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- x10 SHIPS
- Keres-class Stardestroyer - (Flagship)
- SC-07 "Lussk" class Assault Cruiser(s)
- Indictable-class Frigate(s)
- [Thanaton-class Corvette(s) - (Interdictors)
- x10 SHIPS
- Harrower-class Battle Cruiser(s)
- Indictable-class Frigate(s)
- Thanaton-class Corvette(s) - (Interdictors)

Anathemous anxiously gripped the command chair.
She'd been dispatched by Second Legion command to hunt the rumored survivors of the battle for Woostri. A convoy of some sort, limping back to Alliance borders. Borders she now sat between, lying in wait with Interdictors to ambush, the same way she used to ambush pirates and saboteurs back home. Only this would be her first real fleet command if she caught anything. Untrained pirates and brigands didn't count, these were real soldiers, and though her freckled face refused to show it behind that cold stare into the void, a part of it terrified her.
Not because she may die, but because these weren't just her men she was spending, but the Dark Council's.
Failure would bring another black mark upon her record, one she couldn't afford after her little rebellion on Echnos. To make matters worse, she could feel the battle coming closer. She didn't know when, she didn't know where, but Anathemous had known for some time now that it was coming, as if the force itself whispered doom in her ear.
And so she'd come here, just off the Rimma Trade Route, to face that battle on her own terms.
The interdictors sat at the front of her formation, backed up by frigates and star destroyers, waiting to drag the enemy out of hyperspace and within range of her most heavily armed vessels. Far ahead of them sat another group of notably smaller, but faster ships, poised to strike from the rear.
They were aptly named "Group Hammer", awaiting signal from their dark lord, commander of "Group Anvil".
"Where is my tea...?" she inquired to the bridge, gaze never leaving the speckled darkness outside.
"A few more minutes, my lord."
Anathemous groaned under her breath. She needed her brew to take her mind off it, or fighting to break out, they were the only things left in this world that could wrest focus enough to drown doubt in action.
All except...
She glanced down at the echani silver wrapped around her finger. A promise ring.
...I'll be home soon, love. I promise...
Suddenly the klaxons blared throughout the bridge, flashing red lights sending the crews into a flurry.
"My lord, it's The Malak, she's pulling something into realspace!" her second reported urgently.
"Finally!" Anathemous exclaimed in relief as she stood from the command chair.
This was it, it had to be! No more waiting, just captains proving their mettle.
"All hands to battle stations, let's she what we've reeled in."