Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Reason for My Disappearance... Or Whatever


Well-Known Member
So, as anyone who cares already knows, I've been gone for a bit. I came back but never really explained anything. So, I guess I'll get this out here while I can!

My computer/internet has been freaking exploding for the past bit, and it's taken bloody ages to get it working again. I'm not sure what was going wrong, but it went between issues every day, BSOD, broken ass sound, unresponsive everytime I launch, stuff like that. I finally got it working, but almost immediately after I got sick. I spent a while like that, not really able to be anywhere. Once I got better, I headed back to the computer. Where I was welcomed by guess what? More crashes.

So anyway, I'm not going to be on for any reliable amount of time, sorry to those I was in the middle of a thread with. I hate dropping off the radar, but I never leave willingly.

What is this, my fifth time leaving the site, and my first actual heads up about it?

I don't know who I was in a thread with, sorry, but no mentions for you :3

That was a bit random, I should really write more. Work on that post structure.

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