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Approved NPC The Retainers

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Hakai Shizukana


  • Intent: Serve as loyal retainers to Hakai Shizukana.
  • Image Credit: Ben Wanat | Link
  • Role: Elite Protective Detail
  • Links: N/A

"Victory or Death!"
  • Hand picked by Hakai Shizukana, these mercenaries have been personally trained in the art of bladed combat. Enlisted as Hakai's personal retainers, they operate similarly to a light infantry unit but due to their small size allow for a much more versatile operational window. Because they are hand picked and personally trained, their number is few and they are considered to be extremely loyal. Their armor has a distinct appearance, large plates of layered armor giving them an almost regal appearance. Despite their royal appearance, they are most obviously mercenary in nature. Disciplined though they are, they are not uniform to the degree of a planetary guard or the royal guards of old.

    In Combat, these retainers are primarily close combat artists. Equipped with holdout blasters, they can get in a ranged scrap if required but that's not their primary function and therefore any training in marksmanship is entirely at the behest of each individual. Unlike many conventional forces, these Retainers don't fight according to any set rules of war or sense of honor - to lose is dishonor and therefore they pursue victory against an enemy with a zeal unknown to most average conventional military staff.
COMBAT INFORMATION: The combination of Unit Size and Availability below is the indicator of how numerous your unit is. Stormtroopers for instance would be considered Large/Common, while Rogue Squadron would be a Small/Unique unit. Majority Force User Units are prohibited from being Common or Large. The stronger and more specialized your unit is (FU or NFU), the smaller and less common it should be.
  • Unit Size: Small
  • Unit Availability: Unique
  • Unit Experience: Veteran
  • Combat Function: Close Order Battle masters. Heavily Melee focused but retain the ability to engage in short range scenarios. Lack heavy weaponry or heavy armor. Extremely vigilant and loyal. Unlike other mercenaries, these men and women have developed loyalty to more than just the shimmer of credits, but to their employer himself.

  • Hand to Hand Combat Masters: Trained extensively in hand to hand combat, these retainers excel at personal defense and small strike team operations.
  • Vigilance: Because they serve as personal retainers, they are extremely vigilant. Not often caught by surprise, they are attentive to the slightest of changes in their environment and are quick to notice any patterns.
  • Unmatched Zeal: Chosen individually by Hakai Shizukana, the members of The Retainers are loyal not to credits alone as many mercenaries but to their employer. Due to the code of honor that they follow, they would rather die than betray their loyalty.

  • Lack of Ranged Proficiency: Largely untrained in ranged combat, they are unable to excel except at the shortest of ranges. Capable of utilizing small blaster weapons, they'd be lucky to hit anything consistently at mid to long ranges.
  • Limited Resources: Because they are a small group and privately funded by Hakai, their resource pool is small. They don't have their own vessels and weapons are provided to them by their employer.
  • Non-Force Users: Despite their use of imbued blades, they are not themselves Force Users. Because of this, they are not capable of using supernatural abilities - even though they are extremely skilled fighters. Not equipped with any other protective gear aside from their armor (Limited Lightsaber Resistance), they rely on their bladework alone when it comes to facing FU's or those with supernatural ability.

  • Originally little more than the mercenary Dark Sider's hired thugs, they eventually became something more similar to a royal house's retainers or guards. Over time, Hakai began to train his hired guards, hand selecting those with the most skill and qualities such as loyalty, honor, respect, and most of all - an incorruptible spirit. By hand selecting these mercenaries they were eventually transformed into a small and dedicated group of personal retainers skilled extensively in close order combat. Though untested in open battle, these retainers have protected Hakai from more than one situation gone south.

    Typically these mercenary retainers can be found aboard Hakai's personal vessel or traveling with him. They never stray far except by special assignment given by their employer. Combined with their stylish armor, their weaponry may look ceremonial but it is extremely functional and serves the mission of self defense well.
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