naturally include considering the ethical implications of one's actions."
"You'd think Jedi would be harder to lure into this, but just look at how many Jedi in the last ten years have committed indiscriminate butchery or simply engaged in political corruption for the greater good (the greater good)."

  • NARCISSISM: "Strongly motivated by reinforcement of one's own ego."
"Think only of how many Jedi have caused severe strife and division because they simply needed to claim the title of Grandmaster or Sword of the Jedi."

  • ENTITLEMENT: "A pervasive feeling that one deserves more than others."
"We're discussing an order with a multi-millennium history combining a vow of individual poverty with generous government support. How could a Jedi not feel entitled at some level? More worthy of at least some small benefit -- or, perhaps, some of the galaxy's most elaborate technology? They take it as their due, whatever they say -- presuming they think about it at all."

  • PSYCHOPATHY: "Low on feeling, callous, severe impulse control."
"I do not suggest that Jedi are psychopaths -- but as we've discussed, they have their weaknesses around emotionlessness. And anyone who has faced Jedi in battle understands their intense difficulty with impulse control."

  • SADISM: "Inflicting physical, mental, or emotional pain to assert dominance or for enjoyment."
"You would be surprised how many Jedi derive personal satisfaction from seeing an enemy vanquished or humbled. It's not unusual to find them taunting you these days, seeking to tear you down in some bizarre, unexamined reflection of Dun Moch."

  • SELF-INTEREST: "This might encompass finance, prestige, influence, achievement, recognition, or happiness."
"Jedi are taught to avoid and negate self-interest, but that isn't what we see, is it. Behold the phenomenon of Master Senator Kenobi, glamorous CEO of Kenobi Interstellar, inventor of the incredible Kenobi Gun."

  • SPITEFULNESS: "Pursuing harm to others despite harm to oneself, whether physical, financial, emotional, etc."
"Jedi are trained for this. They grit their teeth and press on. So often they act in spite but think they act out of toughness, perseverance, personal sacrifice."


It is hard to get ahead without cutting corners here and there.

  • "You would agree, I suspect, that it is often necessary to cut corners to succeed. Someone more order-oriented, like me, might not see it as necessary -- but I'd imagine you sway more toward pragmatism and the spirit of the law, yes?"
I like to use clever manipulation to get my way.

  • "There's a certain satisfaction, isn't there, to manipulating a situation cleverly? Crafting a non-violent solution out of nothing but your wits and insight?"
People who get mistreated have usually done something to bring it on themselves.

  • "Surely you'd concede that many, if not most, people bring their misfortunes upon themselves?"
I know that I am special because everyone keeps telling me so.

  • "As a Jedi, you have a special role in the galaxy, innate gifts guided by your good judgment. Even I must acknowledge that. And it's not just me telling you; I'm sure you've heard it from any number of Jedi Masters and grateful civilians."
I honestly feel I'm just more deserving than others.

  • "Consider your service. You've earned not just respect, but rest."
I'll say anything to get what I want.

  • "Words are so much less important than actions. I've always admired the Jedi tradition of speaking from a certain point of view to achieve a worthwhile goal."
Hurting people would be exciting.

  • "You know the thrill of success, of incapacitating a dangerous enemy, humbling their defiance until they concede the day."
I try to make sure others know about my successes.

  • "Oh, it's not bragging to give others an appropriate amount of useful information. Any number of authorities simply need to know what you've accomplished; it's part of your accountability as a Jedi."
It is sometimes worth a little suffering on my part to see others receive the punishment they deserve.

  • "I have no doubt you'd agree that it's worth some suffering on your part to see others receive the justice they deserve. What wouldn't you sacrifice, hmm?"


Velok found the topic interesting, and that was all he needed. Comfortable in his quasi-retirement on his homeworld of Toola, he put pen to paper and collected his thoughts on the dark traits of the humanoid psyche. These notes and anecdotes became his sixth book. Unlike several previous books, this one is written solely in Basic, rather than in both Basic and Kissai.

Also unlike previous books, Velok took special care in determining the recipients of this book. Brutal and unsubtle Sith were out; so were Jedi or semi-random others. No, he sent this book to people who might put its ideas into practice with some degree of finesse. [member="Darth Maliphant"] and [member="Darth Metus"] received a copy, as did [member="Tabigarashu Madara"] (naturally). So did a number of Sith Empire personages, but also [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"], largely because Velok suspected the old firebrand would find it amusing.
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