Ra Vizsla
The Undying
Matthew 16:18
Upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
Ra stood atop the Citadel at Sundari, watching over the rebuilding of the Sundari Palace. Mandalorian architects slaved around the clock to build it bigger, even more grand, to the Undying's specifications. It was a precarious thing - the coffers of Mandalore drained after the war, bonds had been issued by the Offices of the Treasury to ensure payment continued as this new era of stability and order swelled within the cities. Things were getting back to normal after the Civil War, as the dome of Sundari had already been fixed. However, there were several drastic changes to one's life if they lived on Mandalore.
The white and red colors of the new Empire Ra had created were paraded throughout the city centers of Keldabe, Cold Iron, and the new capital - Sundari. The militia had been tripled, and a curfew had been effectively in place since the lapsing of martial law. Death Watch, too, grew in number and openly walked among the people, prouder than ever.
Even more popular still, for the first time since the summer's drought, it had rained since the end of the Civil War. Whispers that Ra had brought it. Other rumors stirred that they were the tears of the Great Mother, or of the Liberator. Still, the winter rains had begun in Sundari, and the city buzzed with talk of it. Ra had brought the rain, they said. Mandalore wept. The blood of Monroe spills onto the streets even still.
The mood in the metropolis was rather... grim. Somber. Sad, even.
Yet, today was special. It marked the opening of the Transport Security Authority centers.
"Mand'alor?" The aide asked, standing to his side with a holopad. Ra placed his hand on it, and a green lock appeared on the screen. "Yes, Mand'alor."
"Begin," Ra said.
And so it did.
Doors were tore down. Women screamed. Men fought back throughout the cities. Children wept on the streets."Mother!" they all cried.
"Father!" they roared in unison.
In Cold Iron, red sashes of "We are loyal to Ra!" were adorned outside the homesteads.
In battered Keldabe, fights broke out in the streets, accusations being thrown. "He did it, I know it! I saw him!"
Doors were torn. Houses were turned over. Militia men roared "By executive order of Mand'alor!" and families were pushed aside.
One particular officer pointed to a child. Two other militia men, adorning the red and white colors of the Empire, tore the babe and carried him out of the house and disappeared into the street. The Mother screamed. The Father cried, "Why?!"
The officer pointed to the list in his hand, and shrugged, bringing out his taser.
"It is our duty as Mandalorians to purify ourselves of the Creeping Death.
Your son will be back,
cured of his ailment."
Back at the Citadel, The Undying turned away from the Sundari Palace to the west, facing the east. His eyes set upon the Transport Security Authority Centre.Hundreds were being dragged in by the military. Those who hadn't given written permission to undergo the treatment, or had outright refused.
Thousands more were volunteering in lines that wrapped outside the building.
All to get the new treatment for the Creeping Death that had, today, become mandatory.
"It is our duty," Ra spoke to himself under his breath.
"To Mandalore."