Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Rebel and The Judge

TAG: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

The Smuggler's Moon, much had transpired to find the once Jedi, Judah Lesan among the less savory of the galaxy. There were those who would say he had abandoned the Jedi, but in truth Judah had long felt the Jedi had abandoned him. Most of the were hypocrites, talking heads that cared more about the sound of their own voice and the sultry tones of their rhetoric than actually serving the demands of peace. It had been too long that many of the Jedi which were prominent now had expressed absolute ideals of good and evil. The more they talked, the more they sounded like the very Sith they wanted to purge from the galaxy. In truth, Judah felt more at home amongst those who leaned more toward the criminal element. At least they were altruistic.​
The Jedi... they were a shadow of their former strength, a hollow shell, a lifeless corpse.​
He sat at a Sabaac table, looking across to the dealer. The target was a known cheat, often robbing poor widows of what remained of their late husbands' estates. Juda was only one man, one Jedi, but he had learned long ago that one could accomplish more than most gave credit for. Yes, he knew that his actions would not being sweeping change to the galaxy, but it was better than sitting on his hands doing nothing. Just because the Jedi had lost their way, it did not mean Judah had.​
A grin etched along his face as once again Judah had handily beaten the dealer. He was careful to ensure that he did not pull a pure Sabaac or trick plays like an idiot's array. In his younger years Judah had been the dealer, working for a man named Dothan. The Jedi knew how to win without anyone realizing he was cheating. It would take another force user to spot him, and at that one with a keen eye. The sentinel had years to perfect his craft, and today he would not get caught.​
Or... so he thought...​
The cold steel of a blaster barrel pressed against his head.​
"You're cheating..."
Great, he was going to have to talk his way out of this one.​
"Prove it."
"I can't."
"Then get the blaster off the temple of my head and take a seat. Maybe tonight just happens to be my lucky night."
The accuser sat down and smirked.​
Judah nodded, and stood up, taking his winnings and putting them in a coin purse that fit nicely into one of the compartments on his belt.​
"I think I have overstayed my welcome. I'll just leave."
Judah grinned, and offered a small bow. His steps carried him out of the den where an elderly woman sat waiting.​
"Did you..."
"And then some," Judah said pulling out the coin purse, handing it to the woman. "Next time some credits come your way... invest in real estate."


Location: Smuggler's Moon
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Why was Caltin here? Simple, the Force pulled him to the Smuggler’s moon, for some reason he was brought down to this “planet” and he was going to find out what. Whether the big guy wanted it or not. There were onlookers and prying eyes, it was normal, after all, he was huge, massive even, and even in workboots, jeans, a button-down with a t-shirt underneath, and a leather jacket, he still screamed “Jedi” to most, even with ” Conservator” safely concealed.

His investigation was something that he was not used to, normally the massive Jedi Master knew exactly what he was looking for. This time, not so much, only he was looking in ways that made just about everyone suspicious. The big guy did nothing but walk around, he did not speak to anyone, or make any threats, or commit any acts, Caltin was just looking.

The air was dull, the stench of desperation among many, that was the culture of the place and nothing had changed from his time in the order. The only difference was the graffiti was newer, and the tech was state of the art, though probably stolen for the most part. Even the drug deal that was going on a few feet away was not his concern, no there was something out here, or in this case, someone. There was a presence here.

The presence had to be a Force User, no other explanation as to why he was being pulled the way he was. Normally Caltin could either explain or brush off what was happening if he did not get the proper explanation. The massive Jedi Master was at the ready, but he kept his preparedness close to the chest. That would be saved for when he would find whoever he was looking for.

Getting Close/

TAG: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"Gonna need a good drink after that one," Judah said as he walked up to the bar.​
"Another one of those nights?"
"You wouldn't believe half of it."
The bartender shot Judah a look, one brow raised.​
"Right the smuggler's moon... you'd believe all of it."
"It's good what you do, helping people out who get taken advantage of, but it's gonna get you killed one of these days."
"If it does, it does. There is not much in this life I have left worth staying alive for. Just three people, three names."
The barkeep nodded as he slid Judah a bottle of Corellian Whiskey and a glass.​
"On the house tonight."
Judah nodded with a thanks and poured himself drink. The liquid slid down his throat with ease as the Jedi brought the contents to his lips. Judah was not one to drink too often, but there were days when that was all he wanted. He traveled alone a lot, trying not to pull the people he was close to into the messes he caused. Trouble liked to follow him even though he was a good Jedi, if there even was such a thing anymore.​
That was when he sensed it. Another presence in the force.​
Light sided.​
He reached out with his mind.​
"Come have a drink with me... Not too often you sense another Jedi in this place."


Location: Smuggler's Moon
Equipment: Conservator(Lightsaber), Vanguard(Backup Lightsaber)
Comm-link, Rebreather, Custom Robes
Starship: Starlight Sentinel
Companion: Astromech R01R - "Roller", Pilot droid Mu51c - "Music"
The casino… cantina… bar… whatever they were calling it nowadays was bustling, this was a normal sight. What was abnormal the light side of the Force was strong in here, the person he was looking for was only a few feet away. With a deep breath and a hope for the best, the massive Jedi Master walked past the bouncers and security and inside. Sure, he got more than his share of looks, both for his size and his lightsaber, that was their concern, not his.

Sensing the Force like an Akk dog smelling something on the grill, the big guy “bellied up to the bar.” Sitting next to the other, Caltin waited for the barkeep to come around. The big guy wasn’t going to call him over but look around at the architecture of the place. The guy next to him was strong in the Force, probably a Master of his skills. He recognized him, the guy was in that group of Jedi on Commenor that showed up to hear Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser back when he was still Grandmaster of the Silvers. Caltin remembered the guy laughing his way out of the room.

The big guy could respect that.

You didn’t miss much after you walked out of that room on Commenor. Just more kritching and moaning.

TAG: Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor

"Didn't think I would," Judah said as he waved down the barkeep to get another glass for the massive Jedi that sat next to him.​
Judah did not remember a lot of the faces from that day. Most of his memory centered around the disgust he felt toward those who supposedly called themselves Jedi. They had bantered about the room about fighting evil, killing Sith, and other things that made for great fodder to rally a war machine. When Judah had listened enough he took it upon himself to call out the evil acts which the Jedi had committed themselves in the name of "stopping evil." Even those they would support in times of war were not innocent of evil.​
"Tell me, do you recognize the Jedi anymore?"
It was a valid question considering everything Judah had seen. The Master had become cynical in his own right. Maybe he was wrong, and if this man would tell him that he was, perhaps Judah would listen. The Telosian was certain this man was not about to correct him, however. This master seemed to carry a weight about him that was similar to what Judah carried, a desire to see the Jedi be what they once were, neutral peacekeepers. The fact they were willing to take sides at all, that troubled Judah deeply.​
He poured a glass of whiskey for the larger Jedi and slid the glass his way.​
"Judah Lesan." he said as his eyes made contact with the Jedi. "Jedi Master... or something like that."
It was indeed a valid question, and while he wanted to go into a rant about what he saw in the universe today, was it worth it at this point? The massive Jedi Master, ordering a Corellian Ale just sat there and pondered it a moment. There was something familiar about this guy, other than being in that room, there was something that seemed to fit with this guy in the way of the Order. This was what Caltin say to him and while they had yet to truly meet, he felt like he knew the guy.

There are maybe a handful of true“Jedi” in this galaxy. Plenty of those loyal to the Light Side of the Force, and that is fine… but not “Jedi.” Being a Jedi means more than memorizing a code.

Okay, he was ranting, but Caltin stopped himself short. This was not the time or place, or maybe it was, maybe this is what the Force was pulling him to, not this Je… Judah? Where does he know that name? Wait? Judah Lesan, yes, that was it. Yes, now it was coming to him and the memories were coming back. He did not look like the Judah that Caltin knew, but he could have been a descendant. Not important at the moment.

I knew a “Judah Lesan” in my time. Do you think you might be a descendant? Pleasure, by the way, offering a hearty handshake as he appreciatively took the shot and dropped it into his ale Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor, currently of the Ess Jay Cee, by way of the “Old” Jedi Order.

Was it a somewhat vague answer? Sure, but let it continue and let him to the realization of what the big guy meant.[/I]
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