Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Rule of Two

The Rule of Two
Darth Pandeima vs. Darth Ayra
Core Worlds.
Bormea sector.
Chandrila system, Chandrila.

It began centuries ago, with the fall of the Brotherhood of Darkness and the creation of the Ruusan Formations. How ironic, that an act that would see to an era of peace would, unknowingly, lead to the creation of a new Sith Order that would undo the Jedi Order and their beloved Galactic Republic. The Order of Sith Lords and the Rule of Two that Darth Bane brought to fruition created a linage that would fulfill the promise of the Sith, for once and for all. Nineteen Dark Lords of the Sith later and the Jedi Order was destroyed; the Galactic Republic toppled; and the creation of a Galactic Empire that spanned the stars.

But the work became undone at the Battle of Yavin. The Rule of Two was ended. In the years that followed the fall of Palpatine, the Jedi Order was rebuilt; the Galactic Republic returned; and then a Four-Hundred Year Darkness came to be. The Sith Order was rebuilt, a new Empire rose out of the dark and the galaxy was plunged back into galactic war. The new era of Chaos has seen the fall of one Sith Order, only to see the return of the One Sith. Now, it would see the transference of a mantle and the end of an apprenticeship.

Darth Ayra did not know who Darth Pandeima's master was. She did not know how the Order of Sith Lords survived or when it was resurrected. Not that it mattered. History was the past and she lived in the present, looking on into the future. Pandeima had taught her apprentice much. How to fight, how to rule and the work that they would do. They had even fallen in love. In the latter years of their apprenticeship, they had both seen to the culmination of Pandeima's research on the essence of life, reaching fruition during Akala's attack on the galaxy when she had given birth to a boy. During the pregnancy, Ayra had ventured to Kursid, spending six months to think about what had happened in the intervening years since they had met and what she would do.

Finally, she had made her decision.

The setting was the outskirts of Chandrila, upon a mountain hill that overlooked the capital of Hanna City. It was here that Circe Savan had revealed herself as the Sith Lord Darth Pandeima to a teenaged Alicia Drey. She became Darth Ayra that night and the Rule of Two came to be once more in secret. They had started here, so they would end here. Lifting the Raxor I to her lips, Ayra made contact with her master.

"There has been a development with Chandrila DataTech that requires a meeting in person. I am where we started. Bring the child. I love you. See you soon."

Ayra closed the communique, dropped it into the grass and stomped on it, breaking it beneath her boot. Her yellow, predatory eyes lifted back up to the city in the horizon. It would be a dark night.
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Darth Ayra"]​
The Ballad of Circe Savan
Hear from me a tale of legendary despair​
Of a woman whose grace was a sickly as rust​
Of how her old fortunes were vaped in the air​
and every last trace of her scuffed into dust​
Her dereliction began with the simplest of acts​
She came with her son to the world of Chandrila​
But her knowledge was clouded, and she lacked the facts​
of her apprentice, the plant-woman killa​
To the coordinates she soon traversed,​
a smile set wide on her face​
it was something she as another rehearsed​
that put young Alicia in her current place​
Soon her spirit would shatter, wards tossed asunder​
Soon her comeuppance would make her pay​
and down with a clatter, her life just a blunder​
It happened that very one day...​

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