Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The quiet intention to return

Hey there. So I've wanted to step back into the game for a while now, but I think I will do so quietly. I'm sorry to all who I kind of abandoned threads with all of a sudden. Perhaps I went too hard into it all at once, and then burned out almost immediately afterwards. I gotta learn to pace myself. I enjoy where Auron is right now, but I need to move his story and his development along much quicker in order to keep myself engaged, but only do so with a few threads at a time. Kyros Fen is totes dead. I'll figure out something else to do with him eventually. I want to do so much with Avo, but that's a big undertaking. And all the rest are cool ideas but I dunno. Auron is the only one I think I have a good grasp on right now. But I need some help!

So... What have I missed? What's been happening? I figured some major board-wide event happened recently that I didn't get to attend. I'll look into that on the timeline. Anything else worth knowing about? Anyone LOA-ing or returning?
Most importantly, anyone interested in a thread?

I will try to get my current threads moving again, but I understand if those I'm writing with have lost interest in them.
Well you may have seen my main Celiana around but the short is that the Mandalorians blew up Mandalore with some kinda natural disaster caused by tech in order to get back to their roots (Least that's my understanding). We have the Galactic Republic and First order snatching up land/ space. Silver Jedi elected new leadership and the Heavenshields aren't IC in charge anymore. :( Connor Harrison went all dark sidey and I think that's about it. Wanna get involved with a Force Sensitive smuggler? Might be some fun stories...

[member="Auron Song"]

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