skin, bone, and arrogance
The Resistance is getting its feet wet and starting to tell some amazing stories. Unfortunately (I am embarrassed to confess) I am unable to create graphics for the faction (banner, etc.) that are worthy of the amazing people in our group. Therefore, I would like to humbly throw myself upon the art gods of Chaos to assist in their creation.
The Resistance uses the Rebellion symbol (except orange, according to the Wookieepedia, because reasons) but other than that I have no preference as to what to put on the banner. Feel free to take artistic license (you know, beggars can't be choosers and all).
The Resistance uses the Rebellion symbol (except orange, according to the Wookieepedia, because reasons) but other than that I have no preference as to what to put on the banner. Feel free to take artistic license (you know, beggars can't be choosers and all).