Cemas D'baen
A slow but steady dripping sound dominated his mind, each droplet echoing in his mind as he stared at the unadorned walls around him. Not even broken up by a single scratch they were solid and dull in color, well if you didn't count the fourth wall made of energy. His cell was wider then those he'd used back when he was a cop, but this one was better made too. The floor was no better, hard and unyielding a good fall would most likely put him out for the night, hell if he could fall from high enough it put him out for good. Of course he didn't really have that option did he? Not even a damn bed to sleep on, just a slab of itchy cloth on the floor.
He moved almost mechanically as he flipped over and pushed his body up with his arms, a few dozen push ups to occupy his body while his mind worked. One bad heist, not even really a heist just a small time smash and grab, and here he was. His punishment, this cell and a lifetime induction into some Sith's new apprentice. He didn't honestly want anything to do with the Force, but he supposed it was better then door number two. Poodoo once they were decided he'd be loyal he'd even get out of this damn cell.
The ache in his muscles pulled him back as he continued to push just a bit harder before standing. He needed to keep his strength, but he didn't want to waste it all before his, well whatever the hell was going to happen. Stretching his arms back he walked over to the sink grabbing a long drink of overly sterilized water, it felt like liquid nothing pouring down his throat. It didn't even have a cold or hot setting just a room temperature flow that could barely be felt. The room itself felt like it was made to drive a prisoner mad, as bad on the mind as the body, sensory deprivation on a slow scale.
Yawning he continued to stretch, and as his body warmed up he thought over a routine as the energy wall suddenly vanished. It seemed it was time, taking another long drink, even pretending to savor it at the end with a long sigh of satisfaction he sauntered out of his cell. “What no red carpet guys? Just as well seems I've forgotten my shoes somewhere anyway.” The instant blow of a rifle butt against his gut made him grunt but he kept his smile going. No big deal just life right?
He moved almost mechanically as he flipped over and pushed his body up with his arms, a few dozen push ups to occupy his body while his mind worked. One bad heist, not even really a heist just a small time smash and grab, and here he was. His punishment, this cell and a lifetime induction into some Sith's new apprentice. He didn't honestly want anything to do with the Force, but he supposed it was better then door number two. Poodoo once they were decided he'd be loyal he'd even get out of this damn cell.
The ache in his muscles pulled him back as he continued to push just a bit harder before standing. He needed to keep his strength, but he didn't want to waste it all before his, well whatever the hell was going to happen. Stretching his arms back he walked over to the sink grabbing a long drink of overly sterilized water, it felt like liquid nothing pouring down his throat. It didn't even have a cold or hot setting just a room temperature flow that could barely be felt. The room itself felt like it was made to drive a prisoner mad, as bad on the mind as the body, sensory deprivation on a slow scale.
Yawning he continued to stretch, and as his body warmed up he thought over a routine as the energy wall suddenly vanished. It seemed it was time, taking another long drink, even pretending to savor it at the end with a long sigh of satisfaction he sauntered out of his cell. “What no red carpet guys? Just as well seems I've forgotten my shoes somewhere anyway.” The instant blow of a rifle butt against his gut made him grunt but he kept his smile going. No big deal just life right?