Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Queens Wrath


Name of Contractor: The Queen
Condition: Alive

A sub-bounty board floats through the holonet. Within states that an enigmatic woman known only as The Queen is looking for desired targets to be captured alive. Each target is given a hefty reward for their service, and a notice states that the Queen will regularly post bounties on her enemies. Coming back may be beneficial to the career of bounty hunters and other less-than-pure professions. The most current bounties are offered, listing Katurah Sin as wanted, reasons of her bounty remain unclear but a hefty reward is set at 50,000 credits, a unique armor made of Phrik, tailored to the bounty hunters preferences, and a unique weapon. All other Sin family members are open to be captured, albeit their names are not known. All except Romeo are wanted. The other family members have their rewards set to 35,000 credits and a unique piece of tech, tailored to the bounty hunters preferences. Depending on service they may receive an additional weapon or armour as reward.
[member="Darth Vitium"]
Irony in that most assumed this bounty was on Romeo himself. It states all Sin family members but Romeo. The man is doomed, but I wish to have him suffer first before that day comes. What worse way to die, but to watch your entire family crumble before you met the cold embrace.

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