Zambrano the Starweird
The Black Prophet of Balagoth
Image Source: A really pointy object in space
Affiliation: The Primeval - The Rift Seekers
Manufacturer: The Primeval
Model: N/a
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Quadranium, Durasteel, other minerals found within the Chiloon Rift
Classification: Research and Training Grounds
Length: 4000 meters
Width: 100 meters
Height: 100 meters
Armament: 5? Just enough armament to put up a fight from very low threats, but not enough to square off against a full fled invasion fleet. This is a research and training vessel primarily, not a military vessel.
Hangar: 4 Squadrons? It has enough room to welcome a large number of students and researchers alike, including some of their ships if they are small.
Special Features: The tip of the Rift Spire is affected more greatly by the Bubble of the Lost than the very end of the Space Station, which is hardly affected, if at all by the Bubble of the Lost. The tip of the Rift Spire has a time acceleration of 50, meaning a single day would equate to roughly less than two months time. The ship is divided into segments, that indicate the approximately acceleration of time in relation to the outside galaxy, roughly measured by the construction workers and scientists supervising its construction, but it isn't entirely accurate given that it is a floating vessel in a rough orbit around the boundary of the Bubble of the Lost. The segments of the ship where time acceleration is most extreme, are locked by rank. Initiates may only experience no more than a time dilation effect of 5, at around 400-500 meters into the Spire, Spellweavers may only experience no more than a time dilation effect of 25, at around 2000-2500 meters, and the highest levels beyond that are reserved for Masters. However, only the members of the Conclave may access a time dilation effect of 50, within the last 500 meters of the Spire.
Maneuverability: 0
Speed Rating: 0
Hyperdrive Class: N/a
Description: The quintessential descriptor of the Rift Spire, is a glorified yard stick. The absolutely massive needle like space station is divided into roughly equal segments, in order to capture a gradual change in time dilation acceleration.
(All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)
Development Thread: Maybe?
Intent: To create an environment by which the Primeval and their force users can train, and study the unique and strange time dilation effects of the Bubble of the Lost, within a controlled and safe environment.
Who Can Use This: The Primeval
Primary Source: (N/a
Affiliation: The Primeval - The Rift Seekers
Manufacturer: The Primeval
Model: N/a
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Quadranium, Durasteel, other minerals found within the Chiloon Rift
Classification: Research and Training Grounds
Length: 4000 meters
Width: 100 meters
Height: 100 meters
Armament: 5? Just enough armament to put up a fight from very low threats, but not enough to square off against a full fled invasion fleet. This is a research and training vessel primarily, not a military vessel.
Hangar: 4 Squadrons? It has enough room to welcome a large number of students and researchers alike, including some of their ships if they are small.
Special Features: The tip of the Rift Spire is affected more greatly by the Bubble of the Lost than the very end of the Space Station, which is hardly affected, if at all by the Bubble of the Lost. The tip of the Rift Spire has a time acceleration of 50, meaning a single day would equate to roughly less than two months time. The ship is divided into segments, that indicate the approximately acceleration of time in relation to the outside galaxy, roughly measured by the construction workers and scientists supervising its construction, but it isn't entirely accurate given that it is a floating vessel in a rough orbit around the boundary of the Bubble of the Lost. The segments of the ship where time acceleration is most extreme, are locked by rank. Initiates may only experience no more than a time dilation effect of 5, at around 400-500 meters into the Spire, Spellweavers may only experience no more than a time dilation effect of 25, at around 2000-2500 meters, and the highest levels beyond that are reserved for Masters. However, only the members of the Conclave may access a time dilation effect of 50, within the last 500 meters of the Spire.
Maneuverability: 0
Speed Rating: 0
Hyperdrive Class: N/a
- Built to Last: Given that the engineers behind the Rift Spire's design knew of the Bubble of the Lost from prior experience, and knew that the massive size of the ship would mean different parts of it would experience different dilation's of time... the whole ship (but especially the parts submerged deeply into the bubble) have been repeatedly reinforced and redundantly shielded, with special reagents embedded into the alloys that made up its hull, to prevent the effects of aging for many many many years.
- Built for Safety: Given that the commissioners of the Rift Spire did not want its students and researchers to go mad, or to suddenly vanish for years never to return, an extremely tedious, rather expensive, and elaborate system of locks, warnings, security measures, surveillance, and many many many other safety precautions were kept in mind when a safety system was designed. Although it doesn't explicitly prevent madness, and being late to work after entering the Rift Spire, it does a pretty good job of making sure the majority aren't totally useless.
- Built for Study: Although the Primeval is not typically beheld as the Bastion of Knowledge and Research, special care was placed into the Rift Spire to provide only the best of the best when it came to scientific equipment and other accommodations for the learning and aspiring Rift Seekers present aboard the ship along with ordinary scientists, as they study their crafts aboard the massive vessel.
- Time will Take its Toll: Even with its precautions and countermeasures, eventually being aged at different rates along the ship will cause it fall apart, first at the tip, then the rest of the ship. Luckily, one of the countermeasures to aging, was the capability to break off segments of the ship that aged too quickly for the rest of the ship, otherwise the compromised integrity on one side of the ship would probably kill the other side too.
- Madness will Take its Toll: Even with its precautions and countermeasures, little can really be done to prevent this. The Chiloon Rift, and especially the Bubble of the Lost (a byproduct of the Monolith), has a history of making people caught within it go mad. Although such things can be warded off for time, extreme prolonged exposure to the Rift Spire and the effects taking its toll upon it, will make its occupants go mad.
- Research has Taken its Toll: With the focus of the Rift Spire being entirely non-militant, its structural integrity against military grade hard ware is sub-par, and its defenses pitiful against anything but the smallest of incursions. This is truly nothing other than a research vehicle, and will not stand for a test of war.
Description: The quintessential descriptor of the Rift Spire, is a glorified yard stick. The absolutely massive needle like space station is divided into roughly equal segments, in order to capture a gradual change in time dilation acceleration.
(All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)
Development Thread: Maybe?
Intent: To create an environment by which the Primeval and their force users can train, and study the unique and strange time dilation effects of the Bubble of the Lost, within a controlled and safe environment.
Who Can Use This: The Primeval
Primary Source: (N/a