Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private The Revel

The Revel
Opening Night
Everything was going according to plan. The building had been completed several weeks earlier. The interior shortly after that. Staff had been hired and trained in the time since. Kyraj himself had sourced the food drink and various intoxicants to guarantee the highest quality. He steered clear of the most addictive substances of course. He had no desire to ruin himself but aaaaahhh... the wines the food. He had particularly enjoyed auditioning the dancers and courtesans. Only the most beautiful and graceful people on the planet to serve at this temple to himself. He made sure there was something available for a wide range of tastes. All of the staff were guaranteed a level of protection and pay but were expected to cater to those unique tastes. The revel was a massive building. Nothing to rival the palace of course, but it did consist of several grand halls and wings of private rooms. A hall for dance, a hall for gambling, a hall for dining. Above each stood a throne. The Revel was meant to be a good time to be sure, but it served another purpose. Sith sorcery was built into the building. Runes to channel the emotions and energy of its inhabitants. To focus it. The thrones served as foci, but it was not as simple as sitting on a throne. Sure if one were to sit on it they might experience a taste of the power, but the true focus lay in markings on Kyraj himself. Runes on his back tying him to the thrones. The power they channeled flowed into him wherever he was. Whatever the partygoers felt was absorbed through the architecture itself and flowed through the thrones where it was converted to raw power. Whatever ecstasy, lust, greed, fear, joy, rage, or hate that was felt by these guests would fuel the young Sith. This new project had consumed him recently and the experiment was about to begin.

He had of course spent much of the last few years training relentlessly. His embarrassment at the hands of the Jedi grandmaster driving him to refine his strength and pursue new avenues of power. He had grown in skill, might, and knowledge. He had augmented the brute force and martial prowess he had demonstrated so capably with a new interest in sorcery. He had seen how it could be useful and was smart enough to reassess his narrow worldview. He was young. He had been proud of that, but now he saw that what vigor it gave him was overshadowed by lack of experience. He set out to remedy that. As he studied. As he trained. He made himself a valuable warrior to the Sith Order. He made himself a powerful enforcer to his Master Xitaar. While he chafed at the control she exercised over him he also appreciated the freedoms she granted. Someday he would be truly free, but until then he made himself useful and learned what he could.

Tonight though was about The Revel. Kyraj had watched with excitement as the supervisors he had hired worked to make final preparations for the night. Then the night fell and the doors opened. The crowds streamed in as the music began to play. The dancers swayed and twirled seductively and the floor filled. The fighters went through their warm-ups as the first bets were placed on the night's ticket. Diners were seated and appetizers were placed. Sabacc tables quickly filled and the bars were abuzz with those eager to lose themselves to the various liquors and intoxicants available. As the hum of the crowds swelled under the music Kyraj ascended to the dance hall throne.

"People of Korriban, and those who join us from across the galaxy, welcome to The Revel!"
His voice boomed throughout the whole building, augmented digitally, as his face appeared on the screens of the grand halls. "The galaxy is changing. Korriban has been made anew. Tonight we celebrate that! Tonight we celebrate you!" The screens changed to show a shot of the stage where the band played. As the night progressed some would show the dancers. Others would broadcast the fights live. There was much to do and see. Kyraj sat upon the throne as a drink was brought to him. he would sip it and bask in the organized chaos. When it was done he would mingle. When the fights began he would take a seat in that hall. When he hungered he would visit the other.

He felt the rush of energy as it built in the room. The very walls thrummed with it and he felt it flow into him through his back. It was intoxicating in itself. More so than the wine. As invigorating as battle or making love. Yes. Just a taste so far but yes. It was working. This was his new home. His guests would make it so. Already he had dreams of what this could be on a much grander scale, but for now, this was home.

Apprentice//Adjunct Professor

As a shapeshifting botanical, it was simply matter of choosing a form so as to not be uncouth or indecent in public. So clothing was really a matter of preference and ultimately entirely optional for A'Mia. That evening, she'd chosen a verdant and voluptuous display for her appearance at The Revelry. Wearing only her bark like skin and tendrils of bioluminescent plants which were native to local caves, the Neti prepared for an exciting evening out. Those strips of luminescent foliage were shaped into intricate designs along the curves of her body and she bore a crown of woven branches with yet living leaves. She was otherwise humanoid and chose to be bipedal, given that the alternatives were reportedly disturbing to some.

In truth, A'Mia had no real sense herself for why such a dimorphic female form might appeal to the gathered masses she would soon be joining in debauchery. But she did know from observation that classically, the fewer clothes a person wears to a party the more attention they would receive. She almost considered it an experiment, to see if her fellow party goers would ignore or overlook the strangeness of her bearing in favor of proximity to her.

Before all that though, she had goods to deliver. Her stroll through the city garnered glances and all out gawkers alike, but her pragmatism deemed it yet another favor she was offering Kyraj Kyraj . Free advertisement for his new establishment. Though as she rounded the last corner to her destination, she realized that not only was business booming but her appearance there would be considered almost ordinary.

Upon identifying herself to the first staff person she met at the entrance, A'Mia was ushered to Kyraj's private office. Offered all manner of hospitality on her way, she assured the staff that she would partake once her business with their employer was complete. The moment that her large pupil-less eyes alighted upon her peer, she appraised him, a mask of social niceties already in place atop the cold calculation.

"I see that the passage of time has been good to you, Kyraj. It was good of you to engage my services for your new endeavor."

Kyraj had barely finished his drink and descended into the crowd when news came that he had a visitor. The neti favored by Caedes. Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia was an accomplished botanist and chemist. Kyraj had never quite understood her. She was cold and alien. She seemed ever curious but somewhat distant from the world whereas he preferred to revel in it. Nevertheless, he had approached her for her expertise. He wanted rare and ultimately unique intoxicants for his wealthier clients and surely those grown and crafted at the new Sith academy by a neti acolyte would fetch a high price.

Given his understanding of the woman, he was quite surprised when she entered the room. She had set aside her more monstrous and arboreal forms. Tonight the shapechanger was, to his shock, alluring. She would fit right in. He was still suspicious of it. He had come to know her as calculating. This could all be some elaborate game to her. Regardless, she was pleasing to look at and he could appreciate that whatever the motive.

"I see that the passage of time has been good to you, Kyraj. It was good of you to engage my services for your new endeavor."

Kyraj bowed slightly at the waist as she stepped further into his office. "Madrona A'mia." His voice was soft and smooth with an edge of power. Like the low growl of a big cat. "You look captivating tonight. I'm glad to see you getting into the spirit of things. Perhaps I could interest you in a drink and a dance after our business is done?" He made a small inviting gesture with his hand and the chairs at his desk slid out with a spark of violet lightning where they touched the floor as they turned inviting occupants. The young man waited patiently for his guest to sit first as her escort left and shut the door behind them.
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Apprentice//Adjunct Professor

A'Mia's strange unblinking gaze watched him cross the room, and she inclined her head in a show of thanks at the chair being moved out for her. She sat fluidly and cocked her head to one side.

"It is the same as preparing for battle, one must dress the part."

Her gaze cast around the room as she continued, a tone of respect entering her voice.

"You have done well for yourself Kyraj, and yes I'll endeavor to celebrate that with you this eve. Dancing is well within my skill set but I fear most drinks your bar is likely to stock will not affect me. I would accept marcam herb if you have it though."

A'Mia leveled her gaze on him again, expression pulling into a smile that was only slightly uncanny.

"Speaking of what The Revel holds in stock…" her body shifted subtly, a small window opening in her body cavity where three bags of various hues of powder were stored.

"The goods you contracted me for, two unique blends and one bag of pure Nannarium Root," and she pulled the bags from herself as if she was a living pantry, setting the powders down in a neat row on the edge of his desk.

Kyraj watched with fascination as the Neti pulled the pouches from deep inside herself. He had lost some of his revulsion at the more monstrous creatures of the galaxy over the last few years. He had become more... accepting. It was the same with shapeshifters. What once would have been irritation was merely caution. He recognized the danger they posed but did not let it bother him as it once had.

As A'mia lined the bags up on the edge of the table he smiled wide, his teeth sparkling in the light. "VERY good. I have some clientele in private rooms tonight that will likely find these most fascinating." His eyes flicked up to meet hers as his smile continued. "What would you have in payment my friend?"


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