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The Rausgeber Doctrine: What Could Go Wrong?

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."

"Consider this my magnum opus gentlemen," Carlyle announced, looking at his audience through the translucence of the hologram, "My gift to the Empire." The Commodore said, leaning on the holotable, "Imagine, the Galactic Alliance, attacking us, invading our territory, but we have a counter." Carlyle said, "Imagine, the ability to deploy thirty thousand stormtroopers across a planet. Being able to draw thousands to our cause."

The officer walked around the table, cape dragging behind him. "Today, I present, the Rausgeber defensive doctrine." He announced, "A doctrine which will simultaneously improve naval readiness and the defensive ability of our forces to counter any offensive presented." Behind him, he gestured to the large holographic image of a fortress.

In the centre sat a communications tower, and around it several large, deep pits. Dotted around the pits were smaller turbolaser towers, and minute bumps, symbolising pillboxes and defensive points. "One base for every system," Carlyle said, enthusiasm building, "Binding us all together! Defending us all, and uniting our Galaxy!" He reached crescendo, and then paused, and let the air settle, "Now, any questions?"

Hogrum Veed

There was a clearing of the young Lieutenant's throat, graduated much too early from the Academies of Dosuun, but what was one to do in the threat that had been Omega so long ago? Of course, in this apparent holo-conference, Hogrum was the least experienced, likely possessing the lowest rank. But he didn't care, he may have walked with giants, but he already thought of himself as one, or at least, on the way to becoming one.

"Are these... Um, fortresses, already on world, or meant to be transported like the Star Destroyers of Old?" Of course, he meant in reference to the Imperial-II Star Destroyer which carried pre-fabricated garrisons and deployed them, but Hogrum imagined the Commodore knew that already, especially if he was going to be naming this... thing.. Doctrine? After himself.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Depends on the system. On a more, hostile environment like Hoth, the fortress needs to be delivered via a cargo fleet, made up of transports and star destroyers." Carlyle said, "Precisely twelve ships will need to carry the parts." Carlyle explained, "The fortress and its pieces are constructed in such a way that they're folded and slotted among each other. For example, the communications array we plan to use can be folded into one tenth of the size." Carlyle said.

"On a more welcoming world like Effekt, Dosuun or Riflor, the parts we'll need to import are turbolasers and parts for the inner citadel." Carlyle said "But it really depends on where we're building them."

[member="Hogrum Veed"]
It was a brief presentation. Lasting just long enough that Cable had time to wonder why the hell the old man wanted a pack of Helldivers attending anyway, then consider why the hell he'd been picked to attend, and finally think about just how little personality and/or skill the various stormtrooper officers had.

He had managed to stay awake though, an act that proved to be remarkably easy after Flight Captain Zaro had kicked him a second time and then leaned over and muttered something about ripping his head off and something else about his throat-hole. Given that Zaro had a propensity for violent rages and impeccable honesty, it was a good motivator.

So he'd ended up paying attention again right when the brief had ended. He glanced over to where the Colonel sat, but the man remained quiet, his face an iron mask of polite inattention.

But if there was one thing Helldivers were good at it was taking hard targets by surprise assault. Every trooper who joined was trained extensively on how to assault strengthened fortifications both on foot and via aerial assault. In spite of everything, Cable found himself analyzing the layout and slowly but surely picking holes in it, at least on a tactical level.

Hogrum Veed

Hogrum wasn't any kind of ground combatant, though he was a fairly decent shot with a blaster, and he had a pretty mean knock out right hook, but other than that, he didn't know much about the real experiences that soldiers faced in the battlefield. What he did know however were ships, and twelve ships, cargo ships for a prefabricated garrison sounded ridiculous to him, especially compared to technology that worked so much better in the past.

"Huh, but, it wouldn't make sense for us to deploy on planets already under the First Order. They'll have their own garrisons already. Additionally," there was a pause as the holographic image of the Lieutenant showed him pulling his datapad off of his belt and activating it, almost as if he were already prepared with a response. "The Imperial Mark Two Star Destroyer was one ship that carried the entire construct. Twelve ships is a large amount. And there are underground aspects to it?" Despite his questions, he remained as polite as anyone could in this form of questioning.

"What if some of the cargo ships were destroyed? Is the idea behind this deploying on our own planets? If so, what's the difference between our own military fortifications and this? This hardly seems like a... Prefabricated Garrison. It looks like a blueprint for a Fortress you wish to build from ground up."

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Commander Norin Kellarov stood in the back of the room listening to the Commodore's announcement and further explanation of a new doctrine. This Rausgeber Doctrine was not something he was familiar with. He listened to the comments back and forth for a moment before coming up with a question of his own.

"Sir, if I understand this correctly I have a question. Is this doctrine as proposed meant to supplement or replace current Naval Forces in the system these stations are deployed in?"

Norin was a Naval officer and a Commander at that. The Hammershot had already seen action but simulated and actual. As far as he knew him and his fellow Commanders had performed honorable and at or above standard. It seem odd to him and even a bit offensive to contemplate replacing effective ship captains with automated stations.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Hogrum Veed"] [member="Cable Shike"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
Carlyle looked at the junior officer. It was almost as if the twerp wanted to upstage the commodore. Bloody pissant. Carlyle let out a warm, condescending smile, "Twelve ships in the long term isn't very large." Carlyle said, "Consider this fortress design something to supplement current military garrisons, beacause as our friend Norin has brought up, this will act as a supplementary force." He said, walking towards those assembled.

"This base will act to further fortify our holdings in our own systems, and allow for further resupply and maintenance of our naval forces." He added, "There are underground elements to this base, and as apart of the construction process, there will be a need for surgical orbital bombardments." Carlyle said, "Single reactor ignition." he added with a sly smile. "But this base is a good addition to any system, the ion battery module will allow for the further defence against any fleets being bombardment."

[member="Norin Kellarov"] | [member="Hogrum Veed"]


OOC Writer Account

Halle Ren,
Anoat Sector.

Halle Ren sits in the room of navy officers with the greatest outward confidence. What business does an ostensibly junior member of the Knights of Ren and a Teenager at that have here. "What kind of fortifications will these garrisons feature on the ground?" Halles' tone oozes confidence borders on what you would consider cocky, those that look towards Halle will find her wearing the typical trappings of Ren. Left hand sits on the head of a Black and Red painted BB unit. Halle slouches slightly in her chair for further comfort.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"A thirty thousand strong stormtrooper compliment, reinforced by sixty five turbolaser batteries." Carlyle informed her, "There'll be an armoured component to that, along with twelve squadrons of TIE variants." Carlyle added, "Then on a much broader scale, there's a deflector shield with an ion cannon battery." He added, "This type of fortification will be nigh impossible to counteract."

Carlyle walked towards the group, and eyed them all, "This doctrine will make us the ultimate power in the Galaxy!" He said with militant zeal, "And will see us conquer for a new millennia!"

[member="Halle Ren"]


OOC Writer Account

Halle Ren,
Anoat Sector.

"Do not be so sure Commodore." Halle Ren muses out loud among the officers, open with her doubt. "He honest with us Commodore and yourself. From your learned point of view, what are potential weaknesses that can be exploited of this facility?" BB-79 chirps happily beneath the touch of his masters' hand. Halles' hand scratches affectionately at the droid, beyond the Knights of Ren it is her closest companion and friend. Inwardly, part of Halle wished she'd had a family and feels the Army robbed that from her: To know what it feels like to be truly loved unconditionally.

@Carlyle Rausgeber

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Well," Carlyle admitted, "Sustained seige. After several of siege without relief, the bases stores would be depleted." Carlyle admitted, he sighed, "But given the ways warfare has been fought in the last several years, we wouldn't assume that." Carlyle paused, "The ion battery is also positioned on the outerside of the bases shield generator, which means that it'd be vulnerable to orbital bombardments, or concentrated ground attack."

There was another pause, "That, and the base could be swarmed." He admitted, "An attack with sustained forces could overrun defences, but that'd need to be ninety thousand enemy troops to fully succeed."

[member="Halle Ren"]


OOC Writer Account

Halle Ren,
Anoat Sector.

The BB unit offers up a mug filled with cold chocolate milk to Halle, and she graciously receives it from the little droid and drinks down the cool tasty contents while the Commodore speaks. Halle listens attentively to Carlyle and then speaks up again. "So it would take a few Star Destroyers' worth of troops, correct to storm and overrun the facility?" Halle pauses sipping the cold chocolate milk to speak before she resumes drinking in the middle of the Room.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Yes, from the analysis performed by my contacts in the military declare that the Galactic Alliance would need to have about half a sectors resources attacking one of these bases." Carlyle said, "If the Alliance were to attack a sector with every system fortified with these types of bases, the Alliance would wear themselves out." Rausgeber said with a scowl, noting the droid and the milk. "Did no one tell you?" he asked, "No food, or drinks allowed in the command room." Carlyle warned.

[member="Halle Ren"]


OOC Writer Account

Halle Ren,
Anoat Sector.

"So it is a matter of using some sort of attrition against them? Betting that their will shatters before breaking the garrisons' defences." Halle questions after she notes the scowl on Carlyle, Halle is forced to endure the glare for a moment and while inwardly her confidence wavers somewhat, she outwardly remains strong. Halle offers Carlyle a silent nod, she would make a note of that next time. "Nobody told me no, I will try to remember that for next time." Halle just waves left hand casually. "Please, continue. How many of these garrisons would we need to construct to cover all our territory."

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Yes, that's the only way the base can be broken." Carlyle said, "A war of attrition is generally a way to wear down morale, and forces." The commodore paused he listened to her condescendingly snark. The officer waited politely for her approval to continue, "Well, we'd need one on every planet ideally." Carlyle said, "But the fact is, is that I realise that the military and government mightn't take too kindly to having to pay for such expenditure, so three to four fortresses per sector."

[member="Halle Ren"]


OOC Writer Account

Halle Ren,
Anoat Sector.

Halle gives an approving nod towards Carlyles' estimation. "Yes, that sounds like a conservative and wise number." The Disciple of Ren offered her support for Carlyles' estimations for what it is worth. "They will no doubt prove to be adequate staging grounds for the military."

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"]
Carlyle Rausgeber said:
"Yes, that's the only way the base can be broken." Carlyle said,
Cable frowned. Sure the design was nice and solid but he'd picked out at least one weakpoint to exploit. And if he'd seen it than Captain Zaro and Colonel Stareicha had for sure as well. And if they had, well, you got the picture.

"I'd bet I could crack the sucker open."

He'd spoken out loud almost on accident, but once committed had no choice but to continue. He rose and, hands at parade rest like a dutiful solider, continued.

"Drop Sergeant Cable Shike, Helldiver Aurek Company, 3rd Battalion. Uhm, and that theatre shield is great and all but I could still fly a unit in, suppress the defenses long enough to land troops on the ground in those maintenance bays, and then we've got enough open ground and messy terrain that a battalion of helldivers could last for weeks, assuming we've got enough food and water. Meanwhile we'll be doing hit and run strikes on whatever we can, sabotaging ships, turrets, you name it. Then while you're busy worrying about the rats in your walls we stage a sustained ground assault, pincer the defenders there and bust the whole thing open."

Cable finished and glanced around, gauging reactions. Zaro looked pissed off, as usual, but damned if it didn't like the Colonel had a little wry grin going. How the stuffy Imperial would take it, he had no idea.

RIP Carlyle Rausgeber

"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Sergeant whoever your name is," Carlyle began, clearly frustrated, "There's some problems with your assertion there." Carlyle said, "Firstly, your arrival would be hindered by the TIE squadrons. A landing you're talking about would not be able to circumvent the turbolaser towers, blaster emplacements or the TIE squadrons. You'd arrive with 30'000 stormtroopers attacking you along with elements of an armoured division." Carlyle said, "I don't care what sort of battalion you are, but you'd be doomed."

He paused, and looked at the man, "Then, if you plan to hold out in a maintainence pit, then good luck getting down the two kilometre high walls, and possible no cover." Carlyle said, "Your initial party would be destroyed, and then your assault would be finished."

[member="Cable Shike"] | [member="Halle Ren"]


OOC Writer Account

Halle Ren,
Anoat Sector.

Halle swallows cold chocolate milk at the worst time, she listens to the Sergeants' interjection only to hear Carlyles' rebuke and Halle lurches herself forward with a scoff. And splutters the milk and it dribbles down chin, Halle is forced to wipe chin on her left arms' leather wrapping and proceeds to compose herself. Halles' sulphuric yellow eyes look to her BB unit with a toothy grin, obviously approving of the Sergeants' public humiliation at Carlyle's verbal assault. "I think we have uncovered the reason why beverages are prohibited in this room, Bee." Halle's left-hand scratches for a moment at cheek.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Cable Shike"]
Norin shook his head listening to the three banter back and forth like children. As a Commodore Norin should the Senior Naval Officer the amount of respect his rank owed him. It seemed however that it was the Navy's intention to make her pilots obsolete. The idea made his skin crawl.

"Gentlemen, Ma'am with respect I think we can all agree there are several angles in which to approach the application of such a Doctrine. No single approach can cover all of the possible angles. Simply put combat is fluid..........we can try our best to cover every detail but given enough time and ingenuity eventually an exploitable flaw will be found."

Norin sighed taking a breath.

"It seems to me the intent in contradiction to earlier statements is to replace the whole of the First Order's Naval might with these stations reducing a few of us to cargo pilot's while retiring the rest. It is a move a disagree with but I serve at the pleasure of the Supreme Commander and the Supreme Leader above him."

Norin briefly snapped to attention saluting the Commodore.

"If you will excuse me Sir with permission I will return to my ship while I still have one."

Norin would cut the salute once it was returned and excuse himself from the remainder of the briefing.

[member="Carlyle Rausgeber"] [member="Hogrum Veed"] [member="Cable Shike"] [member="Halle Ren"]

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