It seemed to be a constant force in the galaxy. Living in society seemed to be a constant struggle against the forces of chaos which threatened to consume everything.
Sometimes, living in a society created a chaos of its own. Nations wanted things. Even the best intentions could lead to countless lives lost. A multiplication of suffering and chaos under the guise of bringing peace and order.
And now Crasdon Kaine found himself in the middle of it.
Crasdon was in Outbound Flight, a civilian exploration branch of the Galactic Alliance. In fact, he wasn't even a proper member of the organization. He was merely a registered contractor who was authorized to do work for them. In theory, war was not something that he needed to have anything to do with. But when a nation went to war, the tendrils of violent need extended to every fabric of society. You couldn't escape it. Not really. You could only lie to yourself about it.
Now the Galactic Alliance had finished one war and was chomping at the bit to start another. This war was ostensibly a mission of mercy. But that mercy would turn into oceans of blood before everything was said and done.
Against a foe like the Mandalorian Enclave, nothing could be taken for granted. Nothing could be treated as routine. The Mandalorians were born and bred to war. It was in their DNA. The Galactic Alliance might want to save Ryloth, but they couldn't just take a fleet there using the usual routes. The Mandos would have interdiction devices. Mines. Ships ready to spring an ambush. Any usual route would result in a slaughter.
That's where Crasdon came in. His ship was perfectly equipped to explore uncharted reaches and find new, safe routes into Ryloth. But even though Whiskers was a good ship with decent armaments, it wasn't a fighter. He had taken the contract to map a new route to Ryloth on one condition: The Alliance would need to provide an escort.
Whiskers had been fueled. The ship was sitting in one of Outlander Station's vast hangars, ready for departure.
But Crasdon wanted to meet the men and women who would have his life in their hands. The closer they jumped to Ryloth, the more dangerous things would become. The Mandalorians were almost certainly on patrol. The resolutions of the Galactic Alliance Senate were public knowledge. The Enclave knew what was coming, and they'd certainly have taken precautions.
These fighter pilots would be the only things standing between Crasdon and a fireball if the Mandalorians stumbled upon their hyperspace mapping expedition.
Crasdon walked up to the pilots whose high-performance ships were gathered here.
"Pleasure to meet you," he said, extending his hand. "I'm Crasdon Kaine. I'll be running the deep space mapping equipment from the Scout, and calculating our jumps. I appreciate you volunteering to escort me on this run."
Gweneth Zarari L lgmmrm
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