RIP Carlyle Rausgeber
"It's all been bloody marvellous..."
"Consider this my magnum opus gentlemen," Carlyle announced, looking at his audience through the translucence of the hologram, "My gift to the Empire." The Commodore said, leaning on the holotable, "Imagine, the Galactic Alliance, attacking us, invading our territory, but we have a counter." Carlyle said, "Imagine, the ability to deploy thirty thousand stormtroopers across a planet. Being able to draw thousands to our cause."
The officer walked around the table, cape dragging behind him. "Today, I present, the Rausgeber defensive doctrine." He announced, "A doctrine which will simultaneously improve naval readiness and the defensive ability of our forces to counter any offensive presented." Behind him, he gestured to the large holographic image of a fortress.
In the centre sat a communications tower, and around it several large, deep pits. Dotted around the pits were smaller turbolaser towers, and minute bumps, symbolising pillboxes and defensive points. "One base for every system," Carlyle said, enthusiasm building, "Binding us all together! Defending us all, and uniting our Galaxy!" He reached crescendo, and then paused, and let the air settle, "Now, any questions?"
"Consider this my magnum opus gentlemen," Carlyle announced, looking at his audience through the translucence of the hologram, "My gift to the Empire." The Commodore said, leaning on the holotable, "Imagine, the Galactic Alliance, attacking us, invading our territory, but we have a counter." Carlyle said, "Imagine, the ability to deploy thirty thousand stormtroopers across a planet. Being able to draw thousands to our cause."
The officer walked around the table, cape dragging behind him. "Today, I present, the Rausgeber defensive doctrine." He announced, "A doctrine which will simultaneously improve naval readiness and the defensive ability of our forces to counter any offensive presented." Behind him, he gestured to the large holographic image of a fortress.
In the centre sat a communications tower, and around it several large, deep pits. Dotted around the pits were smaller turbolaser towers, and minute bumps, symbolising pillboxes and defensive points. "One base for every system," Carlyle said, enthusiasm building, "Binding us all together! Defending us all, and uniting our Galaxy!" He reached crescendo, and then paused, and let the air settle, "Now, any questions?"