Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction The Rubicon | Sith Order


903 ABY​
The Emperor had been gone for some months, conquering dozens of worlds in the name of the Sith. Conquering may have been too gentle a way to put it - he had obliterated worlds upon worlds. Makem Ti, Tion, Felucia, Faeraei Junctgion - each was burned root to stem, marking great swaths of blood in the Mors Mon's path. Now, as the war effort began to close into the southern reaches of the Galactic Alliance, he had returned to the capital to bear witness to the Empire he had left behind.​
Infantile, full of conflicts and rivalries against his order of consolidation. The Dark Council had done less than secure his Order in his absence - they had made it worse.​
So when the order was called for the Assembly to arrive, Empyrean and his government bode no detractors. Doors were beaten down where they were found locked, and all were dragged before the Order to speak their peace before the Emperor. A political gathering bordering on the defenestration of his entire upper echelon, set to fall by his push. They would speak, or they would fall in line.​
When the last of them were gathered, when there was an audience to be witnessed, Empyrean rose from his chair lacking all the withered strength he often embued in private - he was in form, postured and able. His expression was one of hate, twisted from the apathy of death into meaningful scorn. He voice carried through the room without speakers or amplification, his word was law on Jutrand - and it would be felt in every syllable no matter the distance.​
"I have spent months fighting on your behalf, striking and killing where our enemies think us weakest. In this, I have brought money, power, and respect to our name. By my hand, a billion lie dead so that our Order will continued unmatched in its inexorable march to total conquest - and I have asked you one thing. Singular. Monumental.", he said to them.​
"I have asked for unity, to correct our course at home so that when our forces meet with the Alliance, they are prepared to overcome the greatest military entity yet in the Galaxy. And what have you done but spit in my face?", he scowled.​
"Sycophants and heretics, biting at the ankles of opportunism for their own selfish ideals. You fight amongst yourselves like children, using my Empire has a vehicle for power without respecting its rules. It disgusts me how short sighted you have become."​
He marched across the platform in which he spoke, back and forth, wearing a groove into its obsidian tiles.​
"So now I give you opportunity to speak on these grievances, for today shall be the last. Plead your case, for tommorow I call the end of open hostility. The Emperor's Peace shall become absolute, and those who break it will face me."​
A plain challenge. Let them speak before the war comes.​



Be silent and observe.

Firrerreo took such a warning to heart. It was general advice when dealing with any superior Sith. Speak only when spoken to, and only to the point. It'd keep his head on his shoulders. Probably. Hopefully. His familiar remained visible on his shoulder, no sneaky scouting more than it looking around him for him. There'd be no chance that he'd make even the most accidental slight if he could help it.

He sat with the others, the Acolytes of Jutrund, and watched. Today was a day of learning.
Being in the Academy seems to have its perks.

To be on the Assembly floor was nothing sort of incredible. The air was heavy, and the power of the dark side was palpable. It felt like a crushing weight on Jarek's shoulders, causing him to shift in his sit. Jarek sat near Firrerreo Firrerreo and the others, but Jarek was here for one thing, to see the Emperor. His power, exuding, and his presence, commanding. This was the first time Jarek has seen the Emperor, and his power was terrifying. His voice felt as if he was next to you. Jarek followed the Emperor as he walked back and forth, waiting to see who would come forward.
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge


"'Your Empire'?"

If there was but one recognizable figure among the usual detractors and troublemakers that had been all but dragged to this wretched meeting with the corpse himself, said figure had just arisen in both stance and voice. Darth Strosius stood proud as always and spoke out against the booming words of Empyrean without any hesitation nor fear. "Lest you forget, this work is not yours to claim."

He gestured out as though making an appeal to the wider gathering, his masked gaze sweeping over the crowd. "Have we not all bled for this progress? Have we not all killed for it? Have we not clawed our place on the galactic stage back from the brink of nothingness? Have we not worked tirelessly to restore the Sith after the last Empire crumbled and was cast aside?" His gaze returned to Empyrean, an accusatory clawed finger raising to level at him. "And pray tell, what have you done with those responsible for such a grievous failure and defeat?"

Of course the masked man had absolutely no intentions of letting the Emperor answer himself. Not when they all already knew it. Instead he made a dismissive gesture as he stepped forward, venom and malice seeping into his words. "The Kainate was granted the ancient worlds, the ones that they lost, as prizes for their treachery. And then they were so inept at defending them that you had to personally attend to their neighbors, burning worlds that could have served us well all because Carnifex and his ilk can't keep control of their own backyard!"

His other hand was thrown out in a more genuine and personal display of anger. "Taeli Raaf and her company actively support and arm forces which hold no loyalty to the Sith, and you gave her a seat on the Dark Council! Not to mention her outrageous assaults against the Inquisition! Were it anyone else, anyone lesser, I'd have already had them strung up on live Holonet!" Despite much of their actual fighting having taken place away from Sith Space, it was no secret what had happened.

"Not to mention the many others which have yet to rear their heads and place themselves against us, just waiting in the wings for their moment to steal power!" It was left unsaid, for now at least, but it wouldn't take too much of a keen eye for one to see how Darth Strosius leered at the Emperor as he spoke. How he lumped the corpse in with the rest that needed slaying. "How are we to march forward and bring the wrath of our Empire upon the Alliance and their horrid Jedi Order if we are being led by the same fools and traitors that dragged us to failure last time?!"

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean / Firrerreo Firrerreo / Jarek Voss Jarek Voss



He didn’t think being an Acolyte at the Academy would give him certain privileges and perks, such as being allowed to sit in on the Assembly with other students and others of the Order who were gathered, and get his first true view of the Emperor of the Sith.

Nothing could have truly prepared him for the sight, or even really the feel, of being in the same space as such a powerful being. It filled him with both awe, and terror - and though he did his best to swallow his fear, he knew it wasn’t going to go away until he put as much distance as possible between himself and that avatar of death.

He hadn't been entirely certain as to why he had been sent to tag along with some others. All that he knew prior to finding a seat as an observer, was that the Emperor had called a gathering together to force certain rival Sith to voice their grievances, to bring an end to them once and for all. Veradun almost felt pity for those who had attracted the Emperor’s attention; in his mind, he felt it would be smarter to avoid such notice. He was curious to see just who would be standing before the Corpse, giving their testimony before the Assembly. He’d heard rumors that had deeply disturbed him, but nothing that he would consider concrete had reached his ears.

…so when he saw his High Priest and one of his Sponsors, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius , make his appearance, the young boy felt the blood drain from his already pale face. He sat still and rigid in his seat as the Sith Lord he’d come to regard as his family, raged at the one seated on the throne.

Was he about to witness the death of a family member? Where was his sister, Revna? Was she here too?

He didn't know what to do - except to sit and watch and listen and learn, and hope he didn't have to see someone he cared about die in front of his eyes. Fear pierced through the boy’s heart, icy cold and cruel, as his eyes darted through the gathered Sith to try and find her familiar face, but he didn't see her anywhere.

Maybe her not being here was a good thing…

As she sat primly in the seating reserved for the Dark Council, watching the Emperor give his address on how... disappointed he was about the recent infighting that had occurred, she considered her part in such matters closed. Her family had been retrieved and a lesson, she thought, had been conveyed in the only language that the Lord Inquisitor seemed to understand. She had not desired such a confrontation or the events that had occurred, but there had been little choice in her acting. If she had not done so, it would conveyed a message of weakness. That one of the Dark Councilors, Darth Arcanix, would not lift a finger to deal with assaults on her family, for fear it might upset the balance of their Order.

Formos was now a lesson for any to see about how she would react on attacks upon her family.

And yet, as she saw Strosius rise to be the first to speak, she realized the lesson had not taken hold. She rose herself to address him, acting equally in part on her own behalf and on behalf of the Emperor although she was quite sure he would express his own feeling son what Strosius had said. Looking down slightly at him, she also had a look of supreme patience returned.

"The Lord Inquisitor is reminded that the Kainite were the forces that initially reclaimed the Holy Worlds as this empire was reforming while the forces of the Emperor consolidated control over our main holdings here. The Caldera worlds were not simply granted to them. The Lord Inquisitor is also reminded that there is a difference between soft power and hard power, although one would anticipate he does not need the lecture on the differences and why my operations in regions controlled by our enemies would be considered a quiet influence for the Sith instead of outright declaring their allegiances and being crushed," she replied, her voice modulated with calm although a steely glint had come to her eyes. "I would hope he had learned that lesson as a student of the late Darth Ophidia who understood that quiet power can be just as deadly and have as lasting an impact as other types of power."

She would turn her attention to the Emperor for a moment before once again addressing Strosius. The chastisement about using the Empire to further their own goals didn't impact her much at all. For what had occurred, she had made sure she had used her own resources, and her allies, and not a single drop of blood had been spilled inside Sith controlled territory.

"For my own part, I consider the matter closed. I did not desire this fight, but my grandchildren have been retrieved, and I had assumed a lesson taught to the Lord Inquisitor about overstepping his bounds and authority had been properly conveyed. If that is not the case, then by all means, Lord Strosius, you are welcome to continue this crusade against me and see what occurs when I choose to not be as lenient a second time."

It was an outright challenge and warning rolled into one. She could have brought the conflict to Faldos as well, to every Inquisition post within Sith-controlled space, but she hadn't. Once she had what she wanted, the attacks had ceased. She knew the limits and annihilating the Inquisition so close to war would have been foolish.

"If your desire is to march upon the Alliance and the Jedi, then perhaps your energies would be better put to use against those enemies instead of kidnapping children and harassing Sith that have been loyal to the Order."

It was only a matter of time really.

The Empire had been on autopilot for some time now, doing the only thing it knew how to do: expand. Now that the Sith readied to strike at the very heart of the galaxy, the Emperor has decided to put his house in order.

Far too late for that now.

But it was quite a show.


Nefaron, like the countless Sith who now filled the chamber, had grievances. But this little showing wasn't the place to solve any problems, in fact, it was rather laughable if the Emperor truly believed that any of the deep-seated grudges that were shared amongst the highest ranks of his Order would end simply because he deemed it so. He was mighty, but at the end of the day, he was no god. In truth, the elder Sith were unsalvageable, their paths already set in stone as they advanced on the Galatic Alliance. Certainly, the war would be brutal, billions will die as worlds burn under Sith bootheels, but in the end, the Sith will do as they have always done: turn on each other. Grasp for power they are too weak to claim on their own.

But that would come in time. For now, the seeds of betrayal were to be laid in this great hall.

To no one's surprise, Darth Strosius Darth Strosius wasted little time in rebuking the Emperor's claims. Nefaron had chosen to support Strosius as of late, though no one would step up to support him here. He alone would challenge the Emperor, but more importantly, he would attack the Dark Council. But Nefaron was simply a spectator in this attack, it was his wish to see the Council rip itself apart, but that would come in time. The Emperor had deemed that all Sith attend this little show, and Nefaron was happy to do so if only to continue his search for one who would best fit his need for a true apprentice. He had sponsored more than one candidate in the academy but he had been hands-off in that regard, if one of the acolytes proved themselves he might invest more, but for now, he was more interested in drawing others into his sphere.

Like a certain Acolyte who now sat petrified, awaiting his sponsor's death at the Emperor's hand.

Nefaron, a black cloak covering most of his decrepit body, took the empty seat at the Acolyte's side, the boy's fear radiating off him like a great fire. As the debate began to ramp up with the interjection of Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , Nefaron quietly observed the other Acolytes seated around him, but in the end, none stood out quite as much as this boy who laid his fears so bare, though Nefaron reveled in the terror now was not the time to push the Acolyte over the edge into oblivion. Instead, the Corpse Lord offered comfort, a seemingly impossible feat for one such as him but he offered it all the same.

"Calm yourself, young Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr , lest your fellow Acolytes pounce on your fear."

Nefaron was calm and quiet, speaking just above a whisper as he sat next to the boy and watched on.

"The Emperor will not kill Darth Strosius, at least not here lest he risk his own position. But take this lesson to heart, for this may be the death of this Empire as it has been for countless others. The moment the Emperor called this gathering he revealed his own weakness, the Sith below him have forgotten to fear him as you have, my boy."

Nefaron didn't even have to prove his point, the argument playing out before them spoke to what he meant. In what world would a Dark Lord challenge one of the Emperor's Dark Councilors so openly? By attacking her, Strosius had aligned himself against the Emperor, perhaps his plan all along but this was still a major step in dividing the Empire.

"Soon, we will combat the Jedi and the Alliance. But in truth, we cannot have victory so long as we hold daggers to each other's backs. The ramifications of this will be galaxy-shaking and one day you will be asked to choose a side. The Emperor will call his loyalists to strike down his enemies, Strosius might lead an open revolt, or perhaps the Empire will fall apart altogether. But allow me to offer some advice:"

Nefaron turned his head, just barely revealing the ruined face beneath his cloak before he continued

"You needed not to choose any side. No true Sith is content with his or her place, a fact many in this very chamber hide rather well. But there are still some of us who still work toward our own vision for the galaxy. Ask yourself, do you wish to remain as you are forever? Frightened that those above you will seek to destroy you? Or do you seek your own throne?"

Lina closed her eyes the moment that Darth Strosius Darth Strosius stepped forward to speak and let out a soft sigh. Still he had not learned, still he stepped forward with a boldness that was not reflected in the force he had at his back, a force that had no doubt suffered losses after Taeli's wrath had unleashed upon it, lenient or otherwise. The fact that the Lord Inquisitor was still breath and appeared to be wholly intact was probably about as lenient as it got. But she was of course speculating.

Quietly, she rose from her seat and stepped forward, close enough to Strosius that she could murmur to him as she passed. "Do not rise to that bait, fool." She clasped her hands behind her and looked up to the Emperor, choosing her words carefully.

"Once upon a time, the Inquisition held the power to eliminate internal threats as it saw fit, regardless of their standing within an Empire. Now they are little more than a pack of poorly controlled hounds that bay at those the Lord Inquisitor has bias views against, whether those views are justified or not. The inquisition is no longer fit for its purpose, however there is still clearly a need for something of that ilk."

"We are as a nation, creatures of conflict, usurping those in seats of power is how the lesser of us come to rise into it, a tradition that has survived for thousands of years, but when that infighting reached the levels it has done today it should be stopped, if only to save the wasted resources such conflicts consume. If the Dark Council cannot be trusted to stop it, let alone not be involved in it, and you yourself cannot be expected to police such ineptitude then perhaps another approach is required."

"I might suggest another inquisition, one with actual power, but no matter who you seat at its head, it will always wind up being for personal gain and not for the success and security of the Order, so perhaps a new law. One that forces conflicts of such magnitude to be settled with a kaggath."

Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean


The gaunt looking boy glanced somewhat cautiously at the dark robed figure that seemed to appear from nowhere and who took a seat beside him. He could sense…something eerie coming off of the Sith who had taken a seat next to him, but he tried to keep to himself as much as possible.

His attention was further pulled away from the newcomer when a Sith Lady Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , who apparently had her own grievances against his High Priest, began her own remarks and rebuttals against Darth Strosius Darth Strosius before the Sith Emperor. Unbeknownst to the young boy, the woman was the one responsible for the attacks carried out against Formos and against his own family. He may not have been aware of such events now, due to his focus being his studies - and his survival - within the Academy…but the truth would reach his ears, eventually.

Veradun startled slightly when the cloaked figure seated beside him suddenly spoke, and it took the young Nagai a moment to realize that they were speaking to him, and then another moment to recognize that this stranger was right - if they could feel his fear, then surely others could as well. And he knew very well how fear could be used against one’s self, and the less he gave to his fellow Acolytes to use against him…the better off he would be.

He turned his head ever so slightly to glance at the dark clad Sith, and as he did so - he swallowed the fear he felt in the moment, internalizing it instead, until all that he felt and exuded was a numbness that he had grown so accustomed to feeling over his young years. There was the briefest sense of relief, however, upon hearing from the other the reassurance that his High Priest wouldn’t be killed, not before the Assembly anyway - but even that seemed to be consumed by the numbness.

Pale blue eyes regarded the stranger in silence, listening to their quietly spoken words that were shared to him, ignoring the others in the Assembly who were now speaking as this dark clad figure had his attention for the moment. After a few seconds ticked by, his gaze slid away to glance at the corpse Emperor, wondering all the while if what the stranger said was indeed true.

…had others within the Empire forgotten to fear the Emperor? He knew his High Priest did not fear the Corpse upon the throne. Did his sister fear him? He couldn’t say for sure, for she had never spoken about the Emperor to Veradun.

But the Emperor was their leader, was he not? Surely that alone deserved honor and fearful respect from those he ruled over…

The boy’s piercing blue gaze returned to the robed Sith, when the other mentioned that they - the Sith - would soon be at war against the Jedi and the Galactic Alliance. Though young, Veradun was quick enough to know that he was being trained to serve the Order in that war. He was fine with that: he had no love for the Jedi. A Jedi had tried to stop his sister from pulling him to safety and away from the scary soldiers and blasters that had been all around him in that frightful place. Why? Because she had been a Sith, and that was all the Jedi could see or cared about.

Veradun regarded the other with both wary caution and intrigue when they offered their advice, and he got the barest glimpse of what was hidden behind the dark hood. Whoever this was, told him that he did not have to choose a side, should the choice ever come before him. The young teen had a brief, internal war upon hearing this, as his sense of honor almost demanded that he pick the side of his family - but he also knew it would be unwise of him to disregard the advice or wisdom from another Sith, especially one who had lived through enough upheavals to know what might be coming next.

The few questions directed at the Nagai boy made him pause to think, and he frowned slightly in reflection.

Did he want to remain as he was now, forever? No.

Did he want to be frightened by those above him who would seek to destroy him? No.

Did seek his own throne, or in other words power, for himself? Now that was the true question, now wasn’t it?

Veradun turned his icy gaze back towards the cloaked figure and responded in the same, quiet tone of voice that the stranger used, speaking slowly and thoughtfully as he did so:

I think we both know the answer to those questions, my Lord. Of course I don’t want to remain as I am now. And I don’t want to be afraid of anyone; what Sith wants to be ruled by fear, by cowardice? I would be ripped apart by others if they believed I am ruled by my fear. I do want to be strong and powerful - enough that no one will ever hurt me, or hurt my family. And if they do, I can make them suffer for it.

Veradun paused for a moment as he regarded the dark robed stranger, before asking a more probing, curious question. “So why have you come to me, my Lord? Why tell me these things?

Direct Tag: Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron


"Because you aren’t certain of your own future.”

A rather vague statement, but that could be said for all Acolytes. They all want to be Sith, but what does that entail?

“Allow me to propose a hypothetical future. The Sith, as they are prone to do, fracture and fight each other for power. Let us say your High Priest seeks to take hold of the Empire for himself and he asks for your support. You’d jump at that chance, wouldn’t you?”

Nefaron leaves little time for him to respond before he pushes forward.

“But oh, in these treacherous times, a Sith Lord can grow… paranoid. He asks you to prove yourself, one vile, brutal act to ensure your place at his side. You might think him to be family, but what do you do when he demands you kill your sister? You might think such a thing impossible, but deep down you know it is not. Darth Bane murdered his own father to liberate himself. Darth Sidious slaughtered every single member of his family to claim his place as apprentice to Darth Plagueis.”

Ancient history, but the Sith tended to repeat throughout their history. It was no mistake that Bane and Sidious became two of the most powerful Dark Lords in the history of the order, but they made a sacrifice that the boy thought impossible to make. Nefaron sought to make him doubt, to make him understand that the only way to take hold of his own destiny was to allow no one else to hold him back.

"Your emotions have revealed much. You sit here, frightened of what may happen to those you hold dear... but you fail to see your own ruthless ambition. I have watched you during your time in the academy, I know that you are but an insult away from unleashing that monster you keep bottled up. I know these feelings, one day long ago I felt them rip me apart... but then I realized that that raw, honest emotion was key to making me into a true Dark Lord. I wanted it, and so I made it a reality. Murder, betrayal, endless suffering... all to propel me one step forward on the path the Dark Side set out for me."

From the history of long-dead Sith to hints at his own history, Nefaron had said much but he felt now was the appropriate time to goad the boy further. Nefaron saw in him a proper student, one who was wasted on the endless jocking and political maneuvering that came with the Sith Academy. In truth, Nefaron was sickened by what the Sith had become. There was no place for family, for the love Dark Lords had embraced in marrying and producing offspring. They fooled themselves into believing the Dark Side would spare them the pain of betrayal at the hands of brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers. Soon enough, young Veradun may be forced to choose between service to those he cares for and his own craving for power, and Nefaron was all but certain the boys' ambition would surface when necessary. But he sought more from him than a simple conversation.

"You are in Darth Strosius's service, and I am not asking you to betray him. As it happens, Strosius and I find ourselves on the same side for the time being, and so I would offer you this: the Academy limits you. I would take you away from it, take you to those worlds that hold secrets of the Dark Side, secrets that the Academy may not teach you for years to come. Strosius will soon be embroiled in a war with the Jedi and soon the wrath of the Emperor, so he will have little time to give you the attention that you require."

Nefaron passed a holocommunicator to the young Nagai, before rising from his seat, his face now revealed under his cloak. If the boy had not recognized him by now, the revelation would come soon enough. It was time he came to the truth of his being there.

"I would have you as an apprentice. You will continue to serve Darth Strosius as I know he has come to mean much to you, but I will show you everything you crave and so much more. Take time to consider my offer, when you have made your choice... simply contact me. I waiting eagerly."

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Empyrean had waited a few moments in silence before the first of the Sith rose to speak against him. Darth Strosius Darth Strosius had long held grudges against everyone in the Empire that wasn't loyal to him. It was juvenile, lacked foresight, but more than that Strosius had allowed himself to be lead by the nose to hit against his betters. There was no subtlety, so build up of strength to challenge, he simply did the most pointless things against the most pointless of enemies.​
So Empyrean stood quietly as Alisteri spoke about Empyrean's failings, about the leadership of the Sith, and how this wasn't his Empire. The most glaring mistake the Inquisitor made, was that it was his Empire. He forged it, from the hammer strikes of his army, of his strength, against the combined will of Darth Ophidia and Darth Carnifex, leave alone the other thousand upstarts who threatened them. It was he who burned Makem Ti, Junction, Aing-Tii, and more worlds than he could count.​
His army that did the Dark Tides that created the foundation of his Empire. His. His alone.​
But he stood in silence as those he dragged to greatness floundered and fought against the leash he had given them. They demanded the freedom to bite one another, and as he looked away they had done exactly that - now they scream about how unfair he has been to give them such wonders. How he needed to change the laws to benefit peace.​
He didn't have to do anything. It was his Empire, after alll.​
"Thank you, Darth Arcanix.", he said with a glance to Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , then back to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar .​
"As I recall, Darth Strosius, you had more to do with the fall of the last Empire than I did. Was it not you who failed to stop the Imperials, time and time again? World after world? You and a thousand others.", Empyrean said in a cold tone.​
"So now, after failing to keep another Empire alive, you'd tell me how to keep my Empire alive? On what grounds? You can't even deal with a single Dark Councilor, but I am to what...", he said with a swish of his still mortal hand.​
"... Accept you have the answers to our problems? Perhaps our Empire shouldn't be ruled by those who failed it before, but it is better than to watch it fall to the inept. The Inquisition rides on the momentum of Darth Ophidia's greatness, but it slows and falters by the day. You have wasted its strength, and with your failings, a greater rift has opened in our Empire than anyone else could create."​
"Even now, Jedi have helped foster rebellions on our worlds that you have failed to deal with, because you're too busy trying to kill another Sith.", he said flatly, more low than before.​
"So, Darth Strosius, tell me what it is you think should be done? Do you have the strength to correct our course, or will you beg and plead with me to change my course out of sympathy? I will give you this single moment to declare yourself for what you are - a coward, or a Dark Lord. Make it quick."​

Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge


Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean / Firrerreo Firrerreo / Jarek Voss Jarek Voss / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar / Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr / Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron

As one might expect from his reputation, the Lord Inquisitor was none too pleased as the Dark Councilor rose in rebuttal to his levied remarks. Those seated near him would easily catch the growl that accompanied the opening words of Lady Raaf's counter argument, as well as the sound of creaking metal as his fingers closed into fists around the railing before his seat. He scanned the room for a moment as though checking for possible avenues, of escape or attack was uncertain, but his gaze snapped back to the Dark Councilor immediately at the challenge.

Right as it looked as though he was about to haul himself over the railing and eagerly answer the challenge, he paused as the newest Zambrano stepped past him. In an instant the ire of Darth Strosius shifted to Lina as he let out a hiss of disgust and malice through what must have been clenched teeth. "Kainite trash."

Her scathing argument against him was slightly more impassioned and personal than Lady Raaf's, for it called for action rather than just dismissing him and his claims outright. At the moment he couldn't decide which approach was more infuriating nor which of the two Sith were more worthy targets for his anger. Given the current state of affairs neither were the most assailable anyway, but it eased him somewhat to have a focus for his wrath and rage.

A focus that was asserted as the third option, the only one that mattered, as Empyrean gave his response.

He fixed the corpse with a glare, one that was hidden but very obvious given the tension evident in every muscle of his form, as he chose to align with Lady Raaf's route of dismissal. It was only natural that two of the cancers should come together he supposed. Just as expected, just as they always did to maintain their power and quash the Sith beneath them. Yet despite how obvious it was he was still no less sickened by it. Especially with it being directed right at him.

Darth Strosius was silent as Empyrean's words rang in the air, his hand at his side clenching and unclenching as though searching for purchase amidst a freefall. He was debating, calculating, attempting to find the best road ahead. But in the end his pride won out above all other options. He rolled his shoulders and stood up straighter before nonchalantly lashing out and severing the railing in front of him with a swift kick. "I need not declare anything, Empyrean, I need only remind you."

He stepped forward and gestured harshly towards where Lady Raaf sat. "Unlike most of your mindless puppets I was in no position of authority in the old empire, I simply had to watch as all of my efforts were ruined due to their ineptitude and selfishness. I failed nothing and no one, I was the one that was failed!" Then a clawed finger pointed at the corpse as he took another step forward. "And unlike the rest of the Order I have not forgotten your part in our downfall! When you clambered to the wretched Worm for power and betrayed us all when we were at our most desperate. Maliphant."

His other hand was thrown back as he glanced at Lina, the splayed open fingers curling into a shaking fist. "But I am no coward! I do not beg and whimper at the feet of those that claim to be my betters just to get ahead in this great game of the galaxy!" His gaze swept over the room once more as he spread his arms out wide. "Before you stands the Sith that led the assault on the Malsheem, that led the strike into the very heart of the Kainate when Carnifex and his ilk revealed their true colors once more!"

Another step and another grandiose gesture that sent his heavy robes flying as he moved forward. "Before you stands the only Sith that was not content to led the Kainate corrupt and taint the Holy Worlds without a fight, for I too led efforts to reclaim Korriban and Dromund Kaas so that they were not solely left in the grasp of proven traitors and degenerates!" Finally he stopped short of where Empyrean sat and peered up at the corpse as the light reflected in his black visor.

"Before you stands the Sith that felled Darth Ophidia when her vile weakness was revealed! While all others cowered and hid from her reach, I drew her last breaths with my own strength and claimed her former powerbase for my own! To use it as it was meant to be, to secure and strengthen the Sith!" The masked man gestured up at Empyrean then, his voice swirling with a defiant pride and anger that had yet to be quenched. "Before you stands Darth Strosius! Lord Inquisitor of the Sith Order, Last Sith of the Tenth Sith Empire, and once I tear out the beating heart of the Jedi and the Core Worlds for the Sith, you will bow before me."


Alisteri rose to the bait, much against the advice of those nearest him. Empyrean made the most subtle of glances towards Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar , but his gaze was anything but mortal so she would feel the pressure of it. Like a breeze filled with a summer heat, it stripped the moisture from the skin only to leave as soon as it had arrived, leaving her all the colder in the room. It fell back upon Strosius as he closed the distance to him.​
"Did you hope that in my last life, I might fight to keep those you detest in power? I saw their weakness before you did, but now you're angry with me for having the better foresight.", he mused.​
"Damned if I did, damned if I didn't, Darth Strosius. Your vendetta has as little sense as you do justification."​
Empyrean let his other arm form, the black cloud in the cavity of his chest forming to be almost opaque but warping along its edge, like heat in the desert. It made his arm look like a mirage as it fought against the laws of reality to sustain itself, kept in form by the whip of the will. The Corpse glanced down to Strosius, as though waiting for something, then spoke -​
"So, you have made enemies of half the Order, failed to cull any of them, and had to have your co-apprentice help you get the one accolade to your name. Now you propose I will bow to you?", Empyrean asked again.​
"I grow tired of your barking, mutt. Either bite, or surrender yourself to my judgement. I don't care which.", he said, gently lifting his immaterial hand, balling it into a fist.​


Kaivaan Raaf listened intently from the shadows of the House Raaf section, his mind processing Darth Strosius's tirade with a mixture of disdain and bemusement. As a student of Galactic History and a keen observer of Sith politics, he found the display both predictable and pitiful.

When Strosius finally paused, his grandiose speech echoing in the hall, Kaivaan decided to step forward, his expression carefully neutral but his eyes glinting with sharp intelligence. The fact that Strosius had abducted him and his siblings to use as leverage against their grandmother, Darth Arcanix, only fueled his contempt.

"Strosius," he began, his voice cutting through the tension with a cool, almost mocking tone, "it's fascinating to hear you speak of your so-called triumphs. But I must say, your obsession with attacking fellow Sith worlds instead of focusing on real threats is not only misguided, it's a colossal waste of energy."

He stepped closer, his gaze unwavering as he locked eyes with the masked Sith. "You boast of leading assaults on Malsheem and reclaiming Korriban and Dromund Kaas, but what do you have to show for it? A trail of destruction within your own ranks? A fractured Order that plays right into the hands of the Galactic Alliance and the Jedi? They must be laughing at our expense, feasting on our division."

Kaivaan's voice took on a sharper edge as he continued. "You speak of not begging at the feet of those who claim to be your betters, yet here you stand, trying to convince us of your strength by recounting your internal vendettas. Darth Ophidia, a legendary assassin and inquisitor, understood the value of unity and subtlety. She would have achieved her goals without this... tantrum you're throwing."

He paused, letting his words sink in, before delivering the final blow. "Your fixation on personal grudges and vendettas shows your weakness, not your strength. Power should be wielded by those who understand the broader picture, who can unify rather than divide. The failures of the past Empire were not just the result of a few Sith, but a collective failure to recognize our shared responsibility in its downfall. You're not a powerful Sith Lord, Strosius. You're a coward with too much power, misusing the Inquisition for personal gain."

Kaivaan's expression softened slightly, but his tone remained firm. "The Inquisition needs a leader who isn't tied to any faction, who can rise above petty rivalries and truly strengthen the Sith Order. And from what I've seen today, that person is certainly not you."

He paused, a smirk playing on his lips as he added with a snarky edge, "Oh, and by the way, thanks for the abduction. It really gave me some perspective on just how desperate and pathetic you've become. Trying to use me and my siblings as pawns against our grandmother? Classic move, but it only highlights your failure. Next time, try aiming a little higher."

Kaivaan stepped back, allowing the weight of his words to linger in the air, confident that his assessment had hit its mark and that his scathing critique would resonate with those present.
The great doors of the congregation swung open with a snapping cacophony, as out from the darkness of their frames, walked forward a figure with apparel and drapes as dark as his surroundings, as dark as the power which he wielded. His robes flowed across his form with ease, like waves crashing against the sandbanks, only to recede to whence they came, robes which pressed against his torse highlighting the lithe yet still hale figure, who held a height towered yet not overwhelming. Drawing upwards, to a mask, a mask which had become more and more famous and infamous in equal measure among this order, a mask of the oldest of Sith Lords, the mask of the youngest of Dark Councillors.

The cloak billowed in his wake with every step step holding the weight of the epicentres of quakes which only he felt, yet spread out across all those assembled.

"My apologies for the delay, Your Imperial Majesty, all my fellow Sith gathered here, matters in the Stygian Caldera required my attention, but I suspect you will all be pleased with their conclusion," Malum spoke, reaching the centre of the assembly, bringing his hand to his chest, and offering his nod of fidelity to the Dead God, the mask fixed forward, as masked eyes looked towards those that had spoken thus far, from the corner of his vision.

He might have been late.

But the Lord of the Tsis'Kaar heard all, saw all.

And with a form that though held a deep command of itself, his tenseness was prevalent throughout, hidden perhaps by the flowing robes, but still evident enough.

He would much rather have worn hi- their armour.

He was none too pleased with what had been said so far.

Alas, most of his participation in this game had been far from enjoyable in the first place, why did that need to change now?

Once again, here he was saving his fool of an...

Of an...


Malum swallowed, the protrusion at his throat bobbing like an apple in water,
"At the end of the day, I believe this discussion means little and little else, I am certain we are all glad to see His Imperial Majesty returned victorious from the enemies at the frontier, we can wax poetic regarding the fall of the previous empire all day and shall not reach any satisfying conclusion, when half of those gathered fought for said Empire and cannot answer that question without debate, what is left to us?" His mask turned towards the acolytes who were watching this display, "Amongst us younger Sith, those without lifespans that extend to the immaterial, we did not witness the fall of the old empire, not to any degree to remember it clearly at any rate, this empire is the only home we know, and it is the only matter worth discussing."

His vision turned back towards the Corpse King, "And thus, unity, I would say the matter is resolved, Darth Arcanix's grandchildren were returned to her, and Darth Strosius Darth Strosius has accepted my Kaggath, all the while despite any disunity in our ranks these past few moons, with only one exception, attacks within the Order have been kept to the minimal, and while His Imperial Majesty has been away, his Dark Council has successfully made the bridge to the Galactic Alliance," His vision refused to break, even when he was so sorely tempted to look towards Ali- Darth Strosius and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf , "It is His Imperial Majesty's Dark Council which has achieved this and would achieve even more without your absence, nay shall achieve even more with your presence," If the immortal tyrant wished to equate his victories against worlds that could barely defend themselves with a superstar destroyer at his beck and call with the campaign towards the north that had been rife with Alliance interference, it was his perogative.

But all of this, the dismissal of the past, having to feign respect for actions that were useless and innane.

It grated on final nerves.

"As final proof of all which we have achieved in your absence, for the Empire, I present to you a gift, I present to the entire Order a gift," He gazed back towards the inky depths of an entrance from which he had come, the sound of wheels strumming across all's ears.

A familiar face to many amongst the oldest guards, a face that harkened back to the days of the One Sith.

Tied up to a wheeled craft, near a cart, bound and gagged.

Alicia Drey Alicia Drey

"Presenting the Staff-Director of the Empire of the Lost's New Imperial Security Bureau, an agent of Darth Solipsis' Dark Empire, and figure who brought us to war on Tion, Darth Ayra," His vision turned towards all those gathered, "I say, if blood must flow today, it should be our enemy's, and I am more than willing to be the executioner."

Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Kaivaan Kaivaan Zarava Dekki Zarava Dekki Jarek Voss Jarek Voss Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron Firrerreo Firrerreo Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar
Lina closed her eyes and let out a small exasperated sigh at Darth Strosius Darth Strosius hissed insult, and responded with the slightest shake of her head. Was this what a child's tantrum was like? Or perhaps it was one of a petulant teenager that believed they knew everything? There were resemblances to both. It was a dangerous combination to have.

Her gaze shifted to the Emperor as for the briefest of moments their eyes met, and the room around her seemed to grow a little colder. She watched him step closer, watched the dark arm form as he did so, the one that could take away life with but a touch if the rumours were to be believed.

"Truly, Strosius, your hubris knows no bounds for all you claim to have achieved. What is there really?." She took half a step forward before recalling the dark cloud of an arm that shimmered on the Emperor's shoulder and opted instead to stay out of its reach.

"You failed in your assault on the Malsheem. You failed to take the Holy Worlds. The only claim you have to your name, is that you were one of the two sith to bring Ophidia to her death."

As if on cue, the doors to the chambers opened admitting Malum into the room, fashionably late and with a perfectly timed distraction. She listened as he spoke, though her piercing emerald eyes never left Strosius masked visage.

"At least your counterpart has proven himself. His actions and results mark him the better heir to Ophidia's legacy. We hardly need the kaggath to know the truth of that now, do we?" She said in a low voice, the barest of smirks on her face.

Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Kaivaan Kaivaan


Veradun couldn’t deny the simple answer to his probing questions towards the stranger. No, he wasn’t certain of his future. He could hardly see past his days spent under the Formos sun, or see beyond his newest horizon - that of being within the Academy. All he could do was live through each day, keep his eyes open at all times, and fend off those who would seek to destroy him or use him as a stepping stone in their rise to power.

And now that his High Priest was berating the Emperor - well, now his future really looked to be uncertain. He doubted his other sponsor, Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr , would take him under his wing. The other seemed far too busy these days, and Veradun couldn’t fault him for that since he knew the Sith Lord was a Dark Councilor.

The boy cast his gaze about him in an almost cautious manner, glancing at the other Acolytes that were around him, before he looked back at the stranger to listen as they continued on, presenting a hypothetical future for Veradun to mull over. He almost replied to the question raised by other Sith, but before he could the stranger pressed onward - an indication to the young boy that his contribution to this conversation was simply to listen.

But it was hard to do so, the more he heard what the stranger had to say.

Kill his sister? His High Priest would never demand such a thing from him

…would he?

Veradun frowned, a worrisome crease to his pale brow as his thoughts waged war with one another. He adored his sister; he would never seek to kill her for his own gain. Even if another more powerful than he demanded it. Even if the order came from the Emperor himself. He just couldn’t, no...wouldn’t, do it.

Pale eyes flickered back up to look at the cloaked figure again as the other candidly told him that he had revealed much through his emotional response, in revealing his fears for those he cared for most.

Was it true? Did his fear for the safety of his loved ones conceal his ambition? Was it so glaringly obvious to this Sith that they would point it out to the teenage boy? He had little time to think on the matter before the stranger continued, however. Veradun blinked in surprise when the other revealed that they had been watching him during his time in the Academy. Enough to learn about his personality, about what drove him, like his ingrained sense of honor. The boy was insightful enough to know that a Sith Lord would only take such an interest in an Acolyte for a reason…

Even as the suspicion began to grow within his mind, the boy kept his silence and continued to listen as the stranger spoke - though his attention was growing a bit more divided due to the arrival of others upon the Assembly floor, and the accusations and barbs that continued to be passed amongst the gathered Sith. He wanted to be respectful and give his attention to the one who had taken their time to speak to him, but he also wanted to know what was happening on the Assembly floor.

When the Sith Lord seated beside the Nagai paused, the boy shifted his eyes outward to look upon those who were challenging Darth Strosius’s claims. He memorized their faces, how they spoke, how they carried themselves. It was something he had learned to do when living on the streets of Tund as a small orphaned boy, when he found people he wished to avoid, or those who presented themselves as possible threats or enemies. And now that he had a family - anyone who set themselves against them and dishonored them, were his enemies.

And the more he heard from others down below, the more he felt a cold yawning void growing in his soul. Something that he had been forced to learn, before even coming to the Academy, was self control. This stranger was right…that monster within wanted to be let loose, but he exercised his self restraint, for now. There would come a time when he could unleash, but now was not that time.

His gaze slid back to the hooded Sith beside him when the other continued. They didn’t ask him to betray his High Priest - not that he would have anyway. But the rest of what the stranger had to say really captured his interest, and all but confirmed his growing suspicions. This Sith Lord wanted to take him away from the Academy, to show him worlds steeped in the secrets of the dark side. To take him away from those he knew, those who kept a watchful eye on him. His pale blue eyes lowered to the holocommunicator the other extended to him, and he eyed it for a moment as the truth was finally revealed, and the Nagai’s suspicions were proven correct.

Veradun reached out and snagged the communicator from the other’s hand and quickly hid it away, briefly glancing at those around him to see if they had caught wind of what had just transpired. He was cautious of the others, and for good reason. Such an offer was an honor, and many Acolytes didn’t even receive such a thing. If they suspected anything, then it could cause some to rise up against him and try to kill him to take his place, to try and prove themselves more worthy than he for an apprenticeship.

He wasn’t going to let anyone take this opportunity from him.

You have given me much to think about.” Veradun replied quietly to the Sith Lord, looking up as he did so. A look of surprise and shock flashed across his face upon seeing the other’s countenance, though he was quick to recover and compose himself so as not to come across as disrespectful. “I-I will consider your offer, my Lord.



"Right now I am weak. Powerless. You inflict suffering on me because you are strong enough to do so. Your actions prove the truth of what I believe."
-- Darth Bane, drugged and held captive by Princess Serra.

Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

The soft roll of wheels pierced through the tension that had shifted throughout the room as Darth Strosius Darth Strosius stood defiant before the Corpse Emperor : Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean . As Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr made his entrance into the room- his words bidding all those found within the confines of this Rubicon to relent their aggression away from each other to their true enemies- a traitor was revealed before them gagged, tied up and at the mercy of the most powerful congregation of Sith Lords ever amassed in a millennia.

It was Darth Ayra.

A pair of solemn eyes found themselves lowered to the floor as the hovercraft which carried Darth Ayra followed the beckoning of it's owner as he entered the room. The darkness of the hallways behind them gave way to the piercing illumination: it's craft deliberate in it's attempt to present a sensation of foreboding and doom to all those who occupied the same space as the Worm. At the behest and sheer will of their Emperor the Sith Order stood at the precipice of all out war with the Galactic Alliance. Revenge against the Jedi was near if only through victory could the Sith be freed to claim it.

With the Empire of the Lost occupied with the newly forming rebellion known to some as the Tingel Arm Coalition and the raiding parties of the Mandalorian Protectors the territories of the Stygian Caldera had been secured from Imperial threat as the lowly Moffs who ruled upon Lianna found themselves distracted from the Sith who had plunged their decadent Empire into all out chaos. The planet Felucia had also been secured into the dominion of the Kainites with all it's resources safeguarded from further incursion; and the hypergate at Florrum now held as a connector between the Sith Holy Worlds and it's mainland territories found around the Capital of Jutrand. Indeed, the Fifth Wing had played it's part well.

Now it's chief architects stood before the Worm, the Last Sith of the Tenth Empire and the Betrayer amid the collection of promising Sith Acolytes looking to rise and supplant their way to the top of this decadent Sith Order: served as a martyr to the next chapter of
t h e C o r e W a r s.

It was all so disgusting to Her.

As the hovercraft made it's stop before Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean , Darth Strosius Darth Strosius and Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf Ayra found herself nostalgic. Since Operation: Absolution she had believed herself to be the architect of a grand design to restore the true ways of the dark side. Revolution had been on her mind from the moment she had been freed from that Alliance prison by the 'dark' Imperials who now occupied the Core. Her work had culminated in the destruction of Tion and with it thousands of Sith who had been thrown into the meatgrinder against the Imperial forces under the control of Velran Kilran Velran Kilran whom she had been manipulating from his seat upon Lianna from the very moment of his inauguration until now.

Until now.

Upon the seat of absolute power within the heart of Jutrand itself Darth Ayra had been served up to the Sith Order she had sought to destroy and rebuild for only through destruction can one breed creation. From the halls of the One Sith and their purge of the Galactic Republic to the position of spy for Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis and his New Sith Order to the ranks of the New Imperial Security Bureau as it's Staff Director until, finally, entering a conspiracy with the likes of Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr to form the Fifth Wing Darth Ayra- a follower of the Rule of Two, the modern day Banite- believed that she had been in control of her own destiny: the chief architect of a series of events that would see the reformation of the Sith into a paradigm that Bane would nod in approval of.

Slowly Darth Ayra lifted her gaze from the ground- her mind swimming in a sea of memories- to look upon the one who had outsmarted her. Her solemn eyes narrowed in her conceit as she locked a pair of bloodshot eyes brimming with the power of the dark side upon Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr with the realisation of her defeat.

You have been deceived ;
and now your order shall fall.



Tag: Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean | Firrerreo Firrerreo | Jarek Voss Jarek Voss | Darth Strosius Darth Strosius | Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron | Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr | Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar | Kaivaan Kaivaan | Alicia Drey Alicia Drey
Location: Jutrand

There was a ripple just behind Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean that would be hard to witness.

The very air bent and twisted whilst an undeniable chill began to fill the grand hall. Sweeping from soul to soul without any aim but pressing outward with purpose. There was no need for the herald to announce her arrival, nor, would the Praetorians react to her sudden presence. Darkness and light warped in such a blasphemous way that when one element swallowed the other it created a doorway in the shadow of the Corpse King. Her hand found his shoulder. Her body crossed the void…While tendrils that were black as pitch clung to her. Seeking to keep, her.

Nothing could hold her, nothing, could reduce her to less than what she was. Not even the primordial.

Srina had heard enough.

It was the invocation of the name Maliphant that had drawn her fourth.

The disrespectful invocation.

Her lithe form came to face the assembly while the way through the void snapped shut behind her. There were things that needed to be settled between herself and her husband but there had never been a moment she when had not supported his vision. The arguably small woman seemed even smaller beside the grotesquerie that Darth Empyrean had become. His deformity raised her general symmetrical features and delicate cheekbones to the ethereal. But…Such winsome notions ended when emotionless golden orbs landed on the assembled parties.

Her husband could be…Brash. The patience that Maliphant had once held wasn’t much better. He had a way of holding apathy while twisting any conversation into an insult. His sharp tongue and fast wit were one of the things that had drawn her to him so many years ago. He had a fire that she did not. An understanding of emotions, that Srina, severely lacked. Her hand slid down his leathered arm that was in the material world and rest in the crook of his elbow for a moment as Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr brought in a rather interesting guest. She recognized the face. The name.


The wintry woman stepped out from beside her husband and the shadows moved with her. Almost aching to follow her every move, to bow, where she required that no living soul do such a thing. She approached the youngest member of the Dark Council and placed her hand on his shoulder. It was a simple thing…To touch. To form a connection that hadn’t been there moments before. The raven-haired man would know it was part of how she communicated. As would her husband. The rest of the room?

Not so much.

Despite the fact that the Empress of the Order radiated lethality her expression was a perfect mask of tranquility. She didn’t say anything at all for a long moment and eventually, her eyes trailed back toward the captive. “I look forward to you regaling me of the tale on how this came to be…But I expect you to speak plainly. Not…That.”

Her head shook side to side as if it could dispel the thinly veiled insults wrapped in flowery paper language. She couldn’t be the only one to sense that something was a little off but the rest of the assembled Sith might have just thought it was normal. Empyrean, had, after all, insulted the efforts of the Dark Council for all of Jutrand to see. “Has the usefulness of Alicia Drey Alicia Drey been fully exhausted? If we have taken what is required…I suggest that we let House Marr finish what it started.”

Her hand fell from Malum’s shoulder and she instead turned to Darth Strosius Darth Strosius with a gentle inclination of her head in greeting. As if he had not just insulted the majority of the Sith present with a forked tongue pressed between sharp fangs. He lashed out. The tirade was impressive but it was expected that such an irritable Sith Lord would spare no opportunity to vent his frustrations. “This is a forum to air grievances…Is it not? Your criticisms are noted, Lord Inquisitor.”

“But… It is not up to Malum of House Marr to decide whether an issue is open or closed. The Kaggath between the two of you will be transmitted across the Holonet to the entirety of the Order. I hope that you have both prepared carefully and understand that the results will be final. If I suspect for a moment that either of you are pulling your punches…We will have much to discuss, you and I.”

Her words were wintry, so soft, that the assembly should have had difficulty hearing her. That would not be the case. Dulcet tones would whisper to any ear that might strain as if she were right beside them. It would carry the same scent of jasmine and rain that her presence often did. It was the Force reacting to her as if she were made of it—Not merely wielding it. “But if you require that someone bow for the sake of your purported efforts…”

Srina paused and the same hawkish eyes Darth Strosius had witnessed before settled on him with such intensity that it could have cracked durasteel. There was an unholiness in the grace of her words that would make anyone want to take a step back. She was a contradiction, hard on the senses, with the sun and moon hanging in the same dark sky, a demon, wearing white.

“Make me. If you can…I shall. If you cannot…”

She didn’t finish the sentence.
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Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge


Darth Empyrean Darth Empyrean / Firrerreo Firrerreo / Jarek Voss Jarek Voss / Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf / Lina Ovmar Lina Ovmar / Veradun Sharr Veradun Sharr / Darth Nefaron Darth Nefaron / Kaivaan Kaivaan / Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr / Alicia Drey Alicia Drey / Srina Talon Srina Talon

As expected the masked man scoffed and dismissed the slight rebuttal of the corpse with a wave of his hand. "You simply chose to follow another selfish tyrant, albeit one that desired instability rather than maintaining what was already established. The Worm proved to be no better than any Zambrano or other emperor of the tenth empire. That you of all Eternalists claimed his throne after his death should only prove how weak he was."

His gaze narrowed as the arm formed, a strange and foreign display of power that put him even more on edge. Unconsciously his hand tilted back, his lightsaber sliding down from its hiding place in his sleeve and entering into his palm as he straightened his shoulders. "Funny, I was just about to say the same thing to you, corpse. Your blithering has always been so dull." His fingers wrapped around the hilt of his weapon and rested on the ignition switch as he leered up at Empyrean. All he would need was to land one hit.

Before Darth Strosius could leap at the opportunity though he heard a familiar voice that made him ground his fangs together in frustration. "Evidently I should have taken your tongue when I had the chance, boy." Kaivaan not only resembled his grandmothers the most in physical respect, it seemed he had also inherited their attitudes. "Your youth and relation blinds you to what must be done, to the costs that must be paid to secure victory. Whether you like it or not Lady Raaf stands in the way of our success and therefore must be removed. I'll take no lecturing from some simple-minded little whelp that isn't even worthy to be called 'Sith.' After I'm done with the corpse, you'll be next." He still regretted not simply throwing the little Raafs out of the nearest airlock when he had the chance, if only to save himself the headache.

Again he was interrupted by the doors being thrown open, his venomous glare shifting once more to the newest interloper. "Oh, it's you." The Heir of House Marr flaunted his entrance as always, bathing the corpse in assurances and even compliments before unveiling his apparent prize. One that he helped to claim if memory served correctly. "She's still alive?" He hissed under his breath, glancing between Malum and Alicia with a new source of frustration. What was the point of keeping such a foe around and leaving the chance for her to escape and cause more strife?

Thankfully for the other masked Sith, the newest Lady Zambrano spoke up once more to reignite his ire. "I am no heir. Unlike your misbegotten kind, I make my own destiny and power. I don't suckle at the success of others." Despite the dismissal it was hard to ignore the seething glare she shot her way as he responded. All of this chatter was getting them nowhere, now was the time for action. Now was the time for vengeance. Now his attention returned to the corpse emperor.

But then he stilled and tensed as he noticed a figure by Empyrean's side. The Empress had entered into the fray at last, her sickeningly calm and quiet demeanor serving to contrast the grandiose display of Malum and his own simmering hatred. She even had the gall to approach them, stepping away from the corpse as though she didn't fear for her life at all. Despite every instinct screaming at him to step back, he instead took one forward and ignited his lightsaber with a flourish.

"So be it then." He leveled his blade at Malum but his gaze never left the Empress. "You'll get your sordid little show. But do listen well, for once I'm done tearing the Heir of Marr limb from limb for all to see, you..." He then looked up to the corpse and raised his blade at him. "All of you, will be subjected to your punishments, to the earnings of your sins and failures. Justice will be done and none shall be spared, of that you can be certain." With one final flourish he extinguished his blade and marched out of the room, bumping into Malum harsh on the way out as he did so.


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