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Royal Naboo Republic

The Royal Naboo Republic aims to take the government of Naboo and expand upon it in order to restore prosperity and peace to the Southern Systems.

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The Royal Assembly (Information & Roster)


The Royal Assembly

“... it is with the powers vested in me as your Queen that I hereby establish the Royal Naboo Republic. This convocation of ministers and delegates have voted with confidence, wisdom, and grace. Forevermore, the Republic shall stand as a beacon of hope and prosperity for not only the Southern Systems, but the galaxy as a whole. A new era is upon us; let us go forth and seize it with the blessings of Shiraya.” - Queen Kalantha


For the People
The Royal Assembly is the governing body of the Royal Naboo Republic. It is comprised of hundreds of senators, ministers, diplomats, and representatives, all of whom convene at the Royal Palace in Theed to discuss matters of policy and governance. Through them, the wishes of their constituents are expressed and deliberated.

Under the provisions of the Royal Accords, all member worlds are entitled to the right of self-governance while enjoying the benefits of cooperation with the greater Republic as a supranational state. Included in the accords are anti-slavery laws; anti-piracy agreements; mutual military aid agreements and how they are to be organized; common tax rates for goods; strategic goals; and a shared commitment to countering interference and colonization from galactic superpowers, Core-world governments, and corporate exploitation.

Together, the statespeople of the Royal Republic are committed to bettering the lives of their people by upholding the legal codes of the Royal Accords. Peace, prosperity, and the pursuit of happiness are the promises of citizenship, and the people rely on their senators to ensure these freedoms are not infringed upon or diminished.


Royal Assembly is presided over by the Queen of Naboo, the chief executive of the Republic. She calls to order Assembly sessions, presents matters of national importance to the Assembly, and reserves executive power as the monarch to overrule uncertain decisions. During times of war, the Queen may be levied additional emergency powers by the people.

Member systems vote locally for their representatives, known as senators, who represent their interests and concerns. Senators may present referendums before the Royal Assembly for debate, after which a vote is held for all senators in attendance. Referendums and bills are passed by a majority vote. Senators may serve as members of special committees or departments, and can form referendums for the Assembly to consider as a group. These bills are discussed and voted upon the same as individual referendums.

In extreme circumstances, the reigning monarch may choose to intervene by overruling the outcome of an Assembly referendum. When this occurs, a special council of officials appointed by the Assembly convenes to deliberate. This council is responsible for corroborating the monarchy's veto or dismissing it, ultimately deciding the fate of the bill. Bills that win a majority vote become law in the Republic, while those that fail are returned to the authors.


Submitting a Bill
Bills and referendums are the true language of the Royal Assembly. Any acting senator may create a bill for the Assembly to discuss. When the time comes, the monarch shall summon the Royal Assembly to the Convocation Hall in Theed for an official session. After deliberation, a vote to pass or dismiss the bill commences. A majority vote is required. Bills that are passed become policy in the Republic, while bills that do not are returned to the author(s); they may choose to adjust the bill, shelf it for a time, or scrap it altogether.

The details and impact of a bill proposal is discussed in-character during Assembly meetings. As a member of the Assembly, you may share your character's thoughts, questions, and/or concerns regarding the bill. Votes for bills will be held via a simple yay/nay/abstain system on the faction Discord server, where a brief synopsis of the bill will be appended for ease of access.

If you are interested in submitting a bill for consideration, please use the following template:

Bill Name/Topic: (i.e. what you would like the Assembly to vote on)
IC Information: (i.e. describe or link any relevant IC information)
OOC Intent: (i.e. describe what you aim to achieve by presenting this bill)
Attachment(s): (i.e. Google Docs, PDFs, etc. NOTE: These are entirely optional for those who wish to RP legalese a bit deeper)



The Art of Politics

“Understanding the inner workings of the Royal Assembly is an art entirely of its own. Being a senator requires the wisdom of a Jedi and the tenacity of a Defense Force trooper. One could spend an entire lifetime in the halls of the royal chambers and still find themselves learning something new.” - Minister Andashe Mordola


Political Alignments
Within the Royal Assembly, four notable political alignments have risen to prominence. Association with a political alignment is not a requirement, but many members of the Assembly flock together with colleagues who share similar ideals and goals.

The Centrists are strong supporters of the Royal House of Naboo, and as such prefer executive powers and actions be reserved for the Queen and Naboo's noble houses. Centrist senators believe in a strong monarchy, state sponsored institutions, and a regulated national military.

In contrast, the Populists are strong proponents of planetary sovereignty. They wish for governance to remain in the hands of each individual planet within the Republic. The monarch can be levied emergency powers much like the Chancellor of the old Republic, but matters of policy and diplomacy should fall to the Assembly to decide. Populist senators believe in less federal oversight and volunteer-based planetary defense forces.

The Corpo-Confederates, who prefer the term Loyalists, are a broad political movement largely defined by their desire for a corporatocratic government where corporate entities, financial institutions, and trade unions are afforded the same governmental privileges as planetary delegations. They tend to side with policies that benefit corporate interests and push Confederate legislation in the Assembly. Corpo-Confederate senators believe in a laissez-faire economic system where credits carry power. They also believe that commissioned officer ranks in the military should be reserved for organics, while NCOs and enlisted soldiers should be fielded by battle droids.

The most varied political party in the Royal Assembly is the Independent Party, which, more or less, is a union of senators and delegates who choose to work together because they do not subscribe to the ideals of the other four parties. Independents are just as varied as the senators themselves, with policies and ideals that fall on a massive spectrum. Typically, though, the Independents can agree to come together to overturn political endeavors that pose a threat to the Republic as a whole.


Committees and Departments
Members of the Royal Assembly with special interests or talents can further exemplify their strengths by serving on special committees and supporting specific ministries. Through these committees, senators with commonalities focus their time and efforts on pursuing goals on a wider scale that impact the Republic as a whole. Notable Assembly committees include:

- Economic Development Advisory Board: An advisory board that focuses on improving economic growth and development across Republic systems. The EDAB assists with anything from loans and economic stimulations to infrastructure and trade authority regulations.

- Judicial Committee: A committee working with law enforcement agencies to ensure cooperation, fairness, and justice are applied throughout the Republic. Senators on the Judicial Committee often meet with local judges and planetary lawmakers to ensure the terms of the Royal Accords are upheld.

- Internal Affairs Committee: An investigative committee of trusted officials who develop regulations and codes of conduct for the Royal Assembly. The IAC conducts necessary and sensitive inquiries into fellow government representatives who come under scrutiny of the law.

- Public Health and Science Committee: A committee tasked with oversight, legislation, and regulations pertaining to public health, medicine, state insurance, disease prevention, scientific agencies and institutions, research and development, environmental science, etc.

- Board of Education and Youth: A board that regulates public education, the Junior Representatives program, and other learning institutions throughout the Republic. Members of the Board of Education and Youth make regular visits to prominent learning institutions and meet with headmasters to ensure adequate educational opportunities are available to all students.

If you are interested in joining a committee or department, please use the following template:

Committee/Department: (i.e. which you would like to join)
Seat/Position (if applicable): (i.e. standard seat, chairperson, etc.)



Royal Assembly Roster

“I swear to uphold the Royal Accords; I swear to legislate with honor and dignity, and to represent my people with fidelity and grace; I shall strive to embolden the people of the Republic with fair policy and integrity. Long live the Queen, and long live the Royal Republic.” - Royal Assembly Inaugural Pledge


Becoming a Member
Membership in the Royal Assembly is a simple matter of diplomacy. When a neighboring system or planet is interested in joining the Assembly and becoming a member of the Republic, they may arrange to send or receive a delegation of representatives to meet and discuss the terms and provisions of the Royal Accords, the Republic’s founding legal framework. Upon acceptance by the new member state, their world is formally inducted into the Republic and are invited to elect a senator to represent them in the Assembly.

On rare occasions, a select committee of senators may be formed by the Queen to discuss special terms. This occurs typically during times of crisis, such as open war, economic depression, pandemics, etc., where the Republic’s typically open borders and stewardship policies are limited.

Below is a list of member worlds in the Royal Republic. Senatorial seats are first come, first served. While it is not a requirement, it is preferred that senators are of the same species as that which is native to the world they represent. It is not a requirement to be nobility to write a senator. This list will expand to include new worlds as the Republic grows. If a neighboring system or world that you are interested in is not listed and you believe it should be, reach out to faction staff and we will look into the matter.

Political Alignment
Junior Representative
Haruun Kal

If you are interested in representing a planet in the Royal Assembly, please complete this form:

Character Name: (i.e. the character that represents your planet)
Planet Name: (i.e. the planet that you are representing)
Political Alignment: (i.e. Centrist, Populist, Corpo-Confederate/Loyalist, or Independent; this is optional)

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