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Approved Lore The Red Hand

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  • Organization Name: The Red Hand
  • Organization Symbol: A Red Hand, an evil eye set in its palm
  • Description:

    A network built from the Inquisition members that followed Anaya Fen after she was exiled from the Eigth Sith Empire, the Red Hand now serves her daughter, Calina Ovmar, now known as Lina Zambrano as an elite and widespread force of intelligence agents.

    The Red Hand served no nation, allowing it to embed within all nations across the galaxy, gathering intelligence without conflict of interest. There are few organisations that have gone untouched or unwatched by those within the Red Hand. The intelligence gathered was either sold to the highest bidder or kept to be used to her advantage, be it blackmailing certain officials into turning a blind eye to her activities or simply to alter the course of things for her own entertainment.

    Over the last two years Lina had worked to move many of her agents into the Sith Order itself, shifting their focus to ensure the stability and survival of the Order so that she may ascend within it, the information now gathered by those agents without to be used as a means to further the empire goals and therefore her own, while those within feed intelligence back to her on internal threats and highlight opportunities for her to influence the path of the powers that be.
  • Headquarters: N/A
  • Domain: Galaxy wide, loose affiliation with the Sith Order
  • Notable Assets:

    The Network Without

    There are a number of upper class establishments in the form of Casino's, Clubs and Restaurants that serve as the Red Hand's intelligence centres. Every staff member within these establishments are vetted and well trained, blending perfectly into their roles, be it as a waitress, bartender or escort.

    Each Location is equipped with hidden entrances and exits, as well as the facility to resupply, heal and provide refuge to those agents with the local sectors that need it. All reports from agents filter through these establishments to Lina directly.

    The Locations of note are as follows:
    The Void Station
    Dressel (centre of the Mara Corridor popular trading route)
    Saleucami (Edge of EOTL space)
    Hapes (Edge of GA Space)
    Kuat (Core of GA Space)
    Ryloth (End of the Mara corridor, where it meets the Corellian Run - prime trade location)
    Eshan (Edge of GA space)
    The Wheel (near Hapes)
    Fondor (GA Capital)
    Zeltros (Just south of GA space)
    Faldos ( SO Space)
    Jutrand (SO Capital)
    Lina Station - The Borkeen Belt (MP Space)

    Each location works independently and is unaware of the others locations and it is forbidden to share such knowledge within these locales. Only field agents know of all locations giving them the freedom and safety to move about as they need.

    The Network Within

    Lina has taken great care to place spies within the powerful households within the Sith Order as well as within the armies and . They could be a simple servant, a guard or even a soldier or agent. These agents perform their duties within their roles as expected, yet feed important information back to Lina via secure communication lines, via their Handlers.
  • Hierarchy:

    The hierarchy of the Red Hand is a simple one, with Lina at its head, the rest is broken down into reporting lines.

    Each establishment is run by a Handler that are responsible for compiling and reporting the information gathered not only within the club, but also by the field agents in their local sectors. They have authority over the agents that work directly within the club, but not necessarily over the field agents themselves.

    The field agents are to a degree autonomous, they are responsible for themselves and will take instruction for their people or targets as directed by Lina or Leilah. Working solo within their own assigned territories or roles.

  • Membership:

    There are around five thousand members of the Red Hand spread across the galaxy with their numbers steadily growing. New Red Hand members are identified by Handlers or Field Agents and thoroughly vetted before being brought to Lina's attention. Agents can be non-force users or force users and their alignment in the force matters little, provided they are true to the cause and can be made loyal to Lina.

    If Lina approves of their stock, they undergo rigorous training that not only covers advanced combat, but also etiquette training that will allow them to bland into the highest echelons of society if required, and also sleight of hand and other methods of deceit.

    Once they have passed basic training they are assigned to the Handler or Agent that discovered them to complete the training for their respective roles.
  • Climate:

    Aside from those working within the establishments, the majority of agents are not known to one another, this is to ensure that should they be captured, they cannot reveal other agents in the area. Because of this, life as a Red Hand in the field can be a lonely one, but the care and support given from their leader secure their loyalty.

    The units that work within the clubs have their true identities protected from their colleagues for the same reasons and yet despite this they work well as a unit, supporting and protecting each other as necessary and respect the hierarchy within.

  • Reputation:

    Until recently, the Red hand has been an enigma, a conspiracy theory murmured on the streets without any solid evidence to back its existence. While that mostly remains the same, the theories are now laced with its ties to the sith.

  • Curios:

    Agents will often have the number '23' tattooed upon them, usually hidden inside the lip. This is used for agents to identify one another should the need arise or more importantly for an agent to be identified in death.

    All field agents also voluntarily undergo surgery to have explosive caps fitted to their rear molars should they be captured, they are under instruction to choose death over talking, severing any connection that might find its way back to Lina.
  • Rules:

    While there is no religion within the Red Hand, there are unwritten rules in that you never look too closely or ask too many questions of a fellow agent as the less you know the safer it is for all involved.

    Loyalty without question is also expected and any falterings in loyalty are dealt with, normally with a fatal outcome for the traitor or the one asking too many questions.

    There is a soft devotion to their leader, knowing that as she rises in power, it will filter down and as such the dedication to their roles are absolute.

  • Goals:

    The Red Hands goal is simple; Be the first to know.

    Regardless of whether the knowledge comes from infiltrating houses of the Sith Order themselves or from their enemies, like that of the Galactic Alliance, their aim is to be the first to have the knowledge at hand, to be able to better put it to use.

    Alongside this, their aim is also to become the largest network to span the galaxy through quiet recruitment.


PC Leader - Lina Zambrano


In the year 835ABY, Anaya Fen, Lord Inquisitor and Head of Intelligence of the Eighth Sith Empire was exiled, for her crimes against its leaders and her hand in usurping the previous Emperor's from their thrones. She did not, however, leave empty handed. Having built the inquisition from the ground up, there were a number loyal to her that followed her when she left.

These inquisitors folded into Apoliea Inc, Anaya's front for intelligence gathering outside of the Empire's borders during her time there, now became her sole focus. A ripple ran through it as she removed staff that were proving less than useful and replacing them with loyal inquisitors.

She also expanded the business during this time, acquiring a handful of pilots for her own dedicated smuggling group, as well as some small time droid manufacturing plants.
While Anaya cavorted around the galaxy causing mayhem where she could, when she wasn't torturing Calina Ovmar, her daughter had extorted funds from her mother's business to start her own. Lina Industries focused solely on the research and development of small market spacecraft, it was more a hobby than a grand money making venture, something for the girl to call her own.

In 851 ABY, Anaya, dumped her daughter on Darth Carnifex's doorstep, the Emperor of the Ninth Empire, requesting he take her on as an apprentice and teach her manners that she had been unable to instil. During her two years under Carnifex's instruction, Lina Station was built, hidden within the Borkeen Belt, it gave her a place to escape to, though the Empire were well aware of its presence, and continued her work within ship design.

Less than a year later, Anaya was killed by Jorus Merrill and Calina found herself the inheritor of Apoleia Inc. She wasted little time setting to work to bring the organisation to heel, eliminating those that had taken liberties to see their own pockets filled and slowly earning the trust of the old inquisition members. Shutting down several lines of business in the underworld, including the smuggling business and pushing for the less savoury establishments to be redesigned and/or located to attract a higher level of clientele and shifting the focus of the business towards more intelligence gathering and ship and droid production. The business became Lina incorporated.

In 853 ABY, Calina betrayed Emperor Carnifex, caught in a plot to insight a war between the Empire and the Mandalorians she was forced to flee. Undergoing surgery to change her appearance as well as changing her name to Lina Djo, she vanished off the radar and all production lines linked to Lina Incorporated shut down and the business seemingly went under.

However, while the business as a whole folded and independence was given to each location as a standalone business, they all still remained loyal to Lina. Their focus was now completely on intelligence gathering to allow Lina to keep one step ahead of her enemies.

In 901 ABY, Carnifex finally caught Lina's trail, luring her out of hiding by targeting her lover's family, forcing her into servitude and bringing her into the fold of the Eleventh Empire, now known as the Sith Order.
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