Caltin Vanagor

The Smuggler's Moon, much had transpired to find the once Jedi, Judah Lesan among the less savory of the galaxy. There were those who would say he had abandoned the Jedi, but in truth Judah had long felt the Jedi had abandoned him. Most of the were hypocrites, talking heads that cared more about the sound of their own voice and the sultry tones of their rhetoric than actually serving the demands of peace. It had been too long that many of the Jedi which were prominent now had expressed absolute ideals of good and evil. The more they talked, the more they sounded like the very Sith they wanted to purge from the galaxy. In truth, Judah felt more at home amongst those who leaned more toward the criminal element. At least they were altruistic.
The Jedi... they were a shadow of their former strength, a hollow shell, a lifeless corpse.
He sat at a Sabaac table, looking across to the dealer. The target was a known cheat, often robbing poor widows of what remained of their late husbands' estates. Juda was only one man, one Jedi, but he had learned long ago that one could accomplish more than most gave credit for. Yes, he knew that his actions would not being sweeping change to the galaxy, but it was better than sitting on his hands doing nothing. Just because the Jedi had lost their way, it did not mean Judah had.
A grin etched along his face as once again Judah had handily beaten the dealer. He was careful to ensure that he did not pull a pure Sabaac or trick plays like an idiot's array. In his younger years Judah had been the dealer, working for a man named Dothan. The Jedi knew how to win without anyone realizing he was cheating. It would take another force user to spot him, and at that one with a keen eye. The sentinel had years to perfect his craft, and today he would not get caught.
Or... so he thought...
The cold steel of a blaster barrel pressed against his head.
"You're cheating..."
Great, he was going to have to talk his way out of this one.
"Prove it."
"I can't."
"Then get the blaster off the temple of my head and take a seat. Maybe tonight just happens to be my lucky night."
The accuser sat down and smirked.
Judah nodded, and stood up, taking his winnings and putting them in a coin purse that fit nicely into one of the compartments on his belt.
"I think I have overstayed my welcome. I'll just leave."
Judah grinned, and offered a small bow. His steps carried him out of the den where an elderly woman sat waiting.
"Did you..."
"And then some," Judah said pulling out the coin purse, handing it to the woman. "Next time some credits come your way... invest in real estate."