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The Pyke Syndicate

Atlas Kane


Out of Character Information
  • Image Sources:
  1. Logo: Pyke Syndicate Logo from, modified by the submission's writer
  2. Banner: Oba Diah from, Concept Art for The Clone Wars (2008) made by David Le Merrer, modified by the submission's writer
  3. Portrait: Quay Tolsite from (Quay Tolsite section), from the Solo: A Star Wars Story movie, modified by the submission's writer

Corporation Information
  • Corporation Name: "The Pyke Syndicate", less common: "The Pyke Family"
  • Headquarters: Oba Diah
  • Locations: Oba Diah, Kessel
  • Operations: Spice & Starship Fuel Mining, Processing, and Distribution
  • Tier: Tier 2

The Pyke Syndicate of old was a Spice dealing Cartel closely tied to the greater Spice Markets. They supplied criminal elements and civilian clients all over the galaxy. From Deep Core to Unknown Regions Glit-biters received their product from the Spice Mines on Kessel through the Pyke Syndicate on Oba Diah. Their hold on the Kessel System was firm, even during the times of the Galactic Empire. When they proved capable of enduring even the tyranny of the Empire, the Syndicate seemed as though it would remain in control for an eternity. However, with the arrival of the Gulag plague the planet was thrown back into the Dark Ages and with it, the Syndicate largely collapsed.

Despite all the years that had passed, the Syndicate's name survived, but its identity was shattered and destroyed as tribalism and the decline of civilisation had taken hold of Oba Diah. After the devastation wrought by the Plague and the Pyke's return to the greater galaxy the Syndicate was nothing more than an extremely loose confederation of small factions led by what were in essence warlords who were no match for the much better established corporations and criminal cartels that came to the Kessel system in the years following the wake of the Plague's end, and so they faded into obscurity more and more, retaining control over only small portions of the planet.

After the violent expulsion of most smaller gangs and corporations and the Syndicate's unification, they reestablished themselves as the premier Pyke-led organisation on Oba Diah. However many of the larger corporations and cartels had yet remained on the planet and on Kessel, as a direct confrontation with those would not only financially ruin the Pykes but also destroy any chance they had at a more important role within the galaxy. So instead, after a lot of PR work, they had chosen to make trade deals with the remaining outsiders whilst taking all the freshly liberated real estate for themselves and with it claimed a great deal of Oba Diah's resources for themselves.

With all this control over Oba Diah, the Syndicate relaunched many of their former operations within the system. On Kessel, some of the Glitterstim and Coaxium mines left unattended by the sudden disappearance of certain elements on Oba Diah have found new management under the Pykes. The mines employ a workforce made up of both prisoners from Oba Diah and slaves acquired from new trade partners within Hutt Space to produce large quantities of the rare substances in order to ship them to the Processing Facilities located only a short jump away on Oba Diah. The mining process has been largely automated, but is still being overseen by many Pyke soldiers and guards in order to both create more work for the people of Oba Diah and to ensure the constant flow of Spice to the Homeworld.

On Oba Diah, the many Processing & Refinement Facilities under control of the Syndicate have also been creating new demand for labour from many different walks of life. From the most ignorant strongman to the most brilliant scientist, all are employed within the Processing & Refinement Facilities. With the constant supply from Kessel, the Coaxium and Glitterstim refinement facilities are in operation at all hours of the day, producing large quantities of the popular substances, the majority of which is sold to buyers within the Galaxy's Underworld, though a small portion is also sold to contractors who research the two substances' properties to create new Spice-strains or more potent and efficient mixtures of the starship fuel.

When the raw substances have been refined and sold, the distribution centres on and around Oba Diah receive the products so they may be picked up by various forwarders, legitimate and otherwise, contracted by the Syndicate. These forwarders are then given the responsibility to deliver the shipments to all types of clients from all over the Galaxy. The distribution centres themselves largely consist of warehouses in which the spice and fuel are stored. They are guarded quite heavily and lie close to larger Syndicate strongholds for easy reinforcement should a hotshot bounty hunter of smuggler decide to rob one of the warehouses and succeed at overpowering the sizeable Pyke presence.

The internal structure of the Syndicate is made up of four elements: The Wsjirari [Visirarai] (Pyke: Exalted Seer), the leader of the Syndicate, oversees all internal matters and holds all authority. The role is styled heavily after ancient rulers on Oba Diah. Under the Wsjirari are the Hakari (Pyke: Chosen Speakers), a council of varying number made up of the leaders of the factions that were unified under the banner of the Eios Dynasty. Each one has control over a certain amount of territory as determined by the Wsjirari and is responsible for maintaining functionality and peak performance within. The "nobility" of the Syndicate is made up of the Nik'yar (Pyke: People Above), the ancient name for the Pykes' soldiers and sentinels. Each one is fiercely loyal to their Hakar and the Wsjirari, willing to give their lives at any moment. Finally, there are the Itsuk (Pyke dialect of ancient Sith: The Chained, Slaves) who make up the bulk of the Syndicate's labour force. Made up of traitorous Pykes, prisoners of war, and slaves from all over the galaxy, the Itsuk are used for all manner of labour-intensive work from mining, transportation, to the dangerous elements of the refinement process.


In his early years, Eios had been an idealist advocate of Pyke independence, attempting to sway the population of Oba Diah to expel the foreign cartels and corporations, who had, at the time, taken control of almost half of the Pyke's planet. His ideas were met with a lot of sympathy, even among the fractured Pyke Syndicate, yet at the time many had been content with the circumstances as they were. However, as external influence grew to own two-thirds of the planet's resources, so did the resentment and the people began rallying behind the idea of an independent Oba Diah with more conviction. Eios, who had gone into seclusion in the isolated temple ruins within the obsidian mountain ranges following a failed assassination attempt, received news of the peoples' actions against the outsiders and his ambitions were awakened again, causing him to return to the public as a great Prophet.

Many lengthy and impassioned speeches later he found himself at the head of a large following of angry Pykes, many of whom were involved with the Pyke Syndicate. He leveraged these connections to establish connections with the Syndicate and slowly gained favour with them until even some of the higher echelon members from various factions supported his cause fully. With the support of the Syndicate, his people were armed and began taking action against the smaller corporations and gangs that had come to Oba Diah seeking easy prey. Soon their assets were being destroyed on a large scale, causing many to abandon their ventures on Oba Diah due to material loss, whilst others were coerced to the point of fleeing for fear of their life.

During this time Eios kept leveraging his influence to make himself more and more important amongst the Pykes, eventually growing to rival even the greatest of the Syndicate's leaders. Following the expulsion of most gangs and corporations on the planet, he set his sights on the leadership of the Syndicate. He began influencing their low-ranking goons with his speeches and promises, winning them over to his cause by feeding them small lies and half-truths about their leaders until eventually his support among the common populace and the Syndicate grew to such heights that the Syndicate's leaders could not ignore him any longer.

The Syndicate had been in the process of establishing a council as an attempt to unite the fractured factions that had arisen. Eios was given a seat at the council, despite not actually being a part of the Syndicate. In the weeks preceding the first meeting, several of the leaders were found dead, murdered by their own underlings and replaced by those with loyalties to Eios. The message was clear to the remaining leaders, either you submit to Bael Eios or you will be replaced, though the public only saw more of the infighting the fractured Syndicate had become known for. When the meeting finally occurred and voting on a de-facto leader took place, Eios was unanimously agreed upon by the gathered factions.

Following his new position at the new despot of the Syndicate, he set out to begin unifying the factions under his rule proper. Power began being centralised more and more, infighting became increasingly infrequent as a result of new laws established within the Syndicate, and finally, the individual factions were brought together under Eios and his most loyal Enforcers. The former function of the council was abandoned as a result of this newfound unity, as its role had become obsolete, which left Bael Eios as the highest authority within the Syndicate.

  • N/A

Parent Corporation:
  • N/A

This is a canon company.

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