Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Randomness of Two People


King of Pumpkins
Location Scarif

Rex wandered along the beach with normal clothes on and no shoes. His toes felt nice in the sand. So much better than in any snow he had walked through before. The sun was nice and the water was clean. A few people littered the beach, he could kill them or turn them crazy or just anything random he felt like.

He then sat in the sand and looked out at the ocean. "I wonder how much ice this would make. Ice is so nice in drinks. I need a drink definitely a drink. Something strong. Something like hmmmmm lettuce or celery both so strong. Or maybe a banana cocktail. That would be fun. Especially pastry. You know what a pastry would be nice especially one filled with cream hmm. Creammm." He would look at his companion. "What do you think?"
“I had shoes once.

I distinctly remember a pair, a complete set I had. I owned. Boots, big lace up shoes with brass buckles that went halfway up to my knee. I wore them and tied them on and I could vault any rock face, I could climb any cliff, I could walk on water.

Course… I didn’t know I could walk on water until I did it. Battle of the ages, that was. Now, I’m a woman walking around with one sandal and a clog, and I think they match well enough to not get kicked out of places, but… I’m not sure.” I didn’t realize I was talking out loud, or getting anywhere near [member="Rex Taff"], but there I was on the beach.

A goddess danged beach. “Lettuce. Let us… drink cake? Do people drink cake? Maybe if they mash it up with blue milk and the cream that isn’t liquid anymore ‘cause you whip it…”

Plunking down, I look at the grey linen of my trousers and realize I’m no longer in clothing with bloodstains on it. When did I change? The tunic I wear is red… when did I put it on? Why does it feel so soft? It’s certainly billowing on me, but I don’t think I mind.

“Do I mind?” Blinking my grey eyes behind pale skin, I look at the Chiss beside me. The one who met me underground in Sabarene… met the bit of me everyone needed to hide. “The kind with the chocolate on top, and the cream in the middle, where when you bite into it the cream comes out and you have to push it back in… and… blossom wine. Like from the Naboo roses. I think I love roses.”


King of Pumpkins
"Shoes i remember shoes. I think I had some on but I don't seem to anymore. Must of got lost. Got souls of their own shoes or am I thinking of something else. Maybe I am thinking of ysalamiri pretty sure they have souls. Almost 100% certain they do. Then again maybe not." Rex would say not paying much attention to anyone apart from [member="Ahani Najwa"].

"You can walk on water, that's neat. I am almost sure I can make animals out of water or maybe plants. Maybe even ohhh drinks. Can you drink sea water? I mean people do it I am sure but what does it taste like. Maybe I should taste it." He would cup his hands and drink some sea water. "Oh that tastes like snails, but snails eat lettuces so maybe it is good for you." He would ponder, his broken fractured mind going off on tangents while the real evil and his brother sat scheming in his head.

"Drink cake? I think people would maybe. I mean what is a cupcake then. I always thought it was a cakey beverage. However I have seen ice-cream cakes, if they melt then you can drink them. Which of course is made out of ice and cream meaning you would need to go to an ice planet to have one. But then it wouldn't melt. Which means you can't drink it."

"Do you mind, I mean that is an odd question for sure. I think everyone minds at some point but you specifically I think you mind more than others. Hence why the sun shines and the grass grows. Except we are on grass we are on sand, which is weirder than snow, because snow melts but sand stays. Funny that. Ohhhh roses are lovely, I have yet to see some apart from on screen. I need to see more."
“Ugh. Dang fuzzy wuzzy lizards. They almost killed me…. Twice. Can survive the better part of nine hundred years and a fuzzy-wuzz from Muyr… Myrrh…. Mooorkeer… MEEERRKEERRR nearly takes me down.” I flopped down on the sand beside [member="Rex Taff"] and I still don’t know why. I don’t know what got me searching down his door, other than my old apprentice [member="Zarah Viren"] and a vague connection to the Confederacy. He’s missing shoes?

“I want to paint your toes…. maybe yellow.”

The wince I give is strong and true, combined with a sense of saltiness. “Dude! Sea water is a diuretic, it pulls the moisture out of you from the salt! Salt like people. Salt like salty people, who pretend to smile then have bodkins to ram up your wazzizzard… maybe salt isn’t so bad… wait! I know this one! We should turn the ocean into ice, and then get some of those moo-moo animals and a flower with flavour and make ice cream!”

Sitting back up, I slap at Rex’s shoulder. This is the best idea in the universe! Ice cream from Scarif! We could pass it around to all the people who regret our life choices!

“I do mind. I touched the universe and made stars out of ash and soot. Spent eight hundred years turning the devastation of worlds into newborn baby starshines… planets…. I mind a ton! I mind so much it burns my toes! I …. I make the sun shine by minding?

HEY SUN! I’m minding TWENTY PERCENT LESS OVER HERE!!! COME OON! I’m as pasty as a HOTH BUNNY! If Hoth has bunnies… what’ is… a bunny? Wait…. you’ve never been stabbed the fingers by roses, then smelled their delicious aroma then had people make things out of the petals that taste like the good smells and is the best thing in the universe!?”

Stuttering to my feet, I lose a shoe, waving my arms around. “WE MUST FIND YOU ROSES!!!!! It’s of universal import! And ice cream! Ice cream roses!”


King of Pumpkins
"Oh that's right I remember that time I saved you from those lizards you looked bad. I also killed people that day. My master at the time wasn't happy with me. That master never did figure out what she was. Probably just a human but I had suspicions she was maybe a vampire, like out of a fairy tail. I didn't like the ones with vampires in them. Terrible stories, lots of death and blood, well actually that was the good part. The part I never liked was the weird happy ending. That never happens in real life. Ever."

He remember the time he had asked srina. That was a painful memory why did he dig it up. No matter he would continue with [member="Ahani Najwa"] messing around in the sand. "Ohhh yellow, I like yellow, it is a good colour it will match my eyes. That would be nice. I know the sea water is bad now after I have drank it. It tasted horrible but you reckon we could freeze the water? Ohhhh then this would be like homeeee, how nice."

"You touched the universe, funny so did I. Big place lots I didn't know. Lots I did. Lots I can't remember now. I remember hatred though for someone I met a long time ago. I wish I could remember who and why. I know you mind, you mind more than me. I am almost sure that is how the universe works is by minding something. Maybe. I don't know."

"Hoth and bunnies. I mean I made bunny droids. A gift for someone I liked. Turned out they didn't like me back but by gones are by gones or maybe that's who I hate. Someone for surprising my advances by not liking me back. Maybe. I don't remember anyways. No never done anything to a rose at all."

"If it is galactic importance then we must go find a rose for me then lets go and maybe ice cream." He would say running after [member="Ahani Najwa"]. Not quite sure where they were going but not caring.
“You were there?” The whisper strikes at the air and slings back around to hit my ears. He was there, wasn’t he? [member="Rex Taff"] was in the dashed game show. “I should kill you for knowing my weakness, Rex. Cherry Ripe… but where would the fun be, then? Eh! You’re one of mine. Guess you can live… wait… who was your Master, then? I thought you were little Zarah’s student? I thought you were one of mine?”

Rolling to her feet in the sand, Ahani grinned into the sun, feeling its’ warmth on her face, the breeze in her clothes. “Maybe you hate hating. Maybe you hate action. Maybe it’s people. If it’s people, we get to kill their bones. If it’s actions…. oooohhh my you’ve never!? Never, never!? Never!!”

The pair ran across the beach, Ahani reaching outward, forward for some form of flower. Where did one find flowers? In the wild? In a garden? There were things called gardens, that had flowers in it. Usually peopled.

“IT IS! We are the galaxy, Rex! Individual and dual, we are EVERYTHING!! It is of utmost import! We have to let you smell a rose! And eat something with rose in it! And and…. AND!”


King of Pumpkins
"I was indeed, I was one of those who saved, no wait. No I killed the ysalimiri. Yes that's what I did. I killed those lizards and their leader as well. Well my weakness is my son and children. Now we know each others weaknesses. Now no one kills any one. Oh I am one of yours but I have claimed soooo many masters. I remember one was a twielk. With an arm made of crotisis"

"That metal. I hate it, stupid metal. Cuts out lightsabres and is poisonous. Damn metal. But masters ummm, I have had like 20, is 20 right. I think it is because I flow walked a lot. I learned more than most people forget. It was so strange but yes I was one of zarah's before, well before all this." He said slowing for a second as the light part of him tried to wrestle control to only be pushed back.

"I don't remember who or why. I remember feeling upset. But it has passed. Yes flowers, roses, roses, roses." Rex would look at the ground near him "roses" As roses began to come out of the ground. He was using plant surge, he was almost sure of it. So ancient jedi or maybe a spirit had taught him. "I also remember being connected to a spirit. But I can't hear the spirit anymore as if it is like underwater trying to scream at me and all that is coming out is bubbles."

"Bubbles, fizzy. We need some wine fizzy wine how good would that be soooo good." He would run off looking for wine leaving the roses behind on the beach, still growing. Almost as if he forgot he activated the power and just left it running as he ran off.

[member="Ahani Najwa"]
“You kept me alive. I’d thank you… if… wait I think I just did… oh you have kids? I have kids! Two sons still alive. [member="Manu Xextos"] and [member="Yuca Najwa-Keth"]. They’re good boys… well, one of them is Light as the sun, the other is…. well… he’s him. We’re bonding.” Cortosis. Hah! I like that metal.

“Then you’re still one of mine.” Up on my feet, I run around with [member="Rex Taff"], seeing his roses grow. I cut some off, smelling one and clutch my hand around a bunch.

“Rex! Rex!” I run through the wild, laughing at the idea of bubbles tickling my nose in wine.


King of Pumpkins
Rex spun quickly still bouncing along. "Thank me, for saving you, nahh don't mention it. But yeah my son that I trained [member="Tom Taff"]. Good boy, orphan, never had a family. He is actually going to get married to his boyfriend soon. Shame I won't be there. Too many things to do, to little time. Like smelling roses and turning oceans into ice and drinking fizzy wines." He said bounding along laughing jumping up into the trees bounding tree to tree.

He then hung upside from a tree. "Or are you one of mine. If I have had many masters then perhaps I was the student of one of your masters. Thereby making you one of mine. Or maybe I am one of everyones and thus no one should hate me by any means and everyone should want to look after me." He said still hanging from the tree.

"Trees, and bananas, Do you want a banana, I am sure I spotted some in one of these trees somewhere." He would say disappearing and reappearing with a whole load of bananas with as smile eating one.

[member="Ahani Najwa"]
“I don’t get that Mandalorian adoption scheme. Hard to say someone’s your kid, when they look nothing like you. It’s the faces… we all look like our parents. It’s why there’s millions of thousands of Echani who look like me! And Manu! It’s so nice to see your daughter and daughter’s daughter’s and daughter’s daughter’s daughters rolled in the sheets enough to procreate. Family line? Check!” I make a big check mark with my finger, drawing it in the air with fire. “I missed three of my kids’ lives, saving Manu’s. Freezing us in the Krystallsøvn. I miss them every day… some nights. Hey, why don’t we go? Crash the wedding?”

Laughter burbled around as with a jump I ned up in the tree, holding a bunch of roses.

“Duuuude trippy. You’re a floorwalker, I helped create the universe and bananas… bananas are good.” I trade him the bananas for the roses, not realizing till afterwards, there’s blood dotting the thorns.

“Sir [member="Rex Taff"], the roses. They beseech thee to sniff.”


King of Pumpkins
Tom stopped looking at [member="Ahani Najwa"] "My boy is echani, so you are saying he lost all of his family and that's why he was left on the streets. No one to share his face. That is rather stupid if I might say. Stupid echani, just cause they don't have the same face doesn't mean they can't be family. No wonder he hates his race. He was 2, how could he understand no one looked like him so they couldn't be related or adopted or even looked after."

Then he would suddenly brighten up "We should but then Tom would be able to affect me. He is about the only person who could remove the other...... No no we can't, can't remember why but we can't." He would then eat another banana. Chewing thoughtfully. "I know so trippy being a floorwalker, I know, I went back and learnt a lot from you. Not that you would remember or know that you taught me." He said laughing.

He would smell the roses. "SO nice, you are right we need a wine made of these. We neeed one now." He said running off towards a bar jumping from tree to tree "Wine, we need wine all the wine in the world. loads of wine." He said laughing the whole way.
“Of course. If he shared no man’s face, then he was the last of his line, and there was nobody left to tend him. It’s easy for Mandalorians to adopt people, when you spend all your time encased in equalizing metal cages. Buckethead life expectancy is so small it’s like… miniscule. You need the adoption rate to keep population up. We don’t. I had a hard enough time having two sons with separate faces. Don’t get me started on how much that sucked. At least my daughters were spared the shame.” There’s a certain lucidity about my native culture, which settles ill on my bones. Spent too much time lately around the Mandalorians, I suppose.

“You know, I was married to a Mandalorian… whatever happened to him?” I fall from the tree, landing in the dirt with a soft ‘oof’. “Oh. He died… in the cataclysm. He was eaten by volcanic ash… him and our vornskyrs… I did love my pets… the other?”

[member="Rex Taff"] runs off, speaking of how he learned from me, how I wouldn’t have known. Huh. Why is my face wet?

“Wine… yes! Yes, wine! We must! To the wine!” Two insane people run through trees, jumping and laughing past seaside and copse alike.

“Wine to drink our minds sideways!” It doesn’t matter that a man named Aran held my hand in the recent past, or that we both lost families. All the matter in the universe is my feet on the sand and the grass, chasing after a Chiss holding bananas and roses.

I smell wine, an open bottle, at a cafe in the distance. There’s a sound peppering the air and I don’t recognize what it is, until I see my reflection in transparisteel.

I’m laughing.

“Get lost, git!” Tossing the man away from his freshly opened bottle, I pour some of the contents down my throat and pass Rex the bottle.

“Wine, Rex! Wine!”


King of Pumpkins
Rex wouldn't listen about her people too busy looking for somewhere to find wine. However when she fell he jumped out of his tree as well banana and roses still in hand. "You married a mandalorian, and he died. I am not surprised they always seem to find a way to die. I love pets, blue and gold and black. Wait no I am thinking dresses not pets. Other, nooo, we don't speak of him. Never ever."

Following [member="Ahani Najwa"] to the cafe, Rex break a guards spine by landing on him. "Oh thank you" he takes a swig of wine and then blacks out. When he can see again the cafe is blood splattered and there appears to be people lying around with bits missing. "Oh well looks like I can't hold my liquor anymore. Do you remember what I did?" The roses appeared to be buried in someones chest and the bananas looked like that had been shoved down some one else throat.
“You like dresses? What do you look like, while wearing them?” Probably utterly ridiculous. How could anybody fight effectively in a dress?

I sat cross-legged atop the bar and drank from a bottle I’d opened with a fingernail… better give that fingernail back sometime soon… maybe.

Wait… which finger did it come from? Oh! One of mine! “Score!”

No more death from me today, I left it all for [member="Rex Taff"]. “The bell hop guy, you know, the one that’s there, there and up there? He asked us if we had reservations and you tweaked! I cooked steak in the kitchen! There’s some tuber mash back there, tastes pretty much not like brimstone or carrot juice. Hungry? And no you can’t have my wine. It’s mine. MIIIYYEEENNNEEE.”


King of Pumpkins
Rex was suddenly very hungry at the mention of food. "Steak and potato, sounds wonderful. Oh well I guess I must have wigged out, I don't exactly remember what I did. Very hungry" He would say being to eat the steak. "Why no wine for me?" He would pout in the same way a child would. He would look around the cafe for something else to drink.

"No way this is tihaar, why would they have this here, this stuff is hardly ever found outside of mandalorian space." He would say being to drink it. "Oh good stuff. So no alarms, no more guards, I guess we have the place to ourselves. Lets have a look for a freezer." Rex would find one and find Icecream. "Look [member="Ahani Najwa"], I found Icecreammm." He would say happily downing a spoon full.

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