The God Within

Far On The Planet of Bracca
The sounds of wind, only to be heard from the people left to survive on this planet. A mother, Starren Blaze looks at the baby before her. It's okay. The baby seems to be breathing normally, and isn't experiencing any dangerous injuries anywhere, it's a miracle.
Without hesitation the mother picks her poor newborn up, for safety...not wanting to let go she heard the feet of the soldiers eliminating anything alive.
A tear shows in her eye as she looks at her newborn..
Without hesitation the mother picks her poor newborn up, for safety...not wanting to let go she heard the feet of the soldiers eliminating anything alive.
A tear shows in her eye as she looks at her newborn..
"Be Great, My Child."
Soon they would arrive to kill the baby's mother, and take the baby for their own.
18 Years have passed.
The man stared at Valgo with a stern look. His respirator breathing heavier than usual. 18 Years have passed.
"You will be great one day, Valgo. As you are already as powerful as I have ever been. Your ancestors of the Confederacy...of the order, they give you their traits."
"How do you know I will be great? I am only 18 and you make me train everyday, master."
He looks at Valgo, with a wondering look.
" is bound."
The hooded figure walks out of the room, leaving Valgo Blaze there to think about the conversation they had. How am I bound to be....
3 Years Later.
All Jedi will die before my feet."
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