Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
Black Sun Space - Nal Hutta - Sector 03
Local Time: 03:31
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
Today was a good day for Rayl. Some new movers and shakers up on the moon above were looking to close ties to Black Sun. The Red Ravens could prove very valuable in future endeavors on Nar Shaddaa. All the more reason to offer them an arms deal while getting his first meet and greet. Today's venue was at a small firing range for the weapons test. A nice little place Rayl liked to frequent as it was close to the office. Plus the fries at the snack bar were worth crawling across Tatooine for. On order for today was the KBR-04 Assault Rifle, MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol, the Warbeast Droid. And lastly the Obliterator O-1 SMG, though this one was just for demonstration. Not being his weapon or state owned, but a friends; he couldn't be making deals to sell it. All in all it was really a SFI dominated deal. With a splish splash of Black Sun itself. As the second in command though; it was near always to do with the Suns in some way. it just favored some profit for his company.
Rayl lounged in a chair with the two Warbeasts he brought. Sipping on a cold brew and watching the bugs fry themselves on a zapper. The Red Ravens could take their time getting here. He felt no need for a rush at the moment. Just so long as they showed up today.
Local Time: 03:31
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
Today was a good day for Rayl. Some new movers and shakers up on the moon above were looking to close ties to Black Sun. The Red Ravens could prove very valuable in future endeavors on Nar Shaddaa. All the more reason to offer them an arms deal while getting his first meet and greet. Today's venue was at a small firing range for the weapons test. A nice little place Rayl liked to frequent as it was close to the office. Plus the fries at the snack bar were worth crawling across Tatooine for. On order for today was the KBR-04 Assault Rifle, MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol, the Warbeast Droid. And lastly the Obliterator O-1 SMG, though this one was just for demonstration. Not being his weapon or state owned, but a friends; he couldn't be making deals to sell it. All in all it was really a SFI dominated deal. With a splish splash of Black Sun itself. As the second in command though; it was near always to do with the Suns in some way. it just favored some profit for his company.
Rayl lounged in a chair with the two Warbeasts he brought. Sipping on a cold brew and watching the bugs fry themselves on a zapper. The Red Ravens could take their time getting here. He felt no need for a rush at the moment. Just so long as they showed up today.