Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Rise Of Chungus: A Star Wars Story

Luke Chungus

I am a Jedi, like my father before me.
Howdy doody, everyboody. It's me: a random man on the internet. Hi. All of this is a lot to take in, so maybe I should pose some general questions to everyone to help me get my bearings here.

1) Why do you roleplay on this server?

2) What's your favorite part about Star Wars?
3) On a scale of Peace to Chaos, how crazy would you rank SWRP Chaos? (Never mind. I think I answered my own question.)

3) What's your happiest/favoritest moment on this server?
4) Would you rather: pet a Porg only for it to surprise bite you and leave you after a minute of petting (and that's every Porg you try to pet) OR eat a perfectly cooked/seasoned/succulent Porg, but its family swears revenge against you?
[member="Luke Chungus"]

Welcome, I gotta say this is one of the most memorable entrances I've seen, my good Chungus.

  1. I role play here because no one has had the good sense yet to kick me off yet. I role play here because I love to write and I love star wars. I love the chance to make something new. I have formed some incredibly tight friendships that span across the globe. I role play here because a lot of the adaptability makes for some fun chances and great story telling in the expanded star wars universe, both cannon and legends style.
  2. Psychology fool alert: I love that it harnesses the monomyth to express archtypes expressed in the Jungian psychology aspect. I believe that we all find a bit of ourselves in the story and a chance to explore that in a unique, creative way.
  3. It's totally calm and normal here all the time. :p My happiest memory is hard to tell. I have made a lot. But the greatest memory is probably having so many writers play with me as I take James along his arc of hero, nega-hero, Villain, and hero again. It is hard to choose, but I would say my favorite is probably writing with now-gone writers Nyx and Anara in their romance threads with James and James' relationship with @Kay Arenais as she serves as his moral light.. and now he will probably serve as her's.
  4. Not even a hard choice. I would savor every bite of that delicious porg, and his family when they came at me bro.

Welcome to the board [member="Luke Chungus"]. Nice to have you come along and find us, we're a friendly and helpful bunch Most of the time. If you have any questions, we are all willing to answer them and help you along to get you acclimated and comfortable here. I will answer your questions.

1) It's consistent and it's long term. A lot of roleplays I've been a part of have died off due to too few members being able to generate stories or people losing interest. Chaos does not have that issue and I've been apart of this board for about 2.5 years now, though some of the older faces have been here for a long, long time. It's a fun take on Star Wars that brings like minded folk together.

2) I've mostly been a fan of the Clone Wars aspect of Star Wars. Chalk it down to the aesthetic or the characters, but I've generally found them to be more likable and diverse compared to some of the other Star Wars movies/series. I also do enjoy the

3) Hard to say really. I just enjoy writing up stories with other writers and developing their characters whether it be as a nemesis or a mentor. I've made a lot of great friends though, so there is that.

Fuck the Porgs, I'll eat them all.

But let me pose a few questions in return. How'd you find us, what got you interested, and what kind of character do you plan to write (If you have any off the top of your head)?

Luke Chungus

I am a Jedi, like my father before me.
[member="Kor Vexen"]

I used the ancient Samurai techniques of "googling Star Wars Roleplaying" and "surfing through the options". This one seemed the most aesthetically polished to me.

I've always been a fan of Star Wars. The action, the portrayal of good vs. evil, the world building, the hero's journey; all that good stuff is my cup of double chocolate chip frappuccino.

When I was in a dark place, I happened upon The Gunslinger by Stephen King and read it all. Playing a character who's just a flawed man, but with a lot of grit and is particularly good in a couple areas appeals to me. Of course, I have to figure out how to make the character my own and not just a rip-off before I fully take off with it.

[member="James Justice"]

Ah! I'm also a psychology student. As long as we're posting pics, thank y'all for welcoming me into your swamp.

[member="Luke Chungus"]

1: Cause SWTOR RP sucks and I don't wanna go back. But muh star wars RPs...
2: Yes
3: When we found out the CIS won the Battle of Eshan


Anyways, you've had the CIS laughing our butts off in the faction discord for the last 20 minutes. You seem cool. You should join us.

Otherwise, welcome to the Chaos.

Luke Chungus

I am a Jedi, like my father before me.
Flattery will get you everywhere. Let me finish my first character submission. Then, I'll try to connect with peeps. I'm currently on the general Discord.

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