Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Raven In Black [Red Ravens]

Black Sun Space - Nal Hutta - Sector 03
Local Time: 03:31

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]

Today was a good day for Rayl. Some new movers and shakers up on the moon above were looking to close ties to Black Sun. The Red Ravens could prove very valuable in future endeavors on Nar Shaddaa. All the more reason to offer them an arms deal while getting his first meet and greet. Today's venue was at a small firing range for the weapons test. A nice little place Rayl liked to frequent as it was close to the office. Plus the fries at the snack bar were worth crawling across Tatooine for. On order for today was the KBR-04 Assault Rifle, MP-77 Heavy Blaster Pistol, the Warbeast Droid. And lastly the Obliterator O-1 SMG, though this one was just for demonstration. Not being his weapon or state owned, but a friends; he couldn't be making deals to sell it. All in all it was really a SFI dominated deal. With a splish splash of Black Sun itself. As the second in command though; it was near always to do with the Suns in some way. it just favored some profit for his company.

Rayl lounged in a chair with the two Warbeasts he brought. Sipping on a cold brew and watching the bugs fry themselves on a zapper. The Red Ravens could take their time getting here. He felt no need for a rush at the moment. Just so long as they showed up today.
Black Sun Space - Nal Hutta - Sector 03
Local Time: 03:47

He was late.
"Damn," Lysle cursed himself. The 10-T monorail commuter tram couldn't have gone any faster as it streaked under the afternoon sky. The repulsor-lifted train began to squeak and squeal as its speed rapidly began to slow. The well manicured and firmly dressed crime lord glanced out a viewport, one of hundreds that lined the behemoth public transport. He had chosen this rather than his own vehicles for a matter of discrepancy. You would think someone as wealthy as he to take his own transport, whether he flew it or not. But he didn't want to risk a run in with authorities, and thought it wiser to take the crowded trams.

As the monorail stopped outside the firing range, it was no different a place as any on Nar Shaddaa. The distant boom of countless nightclubs, the fog of narcotics and smell of alcohol still wafted through the air. A seemingly permanent miasma that clouded the minds of all on this planet. Neon lights flashed and danced across his eyes, tantalising the senses. He pushed through the doors, waving down the hostess that moved to greet him. "I know where I'm going, I'm sure my name is booked down as reserved. Pasang Tashi." A false name that had a bank account tied to its own name, license number, address, phone number, even a photo. A man almost identical to Lysle, but a man he had never met, only in passing at the least. He hired a slicer to get some information on him, and began to commit what some would call identity theft. He didn't mean no hard feelings if the police came knocking. It's only business.

"Excuse me for being late," Lysle said. He checked the Nas-Tech Wrist Mounted Datapad on his left forearm. Local Time: 04:02. "Being tactful has its downfalls, including this." He brought his grey eyed gaze onto the Warbeasts, "Impressive, I must admit."

[member="Rayl Wilded"]

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