Mara D'Lessio Merrill
The Lesser D'Lessio
The Rave Merrill Memorial Scholarship is awarded to applicants who demonstrate an innovative and ambitious contribution to Light-oriented Force crafting. The Scholarship promotes and prizes originality of thought, depth of research, and breadth of imagination.
Explicitly Dark Side crafting arts (such as Sith Alchemy and Nightsister crafting) are ineligible. Derivative techniques will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, so long as the item in question is Light-oriented or alignment-neutral.
A strong portfolio uses established precedents and principles in unique and innovative ways. Please do not submit shield talismans, nigh-indestructible swords, or other common items unless they genuinely break new ground.
Previous winners are ineligible within the same category; an individual can win the Master category if he or she has previously won the Knight category.
Additionally, the sponsors reserve the right to offer special access, support, and/or employment to suitable and compatible winners.
DIVISION: (Knight or Master)
PORTFOLIO: (Links to 1-4 approved Factory/Codex submissions or substantive equivalent blog posts, in bullet format)
PRIMARY TRADITIONS: (e.g. ‘Item One is a mix of Tashai talismans and Cerean Kasha crafting; Item Two is a mix of a Force-imbued blade and Witch crafting principles’)
The Scholarship is awarded in two divisions: Knight and Master. Merit is judged based on a small portfolio of 1-4 items. Portfolio items must be explicitly Light-oriented or neutral in orientation, and may be living or inert. Portfolio items may be sourced from any Light Side or alignment-neutral crafting art, including but not limited to:
Force-imbued blade smithing
Jal Shey imbuement
Wookiee Upari-cutting, Cerean Kasha creation, or other crystal-related traditions
Ithorian plant-tending
Witch crafting
Mechu-deru (though not its Dark Side derivatives)
Art of the Small and its derivatives
Gesaril carving
Tashai talisman creation
Homemade traditions (e.g. Alkahest)
Explicitly Dark Side crafting arts (such as Sith Alchemy and Nightsister crafting) are ineligible. Derivative techniques will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, so long as the item in question is Light-oriented or alignment-neutral.
A strong portfolio uses established precedents and principles in unique and innovative ways. Please do not submit shield talismans, nigh-indestructible swords, or other common items unless they genuinely break new ground.
Previous winners are ineligible within the same category; an individual can win the Master category if he or she has previously won the Knight category.
Winners of the Scholarship will be chosen without reference to a time frame; there is no deadline, and the Scholarship is awarded in an ongoing manner, when the review committee selects worthy applicants. There is no limit on the amount of Scholarships to be awarded. Winners of the Scholarship, regardless of category, receive the following:
100,000cr to the winner or a charity of their choice
A stock of unique crafting materials, individually tailored to the traditions and techniques represented in the winner’s portfolio
Additionally, the sponsors reserve the right to offer special access, support, and/or employment to suitable and compatible winners.
To apply for the Scholarship, please use the following template:DIVISION: (Knight or Master)
PORTFOLIO: (Links to 1-4 approved Factory/Codex submissions or substantive equivalent blog posts, in bullet format)
PRIMARY TRADITIONS: (e.g. ‘Item One is a mix of Tashai talismans and Cerean Kasha crafting; Item Two is a mix of a Force-imbued blade and Witch crafting principles’)
The Scholarship is funded by Mara D’Lessio Merrill (executor of the Rave Merrill Estate), by Arakyd Corporation, and by Akure Executive Interstellar.