Nathan Bloodscrawl
House Bloodscrawl Patriarch
DC-15A Turret (1) (Malfunctioning)
Ion Shield (Very Weak) (Malfunctioning)
Defender Deflector Shield (Malfunctioning)
Flare Launcher (1)
The Gulag Era was a desperate time for most Jedi, relentlessly battered by widespread galactic chaos. With nearly all traditional supply lines breaking down or severely reduced, Jedi were, just like almost everyone else, forced to take what they could get. It was not uncommon for desperate Jedi to scavenge parts from multiple junkyards to get anything even close to what they needed to still continue traveling the Galaxy. This fighter is one such example, constructed by Lysandra Crownwraithe back when she was still a Padawan, Lysandra used the fighter for years, but was forced to abandon it after Darth Phyre's pursuit of both her and her husband grew truly relentless, and it was simply not cost effective to continue caring for it. Nathan found it in a hidden spot on Atrisia, where they both left it. Despite it's pieced together nature, the fighter is still capable of deadly performance, but due to its various drawbacks, Nathan only takes it out for use when necessary, and preserves it out of what little sentiment he still permits himself.
- Intent: To create a Unique Starfighter
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Primary Source: Delta-7 Aethersprite-Class Light Interceptor
- Manufacturer: Kuat Systems Engineering, Lysandra Crownwraithe (Deceased)
- Affiliation: Nathan Bloodscrawl
- Market Status: Unique
- Model: N/A
- Production: Mass-Produced
- Material: Durasteel hull, Starfighter Electronics
- Classification: Starfighter
- Length: 12.5 meters
- Width: 4 meters
- Height: 3 meters
- Armament: Very Low
DC-15A Turret (1) (Malfunctioning)
- Defenses: Average
Ion Shield (Very Weak) (Malfunctioning)
Defender Deflector Shield (Malfunctioning)
Flare Launcher (1)
- Squadron Count: Base | 1
- Maneuverability Rating: Extreme
- Speed Rating: Extreme
- Hyperdrive Class: Fast | 1.0
- AE-35 Subspace Transceiver (Malfunctioning)
- Hypercomm (Aged)
- Hyperwave Transceiver (Aged)
- Monarc C-4 Hyperdrive (Aged)
- J-77 Event Horizon Engines (2) (Aged)
- Standard Life Support Systems (Malfunctioning)
- Zr-390 Navicomputer System (Aged)
- Standard Repulsorlift Engines
- Electrotelescope (4, Fore and Aft, port and starboard)
- T-s8 Targeting Computer (Aged)
- Can Enter Atmosphere and Land
- Power Plant: Atomic Drive (Severely Aged)
- Aural Sensor (Defective)
- Hydraulic Control Circuits (Aged)
- Astromech Socket
- Starfighter with mismatched and outdated parts, many of which are prone to Malfunction
- Extreme Speed and Agility
- Long range communication systems
- Zoom: It possesses both extreme speed and agility, allowing it a chance against most modern Interceptors in pure flying ability
- Long Range: It's got two special communication systems almost no other Starfighter has, A hypercomm and a hyperwave transceiver
- Passive Scans: In place of standard Starfighter Sensors, it has primitive, cobbled together electrotelescopes . The disadvantage is low resolution without specific adjustments performed manually, which can be difficult, especially in the heat of combat. But the upside is all scans are passive, meaning there is very little chance ones scans could be detected
- Sniper: It's retractable 360 degree Blaster Turret uses the parts from a DC-15A, giving the bolt a ten kilometer range and extreme accuracy. It's previous owner was frighteningly skilled with it, able to put a high powered bolt through an enemy cockpit. The turret is linked to the electrotelescopes, aiding in aim
- Frankenstein: The guts and bits of the fighter are not uniform and were never designed to work together properly without extensive modifications, increasing the length of repair time, and the need to perform extensive checks after every flight
- Aged: In addition to being mismatched, the parts are aged, it's power plant occasionally has short outs or momentary fluctuations. It's targeting system occasionally has "ERROR" messages. It's Navicomputer is so old it has load times when calculating jumps. It's main laser cannons have very low fire rates, and are linked, meaning it's bolts are easily dodged, to avoid overtaxing the Reactor. It's Hyperdrive needs two hours to cool down after every use. It's engines and maneuvering jets can only operate at full capacity for less than a minute before it's speed and agility drop to high for a short period before going back to its ad-hoc default state of very high speed and agility. All it's communication systems have trouble maintaining calls for too long and may occasionally lose the signal. It's main shield system occasionally drops to very weak strength, reducing the defenses to low
- Pure Interceptor: Not good for much beyond dogfights
- Easily Jammed: It's systems are easily jammed
The Gulag Era was a desperate time for most Jedi, relentlessly battered by widespread galactic chaos. With nearly all traditional supply lines breaking down or severely reduced, Jedi were, just like almost everyone else, forced to take what they could get. It was not uncommon for desperate Jedi to scavenge parts from multiple junkyards to get anything even close to what they needed to still continue traveling the Galaxy. This fighter is one such example, constructed by Lysandra Crownwraithe back when she was still a Padawan, Lysandra used the fighter for years, but was forced to abandon it after Darth Phyre's pursuit of both her and her husband grew truly relentless, and it was simply not cost effective to continue caring for it. Nathan found it in a hidden spot on Atrisia, where they both left it. Despite it's pieced together nature, the fighter is still capable of deadly performance, but due to its various drawbacks, Nathan only takes it out for use when necessary, and preserves it out of what little sentiment he still permits himself.
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